psychosis ²⁰

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I kept my posture low as I walked through the ground floor of the house.  I did not see or hear anyone. No footsteps or even breathing. But I swear to God I had seen that figure go inside. I am not crazy, am I? I can't be crazy I am not even high of cannabis or cocaine. I didn't have those in decades...

Well, I can try them again. I used coke or regular bases. In my time it was normal to have at least one line a day. You know just to get more active. I wasn't addicted to it or anything. And cannabis I had it like only once. It was really expensive so I only had it one time in LA when I was on a tour. Some fan gave it to me. It was the worst thing I have ever tasted I am not planning on doing it again.

I scanned the kitchen with my eyes rather quickly. Nothing nobody was here. I took a few steps towards the stairs that lead to the first floor. I heard some noise. Like clapping. More like shoes clapping against the stairs. They are going upstairs. I quietly but really quickly ran around the corner just to see that figure go up the last stair and disappear from my line of sight. Great. I narrowed my eyes trying to see the stairs while going up. I was maybe five or six stairs up when I didn't pay enough attention and I slammed my shoe too hard and made a loud clap against the wooden stair.


I swore and froze in place. I just gave up my location and my moment of surprise. Great. Well, at least this will be a little practice. It's on you motherfucker.

I let out my wings pop out. I spread them and quickly ran up. I almost slipped on the last one but kept my balance and I was standing on the carpet. Yet again. Nobody was up here. No sound nothing. What was that? I swear to God I saw someone. It wasn't a hallucination, was it? I looked around myself. nobody was on the first floor beside me and probably Vox. A shiver ran down my spine. Something was crawling up my leg.

"What the-"

I snapped my head around and looked down. There was this shadow figure I had watched all this time. It was tall but slim. It had glowing red eyes and long deer ears.

"What the fuck-"

I screamed and shook off the figure off my leg. I stumbled a few steps backwards and fell to the floor. The figure stood up. It was taller than me way taller. It walked towards me and kneeled down.  A creepy ass smiled formed oh it's face. It was glowing red. Like a fucking Christmas tree.

"Is that... Alastor?"

I managed to say. The shadow got closer and closer. Its claws grabbed my throat and started to choke me again. I let out a squeak of pain. I grabbed it's arms and tried to defend myself but the shadow was too strong for me.

"Alastor- s -stop!"

I yelled and tried to get his hands off of my neck. It didn't work. I started to lose my vision and to suffocate.

"Y/n? What is going on?"

It was Vox he came out of the other room.

"Are you okay?"

"No! Get him off of me!"

"Who? There is nobody here."

Vox came closer and sat down beside me.

"Y/n there is nobody here. "

He said. I looked back at the figure who was now standing in front of me staring down at me.

"No! he is right there! Don't you see him!?"

I yelled and crawled a little more away from him. The figure wasn't moving.

"Are you high?"

"No! I haven't had a line for decades!  And why don't you see him! His is right there!!"

I pointed right at him while almost screaming at Vox.

"Y/n there is no one there. There is no one here beside me and you."

"No, I see him clearly! He is right there! Are you blind or something?!"

"Y/n you are having hallucinations. "

He snapped his fingers and a little glowing flame enlighting the whole room. Just as the light reached the shadow-vy figure it just vanished. Like it wasn't even ever there.

" What  the actual fuck-"

I said with awe.

"Y/n are you sure you are alright? I think that. Your 'breakup' might have left some scars on your mental health."

"No no no I am perfectly fine! I just.. "

I froze. A pair of eyes were staring at me from the bathroom. I.. What is happening?

"I need some rest. I.. See you later Vox."

I said before running off to the guest room.

"What happened?"

I mumbled as I crashed onto the bed.
What really was that?? I am certain those weren't just made up things from my mind. They just can't! They were too real to be fictitious! I just.. I need to know what was that. I know that people with PTSD in some cases might experience hallucinations but this was just too real to be fake.

I don't understand.

"Y/n are you sure you are alright? "

"Yeah yeah. I am just fine. "

"You are not fine. That what have you just experienced wasn't normal!"

"I am FINE!"

I yelled at him as I sat up on the bed.

"I am.. Fine. Just fine.."

I said with a quiet but cold voice.

"You are not! Look at yourself! You just hallucinated a few minutes ago! "

"I know! Just shut up!"

The voices... They came back. I heard them before but I ignored them.

"You are nothing"


"A Disgrace"


"Failure "

"SHUT UP! just shut up already! I can't stand this!"

I yelled and grabbed my head. ..

"Y/n! "

Vox yelled back at me

"You need help. And I think I know who might help. But promise me. Try not to piss anyone off. That might be the last thing you do if you do. "

". .   .. "

I stayed quiet.

"Hide your wings. "


"Y/n hide your wings. "

"Fine. "

I mumbled and caused the spell.

"Now what do you want to do? It's 3 am."

"Don't worry. We'll be just fine. Now get up."

I stood up and grabbed Voxs hand. We teleported the world started to shrink and disappeared into the darkness.


Just so you guys know. I might give the reader psychosis. It's for the plot twist okay? Hope you guys don't mind.

Signing off


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