CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Nobody gets her

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Will got two steps in the living room before he noticed his sister. She was sitting on the couch with Stanley on one side and Richie on the other. Mike was sitting on the ground and couldn't help but look at her every once and a while. Eddie was sitting in the chair facing the couch. Bill was with Beverly in the other chair trying not to look.

"Sister?" Asked Will hesitant.

"Yes do I look that different." Said Bella tears welling up in her eyes.

"No I just wasn't expecting this." Said Will.

"I'll explain." Said Beverly.
After Beverly explained everything William had to sit down. Stanley moved and he sat next to Bella.

"William, I'm sorry." Said Bella putting her head in her hands.

She rolled over and cried on Richie's shoulder.

"Hey it ok you didn't mean too." Said William pulling her off Rich to face him.

"I know but it happen of very quickly. It hurt too like a million little nettles poking me" Said Bella her crying subsiding.

"Yeah I bet. Do you need anything." Said Will.

"Yeah. I need to get out this fucking house I'm not used to being coped up in a small space!" Said Bella getting angry.

"Ok where do you want to go." Said Will trying to keep her calm.

"The square. Please." Said Bella tilting her head,pushing her lip out and doing the puppy dog eyes.

"Ok fine. Let's go." Said William getting up.

"Yay!" Said Bella getting up and heading to the door.

Everyone went to the square. Everyone was freezing but stayed because of Bella.

"It's a beautiful day. It's cold but the suns out and it keeps us warm." Said Bella closing her eyes and laying back on Stanley's back.

"Sister come here for a little." Said Will getting annoyed with all the boys starring at her.

"Ok." Said Bella as she got up.

"I don't like how they're looking at you." Said Will when they were far away.

"I can't help that." Said Bella pushing her hair out of her face.

It made two boys walking by look.

"See." Said Bella.

"Nobody gets you I'll make sure of it." Said Will.

"What!" Said Bella as will walked away.

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