New place to live ch ⁸

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"That's. Beautiful.."

I said with astonishment.
It really was a piece of beauty. I placed my palms on the purple material.

"It. is. so. SOFT."

"It is made of silk and cotton. It was hand made by me a long long time ago-"

I picked the dress up from the box and lifted it up into the air. It was really long.

"I knew someday I would sell it to someone who deserves it."

"Aww thank you! I really appreciate your help.."

"It is no problem. I am happy to help a friend."

"How much does it cost?"

I carefully placed it back into the plastic box.

"Don't worry about the price dear. "

Rosie shrugged past me to the counter.

"Let's see. I'll give you a bag for it. "

"Hello, again ladies. How did it go?"

"Oh hello, Alastor dear. And yes we are done. I picked y/n dress. I am just about to pack it up."

Rosie responded

"Alright, dear! That sounds great! Let me pay for it."

"No no-no-no. I should pay for myself I don't want to be a burden"

"Nonsense my dear! It is my duty as a gentleman of course!"

"No both of you. It is free. Its a gift from me to you y/n. "

"Really? Thank you so much! I owe you a favour."

"Its okay dear it is free no favours."

She quickly picked it up inside a paper bag and handed it over to me.

"Have a nice day Alastor and y/n. I hope to see you again sometime."

"See you later Rosie dear. "

"Have a great day!"

I smiled at her and waved her a goodbye

After the door from the shop closed behind us Alastor spoke up

"So! What dress did you choose?"

"Oh. Um, its a surprise. You'll see."

I gave him an evil grin. He had an amusing smile and was just staring at me for a quick second.

"Alright then! Now let's go to the place you'll live from now on! My house."

"Wait for wha-"

He narrowed his eyes and smiled at me evilly. He snapped his fingers. POP.

We were at the edge of a forest and the city. My head was spinning a little I sure wasn't used to teleportation. I had never ever tried or was teleported in my whole life. Past and present life to be specific. It was such a weird feeling. It felt like at one second you are standing somewhere and the next you feel the ground beneath you crumble and fall. You fall for a quick second and bam! You are somewhere else.

"Here we are! I hope you will like my house. "

"Uhh- what just happened.."

"You were teleported, my dear! I teleported us since we would walk at least half an hour through the city I am sure don't like all the demons there. So! I decided to teleport us here! I hope you don't mind."

"Oh- um no I don't. I just. I didn't try teleportation before and it is such a weird feeling."

"Don't you worry my dear! You will get used to it! Now let's go~!"

"Oka- "

He grabbed my arm before I could say anything and basically dragged me inside the house.

From the outside, it looked like a big wooden mansion with a few windows and a garden on the side of it. Even from the distance, I could see huge bushes of dark roses and other colourful plants. Also weirdly there was a microphone stuck in the ground in front of the house. It looked quite strange but I didn't mind ut because a lovely instrumental song was coming out of them. From my point of view, it was strange but lovely at the same time and that was a weird combination. I loved roses so I think I'll enjoy my stay here.

"It's so beautiful and peaceful! You have a very nice house Alastor."

"Well thank you! It has been a while since I had someone over in my house!"

"Thank you for offering me to live here. But you really didn't need to I could have-"

"Lived on the streets? Nonsense! I would have never allowed a lady like you to be on the streets of hell."

"That's sweet. Thank you. But I still owe you. A lot"

"You don't my dear. Take it as a friendly gesture! "

He smiled at me and opened the door to the house.


I apologize that this chapter is late I had no time to post it since I was in school from 6 am to 7 pm today. I am sorry again. I am dead inside.


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