CHAPTER FOUR: IT's little girl

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"Hello Bill Denbrough, talking about Georgie. The boy who tragically died." Said Bella.

"How d-do you know my n-n-name and who are y-y-y-you." Said bill.

"Oh no one and everyone. And I saw it happen.. His arm getting ripped off his body him being eaten whole by nevertheless I know." Said Bella gigging a little.

"What the hell is wrong with you." Said Richie.

"And you must be Richie tozier." Said Bella as Will got up and went to her side.

"Sis, let's not take up much of their time." Said Will worried because he know who they where too.

"I'm not done yet. Seeing as you are the only girl you must be Beverly." Said Bella looking at Beverly.

"Yes how do you know this." Said Beverly a little scared.

"I'm so sorry. We will be going their is no explanation for this." Said Will grabbing Bella's hand.

Suddenly everything stopped around them. All of the noise was gone.

"I said I don't want to go!" Yelled Belladonna her eyes getting golden and her teeth getting sharper.

"What the hell is going on." Said Richie the only one willing to talk.

"You shut up. I can feel your heart pounding in your chest it make me Hungry." Said Bella not even looking behind her.

"Sis calm down. Just breath." Said Will as he sat Bella down and once she was asleep everything went back to normal.

"How did you do that and what just happened?" Asked Beverly as everyone just stood there.

"I will answer your questions. But not here somewhere safe." Said Will picking up Bella and gesturing for them to find a place.

"I know. Come with me." Said mike shaken up.

They go to the library ten minutes after. Mike opened the door and everyone went in. Will put Bella down on a table.

No one spoke. It was silent except of everyone's breathing.

"What question do you want to ask first. But know what ever I tell can't be scared of us." Said William with so much sadness in his eyes that everyone agreed.

"Who are you two?" Said Mike starting the conversion.

"You know IT..." Said Will stopping at the name then changing. "Penny wise."

"Yeah we'd rather forget." Said Stanley shaking a little.

"He is are father...I'm not proud of it..but you can't change your family." Said Will flenching for the reaction.

"Ugg!" Exclaimed Bella. "I told you not to tell. Look what you've done I could have been happy."

"Sis they have the right to know." Said Will.

"Wait your last name is Wise..fuck" Said Richie.

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