A glimpse into the past part 2

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All was well, both Rakshit and Drishti grew up together. Rakshit became Drishti's support system. Since her birth, he has been taking care of her and both loved each other's company. They couldn't stay away from each other even for a day and also they were the only children in their village so they stuck close to each other.

20 years have passed since Drishti's birth and today was her birthday. She was so happy because she knew Rakshit had made a plan to surprise her yet again. He has done the same for all her past birthdays. This time, it was more special because she saw what the surprise is, accidentally. Usually, she would not pay much attention to it because she knew everything he did for her were precious to her. When she turned 18, he handmade a necklace for her as a gift that she has been wearing ever since. She would keep all his gifts close to her. But none of that mattered more than spending time with him. However, this surprise was going to be the most beautiful and special surprise he has thrown for her. He was going to propose to her.

She has seen the ring he made her and since then she began to follow him. She found out that he has secretly organized a place in the beach near their village with her favorite flowers. She couldn't be any more happier. She had wanted to run to him and hug him but she stopped herself because she knew it was a surprise and she didn't want to ruin it for him. So she was waiting for this day for the past week since she found out.

But unknown to both of them, her 20th birthday marked the start of something that was kept a secret from them. It all goes back to the day when Rakshit was 5 years old, an evil witch named Sachini had seen him and had fallen for him as she had predicted that he would turn out to be a very handsome and powerful man. Therefore, in order to make him hers, she cursed the whole village so that no more children will be born after him. As a result, whenever a woman became pregnant, she would lose the baby or even worse die in the process. That's how, Rakshit's mother also died.

In fear of losing more of their people, the village men and women oath that they will never try to have a baby. However, with all evil, there's good in the world. That's where Drishti comes in, she was blessed by the Gods to end the evil witch, otherwise, the human race will be at stake. For that sole purpose was why she was born and for the plan to work, she must get married to Rakshit when she turns 20 so that she can save him and the whole human race. But the everyone didn't want them to worry which is why they didn't reveal the truth to both of them. But it was time. Around a week ago, Drishti's father came to meet Rakshit.

Let's let's look into their conversation:

Uncle: son, I have to speak to you about something.

Rakshit: (concerned) sure uncle, what happened? Is everything alright?

Uncle: everything is alright. I just wanted to speak to you about Drishti and your marriage. You know that it has always been confirmed that you two will marry each other since before Drishti's birth.

Rakshit: yes uncle, I know. But is anything the matter? Why do you sound worried?

Uncle: son, I think it's time. I want you both to get married on her 20th birthday.

Rakshit: but uncle that's like in 1 week. Why in such a hurry? We can get married later, I don't have a problem and I know Drishti will agree with me too.

Uncle: I know son, both of you will be okay with getting married later, but that day is the most auspicious day to marry. Also, it is important for both of to get married then.

And just like that, uncle told everything to Rakshit. Rakshit was shocked and saddened by the news. Because of him, everyone had to suffer and now if he doesn't get married to Drishti on her 20th birthday then everyone's lives will be at stake. He couldn't afford to lose her so he agreed and decided that he would propose to her properly before their marriage.

That's how the thought of surprising her came to him. That is why for the past 1 week, he has been preparing for the surprise. He knew he loved her and he knew her feelings very well too, therefore, getting married in 1 week or a year later didn't matter to him. All he cared about was being with her forever. In the meantime, he had forgotten about the reason that they both must be married on Drishti's 20th birthday.

All that mattered to him was the fact that he is gonna propose to her. The thought of marrying her was already giving him goosebumps but he was even more nervous about telling her his feelings. Due to this, he would lay awake at night looking at the stars and trying to repeat how he's gonna tell her to marry him.

Finally, it has been 1 week since Uncle's conversation with Rakshit. Today was the day that determined the future of the human race.

Precap: Will they marry?

Thank you for reading - K

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