A new 'friend' ch ¹⁷

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The man was tall maybe a bit taller than me. He had a fancy suit on and long pants and a bow tie on. His head looked like tv and this clothes colour scheme was dark blue and black.

"And who are you suppose to be?"

I hissed at him. I can't allow myself to trust him. I am sure he is like Alastors friend and will try to kill me any second now.

"Oh, I apologize for darling! The name is vox! A pleasure to meet you!"

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"What!? No! "

"Then why are you here?"

"Well, I was out in the forest-"

"Alone just in the middle of nowhere?"

"Please dear don't cut me off. It's rude."

"Alright sure okay but answer me this simple question. What do you need?"

"Well you see darling I hoped to make a new business partner. And you seem like a great option!"

"Me? Oh please! Why would you accept a homeless woman as your 'business partner' "

I shrugged off with my hand and took a few steps away from him.

"What do you know? Maybe I am really broke have no place to live and spent my last few days living here. In a forest.  Living off animals. "

"You see my dear you are perfect for the work I need my partner for. You are a  tough woman. That's exactly what I need. "

He smiled at me

" and what kind of business do you run? A tv station?"

"Close but not exactly my dear!"

"So what is it?"

" well. A tv station but! I am in a desperate need for an assassin. For.. business needs. "

"Oh? Is that so? And how do you know I am not just a fragile little butterfly who wouldn't hurt a thing?"

I said with a sarcastic voice. My face was decorated with a wide smile.

" And you don't think I don't know you y/n?"

"Wait how do you know my name? I am certain I didn't tell you my name."

"Oh, dear! I see you don't know what's happening. Do you?"

"And what is suppose to be happening"

I said with a little uncertainty.

"There is a big prize over your head dear! The radio demon set a 10 000$ reward for your head. Well, he wants you alive but that's not important."

"Wait wait wait. Slow down, tiger."

I gestured with my hands and took a step closer.

"Are you saying-"

I couldn't help but laugh

"Give me a second I cant-"

I just laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Vox was clearly confused.

"God. That was good!"

"Aren't you... Scared?"

"What? No!"

I said and shrugged it off with my hand.

"I could have killed him on the spot but I didn't."

I frowned. I remembered that day clearly.

"If you could. Why didn't you?"

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