Blood ch ¹⁵

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(Unintentional vent on the end of this chapter I apologize in advance :D)

I have no idea for how long I had been passed out but it could be easily a few hours.

My vision came back as the darkness slowly left my vision. I rubbed my eyes open. My hands felt ... weird...

When my vision focused back and was no longer blurred I noticed that they felt wierd because they were covered in thic black blood.
My eyes shot open


I panicked as I didn't know what just happened. I looked around me.

Mimzy was below me knocked out. there was a long wound on the side of her head. A bloody knife was next to her. I just froze in shock. What.. happen?...

Panicking I stood up looking around me. I was Still at Alastors place in the living room. The air was thick and full of a metallic scent.
I could barely breathe in that room because of the hot and thic air.
There were blood smears and spattered blood all over the walls. It was black so it was hardly noticeable but I could see it sparkle in the moonlight. It shined through the closed curtains. The room looks just like in some horror movie. When I looked back on Mimzy she was breathing but unconscious. Until now I didn't notice that my wings were visible.

"Why.. why are my wings out."

I said confused.
I really had no idea what was happing or what happened.

My shoes were covered in blood. But it wasn't black...
It was bright red. It wasn't mine nor whos was it?

"Oh no no no no no no no-no-no"

No. there is NO WAY.


In a panic, I rushed out of the living room looking for Alastor. I didn't see or heard anyone. It was dead silent.
No noise. Absolutely none.

Adrenalin and panic took over me as I frantically tried to find Alastor.


I said loudly. My voice was failing a bit. My breathing started to become faster and faster as I panicked.


I screamed as I ran in the kitchen.
My shoes left bloody footsteps behind me. My eyes widen.
Alastor was leaning against one of the cupboards with his head bloody red. Both of his Anthlers were thrown beside him. A small pool of blood formed beneath him. Soaking his clothes in a new shade of red. I was horrified.

"Oh, my lord! What happened!?"

I screamed and kneeled down to him. He was breathing. That's good. After I inspected closely his wounds everything that he had were only the large wounds he had on the top of his head from the anthers. Alright, then why is he knocked out? My eyes look frantically around the kitchen. I noticed a small bump on the fridge. Maybe someone smashed his head into the fridge. That must have hurt.

"Alastor! Alastor wake up!"

I screamed at him while shaking his body frantically. I was desperate to know what had happened. I need to know.


I said one more time shaking with him. He let out a groan of pain and opened his eyes.

"Alastor! Are you okay? What happene-"

I was cut off by his hand squeezing my throat. His long claws dig into my skin. The warm blood slowly poured out my neck.

I tried gasping for air but his grib was too tight. I had no other option. Anger filled my head. My wings spread and I hardly kicked him in the stomach making me fly across the room. My throat hurt. I gasped for the air I desperately needed. Both of us took a while to recover at least a few our wounds. I was furious.

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