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I walked into the kitchen. The colour scheme was dark cold blue. It wasn't my favourite but I had seen the worst colours. There was a coffee maker a microwave oven and a stove. Just a normal kitchen. Nothing special. In the corner of the room was a fridge. I would use that later I don't have any appetite right now. On each side of the kitchen was a door. I wondered which could lead where. I took some time to decide but I chose the one on the right. It slowly opened when I pushed it gently.

It leads to a long hallway and a staircase. I choose the stairs. They weren't long so I just run-up. After I looked into each and every room I concluded that there were two bedrooms a bathroom, a toilet and some other room that I could not get into. It was locked. I shrugged it off. The room must contain something personal I won't snoop around his personal things. The last thing I want is to do is to make another overlord enemy.

I made my way on the dark blue carpet towards one of the bedrooms. I will just hope I won't sleep in his room. Hah, that would be .. . .. bad? Yeah, probably horrific. I don't want to invade his personal space. I would be much happy if someone would just sleep in my bed. This is weird. Why am I overthinking this?? Okay nevermind. Let's just go to sleep I am tired as hell.

I threw my shoes away and socks and sat on the bed. I placed the glass bottle of whiskey on the night table and fell backwards into the silk sheets. They were so soft. I wish I could have those. They had a deep blue colour along with the pillow. The tiredness just took over me and I fell asleep. My vision darkened and I went numb and drifted away into my dreams.

My eyes shot open as I gasped for air but could not breathe. I was underwater drowning. My lungs started to fill with the clear salty water. It burned like it was on fire. I gasped for oxygen again and again and again. But it was useless. I stared up to see the light surface of the water only to be dragged down by the water deeper and deeper and further from the water surface.

The shining bubbles of air were quickly approaching the light and leaving me behind in the shadows. I tried swimming up but something was pulling me down and the water flow was taking me somewhere else. Everything I tried was useless with no avail. It was a few seconds since I first tried to breathe and my skin was turning deadly blue-ish with a little bit of pale grey. I was running out of time.  And yet again my vision blurred and my limbs went numb and I was no longer trying to escape my quickly approaching death. I quickly drifted away into the cold darkness.

I shot up from under the soft covers of the bed. I was breathing heavily from the stress of that ...dream? No, it was a nightmare. I breathed quickly for a minute or two before I calmed myself and was ready to go back to sleep. But the problem was I don't really want to. I slept well and it was enough sleep for me. I was used to sleeping for less than 6 hours a day. My mouth was dry along with my lips I need some water. My eyes looked around the room trying to find something. I saw an alarm clock on one of the night tables.

"3 am"

It was really early. Meh, who cares? I can always drink some coffee or an energy drink. I sighed as I remembered putting that bottle of whiskey on the night table beside me. I reached for it and took a big gulp of the alcoholic drink. It was bitter. Really bitter. It woke me up in and felt more energetic and productive than before. I threw my legs from under the covers to the side of the bed and straightened my back. I yawned and got up. It was still dark absolutely no light. I could barely see my feet or legs. It didn't matter I was going out anyway.

I walked out of the house. It was near a forest. Weird why do all overlords live by a forest? Is it like more peaceful or something? I don't know And I won't bother to ask. I walked into the dark forest. It is really dark I should have some light. So I snapped my fingers and a little dark violet flame appeared in my palm. It shined at least a little light on the trees around me. I grinned and climbed up on one of the tall pine trees. The wind was flowing in between my hair while I climbed up. I left a lot of scratch marks on the bark of the pine. I breathed in the woodland scent of trees grass and plants.

Finally, I was maybe 10 or 20 meters up in the treetop and laid down on one of the branches. I kept my balance and just relaxed. I closed my eyes and breathed out the refreshing clean air.

I opened my eyes because I heard some sounds coming from beneath me. I slowly moved my feet and quietly sat on the branch looking under me. Firstly I didn't see anything other than shadows, trees and bushes but maybe a few seconds later I saw a figure quietly walking towards the door of the house.

I narrowed my eyes to see if it was Vox or not since I couldn't recognise the silhouette.
Who was that? I ain't letting anyone rob Vox house. I inspected the figure closely. Trying to see at least something, hair colour clothes Anything. I wasn't fast enough to recognise the figure. They quietly opened the door. Shit, I left it open. The silhouette walked in the dark house. I watched it close the door but not all the way.

I jumped down the tree Quietly and elegantly and made no sound while landing.  It was still dark since almost no time passed. I swiftly moved forward keeping myself low and stepped in the dead silence filled the house. There was a strange thick tension in the air. I felt a pair of eyes watching me I was just like a hunted animal. I kept moving around the living room and kitchen trying to find the intruder.


Thanks for reading this awful chapter.
Honestly, I think I might need to take a few weeks off a
Since I am in 8th grade and I am applying for high school in one and a half of a  year. So I need to take a break and focus on my studies. I am sorry but I really have to. :( I will still post chapters here and there but not as often. (Usually on weekends)

Signing off


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