Angels and Demons ch ⁵

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*Warning Gore ahead*

* Unedited 11.1 2020*

Y/h = your hight
H/l = hair lenght

It was maybe a week or so since I had been down here in hell. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The people I worked with were very kind including Alastor. Every once in a while u think to myself if I really want to go back. I have here more friends than I have in heaven and here are basically no rules I can do whenever and whatever I want. I can't even drink alcohol in heaven about a day earlier I had my very first alcoholic drink. Husk advised me something weak so I had just a normal Mochito with a bit of alcohol. It was bitter but pretty good. Gosh, I haven't had wine since I was dead I really need to change that. Charlie still doesn't know I am an angel no one knows besides Alastor. I am glad I told him. Every time I look at my wings they are getting darker and darker. The bleeding almost stopped but I don't think I would be able to fly at least for another month. My healing magic doesn't work on them so I need to stick with the old way. Waiting.

I was just down in the lobby helping Charlie with the paperwork. Angel was out and husk was at the bar. Nifty was probably cleaning and I had zero ideas where Alastor is. Vaggie was in the kitchen making lunch.

"Charlie you said that you had an interview in the tv right?"

"Oh yes, it didn't go quite well why do you ask?"

"How about we do another but at Alastors radio station? If he lets us of course."

"I'll think about it. Do you think it would help u-"

Knock knock

Knock Knock knock

I recognised that pattern imidietly. My mind was racing what do I do??

"I'll get it!"

She rushed to the door before I could stop her.

"Wait for charlie no-!"

She opened the door and a spear went through her stomach.

"No! Charlie!"

I ran to her. She was standing there in shock and a little streak of blood slowly dripped down her mouth. There was panic in her brown eyes.

Two angelic figures were standing in the door. The higher one pushed her and tore out the spear. His hair was bright blond and his eyes were dark green. The other figure had blue eyes and dark brown hair.

I caught Charlie in my arms before she hit the ground.

"Get away from that filthy demon y/n"

"Shut up Martin! Do you have any idea what have you done?!"

I focused on healing Charlie's wounds. She was breathing heavily and tears were running down her rosy cheeks.

"I did what I had to do. The extermination is in a few days so she would be probably dead anyway."


". . ."

"Move aside Martin. I said it wouldn't be a good idea anyway."

The other female figure brushed past the frozen angel.

She sat beside me and a green flame glowed inside her palms. She placed it on Charlies wound and in a matter of seconds it disappeared. The blood that was on her mouth faded away into thin air.

"What the actual hell Ruby?! What do you want?!"

"We need you back. "

"No way ."

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