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It was the morning the sun was just coming over the hill where Bella sat. She had came to this place instead of going to Richie's. It was her thinking place and she had a lot to think about. She hadn't slept but it didn't effect her. Her thoughts had been all over the place last night and now they were becoming clearer. Maybe it was the sun warming her skin after the night. Or maybe it was because she was sitting in the place her mother sat when she watched us play in the fields. But whatever it was she had made up her mind.

"I love Stanley!" She yelled to the field, to the birds and to her mother up above in heaven. Or wherever they go.

Her heart started racing as she ran down the hill towards the square. She lost her footing and fell rolling the rest of the way. At the bottom she got up and started running again. She was breathing so hard when she got to the square. She sat down catching her breath. A shadow appeared in front of her.

"Bella!?" Said Beverly concerned.

Her and the rest of the losers looked as though they were out of breath too.

"W-what happened to all of you." Said Bella out of breath.

"We went looking for you when Richie woke up and you weren't there. We thought..." Said Eddie not able to finish before Richie put the inhaler in his mouth.

"We t-t-t-thought you went to k-kill yourself or s-s-somthing." Said bill.

"No I'm fine. No I'm perfectly perfect!" Said Bella smiling as wide as she could go.

"What h...." Said Beverly before she was cut off by Bella.

"No time to explain! Is it true the Stanley is moving away." Said Bella saddened a little.

"Yes but how do you know. We just found out today. Their leaving in a hour." Said Beverly even more concerned.

Bella jump up and ran towards Stanley's house. She could hear everyone yelling at her to come back. And some of them were still following. She ran around the corner seeing Stanley's moms car leaving their driveway. She push herself as hard as she could to run faster. But the car took off anyways. That didn't stop her she ran in and out of buildings to get to the car. As soon as she thought she was close it was to late. The boundary was right in front of her and the car was just about to be out of her sight.

"Bella!" Said mike as he rounded the corner to find Bella crying at the boundary.

Everyone got there at the same time. Mike came on foot following her the whole way. Bill, Eddie, Richie, William and Beverly were on bikes.

"He's gone! I didn't even get to tell him and now he's gone!" Cried Bella in the arms of Mike.

"Who Stan?" Asked Richie.

"Yes you idiot!" Yelled Bella from behind her hands.

It took Bella a long time to stop crying. Beverly had already left. Bella sat on the Bill's bed as she listened to the voices outside.

"She won't get over it easy. But he's gone there's nothing we can do. His parents got a job somewhere else." Said Eddie.

"We could call him tell him what happened." Said William.

"No he's better off forgetting this." Said Mike.

"Well she can't leave and there's no way I'm leaving her alone here to wallow." Said William.

"I'm staying for as long as it takes for that barrier to come down." Said mike dead serious.

"I've got a school offer. Away from here. Are you sure your going to be ok with her." Said William.

"Yes." Said Mike.

"You promise." Said William.

"I promise." Said Mike.

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