Problems ch ⁶

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As I mentioned before I gently pushed the door I saw vaggie kneeling over Charlie and husk leaning against the wall drinking from a flask. It was probably some alcohol.

"You! Get away from us!"

Vaggie raised her spear on me.

"Vaggie I helped her! I wasn't the one that hurt her! In fact-"

Martins screams filled the air but quickly stopped.

"-This was the guy"

I narrowed my eyes and lowered my grin.

"Let me help her."

I took a step forward and she lowered her weapon.


I kneeled down beside her. Charlie was still passed out but was visibly in pain. I wasn't really good with green magic but I can try.

I placed my hands on her forehead and closed my eyes. I started casting the spell quietly. It was dead quiet. No screams no noise. Nothing. Just me mumbling the Latin words. I wish I would never end up here she would be fine. Just fine if I wasn't here. I heard the door opened and close but I focused on the spell.

My hands were glowing with warm green colour. I opened my eyes and finished the spell. Charlie fell asleep and didn't move anymore. I stood up and turned around. Vaggie was giving me the 'you are in hella of trouble' eye and husk was at the bar drinking. Lucifer was saying something to Alastor.

"What the fuck happened!?"

Vaggie yelled at me

"These two angels showed up at the door and stabbed charlie-"

"And you are one of them!?"

"Yes but-"

"Get out."

"Vaggie wait-"



She was staring at me surprised. I cleaned my throat and started talking.

"Yes I am an angel and yes I knew them. No, I am not one of them they kicked me out of heaven and I have zero ideas what were they doing here."

". . . . ."

Vaggie was quiet just staring at me. And Alastor was just standing there with lucifer. It was quiet. Dead silence.

"Get. Out."

Vaggie hissed.

"Fine. Good luck with your hotel."

I hissed back and showed my wings. They stayed golden coloured. I quickly walked out of the door and shut it behind me. My wings were completely healed. Weird. My eyes looked around. The hotel was on the edge of a city. I spread my wings and flew up into the hot air. The air was warm and smelled like sulfur. I was high in the sky. The black clouds were around me.

The wind was flowing through my feathers and my hair was a mess. For a quick second, I saw the whole city from above. It was round and big. There was a lot of lights. Most of them were bars or pubs. At least 100 meters above me was a straight line. I could finally see what it formed. A large glowing pentagram.

I spun in the air and started to fall down. I fell through the black clouds and a few meters before I would hit the first tree I spread my wings and broke the fall. It was a while since I was free to fly. I was gliding above the tops of the trees. I stopped and listened to the sounds of nature. There were birds who were singing, a wolf howling, cracking of the tree branches and something else.

It was more like the sound that came from above me. It wasn't loud and it was more like a swiss. Like a bird but bigger. My eyes looked up into the clouds. There was a silhouette my eyes widened they want me to take me up there by force. I imidietly stopped gliding and flew down into the woods. I might lose them here.

I knew something was wrong. This whole time a thrid angel was here with me. I was dodging the branches of the trees bushes everything. I was focused so wouldnt hit something. I slowed down a bit and looked back. The angel's shadow was on the ground behind me. They were above me still. I looked back and picked up speed.

After a few minutes of flying, I stopped and imidietly and layed against a tree. I was breathing heavily from the long flight. I closed my eyes for just a quick second. A loud bang came from behind and I wasn't able to stand up. I was so tired and scared. I just give up. They would get me anyway. Let's just give in. My eyes traced the forest around me and to the source of the sound. Footsteps. I closed my eyes again hoping they would just knock me out and I would wake up in heaven.

A hand tapped on my shoulder. I jumped up in fear.

"Hello dear y/n"


Just wants to say:
Feel free to point out any grammar errors spelling errors you name it.
Thank you.

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