Rakshit's POV

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The whole morning was crazy for me. Shikhar woke me up at 4 am from my deep slumber that I never knew I could have. I guess after having Drishti back on my side makes me feel at ease. Than speaking to Shikhar and promising him that I will tell her everything somehow made me feel afraid of the thought that I will lose her again, but if she accepts me for who I am, I might just die at that moment from my endless happiness.

The whole morning went by from one meeting to another from conference calls abroad to meeting people in my office. It's only 9 am and I am already exhausted. And this phone of mine has been consistently ringing that was making my ear drum hurt so I told Shikhar to pick it up as I assumed this person will not stop calling unless he/she speaks to someone. As Shikhar stepped aside to talk on the phone, I went back to the meeting with the client.

As he was talking, trying to be as quite as possible, I could hear him say babhi. That's the only word I heard him say. I didn't care at first but when he kept on saying it multiple times, I looked over at him. Now when did he get another brother except me? I couldn't think too deep into it as this client was very important to my company and I couldn't be rude so I disregarded all of these thoughts and went to attend to her.

After couple of minutes later, the meeting finally finished and I headed out to get some fresh air. But when I saw Drishti, I couldn't contain my happiness. I was actually smiling after I don't know how long. I walked over to her and she was oblivious of my presence. She was almost about to fall and I caught her hand and saved her. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's just too beautiful gosh but after some time, she spoke and we stood up.

I don't know what but her tone of voice was different. It felt as if she was happy, but it's more than contentment. She was internally happy which felt good to see. But her tone changed when she spoke to ask to talk to me in private. I was almost worried. What did I do this time, I thought? Wait, I never did anything. Yes I never did anything which led me to this is situation.

The client was still in my office to sort out some things, I had no choice but to use her office. But the moment we reached the office, Drishti locked the door. Now what is this? How could she think about locking us in one place? But when she spoke, I was lost for words....

Drishti: (facing away me) So Mr. Shergill, are you infatuated by me?

Did I hear her clearly? Did she just ask me if I like her? I..I...I covered my mouth as I was about to reply to her but thank god she wasn't facing me. I wanted to tell her that it's not any infatuation or attraction that I felt towards her but purely love. I loved her. I loved her more than she could ever know. But how am I supposed to say that to her? Although I have known her for centuries, it hasn't been too long since she first met me. I felt like my heart pumping oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out so fast as I was trying to grasp the situation.

I tried with every ounce of my strength to restrain myself from grabbing her to a bone crashing hug. She turned towards me with what looked like a smirk. Now what the hell was happening? Why was she smirking like that? Smirking was my thing as I loved teasing her. But...this new expression on her face was killing me as if it didn't before with that question of hers. She walked over to me as I stepped back and I didn't know when but my back reached the door.

She took my hand that had covered my mouth in shock before as she said, "I saw what you did" pointing her finger to the big mirror in my office. I cursed that damn mirror of mine. Why did I even put it up there in the first place. I should never listen to Shikhar. He means trouble. I then looked at her as her facial expression changed from happy to sad in an instant. I couldn't understand but what I knew was the fact that I couldn't see any tears in her eyes. I tightened the hand that was holding mine while I moved my other hand over to her cheek, caressing it.

Stroking my rough fingers on her beautiful and soft skin as tears started rolling from those mesmerizing eyes. I couldn't help but ask her, "what's wrong Drishti? Why are you crying?" The next thing I knew is my body acted on it's on as I grabbed her to a hug when she began to cry. Sometimes rubbing her back trying to comfort her while also breaking the hug and clearing her tears.

Tears began forming in my eyes before I can take in anything I just blurted out, "Drishti, I am not attracted towards you simply because I am infatuated with you, no, no love, I love you. I have always loved you for as long as I can remember. Please stop crying. I can't see tears in your eyes. Please."

I looked at her face and asked "what's wrong?" She took a minute and cleared her tears and looked at me with those innocent looking eyes as she asked, "what did you just say? If I heard it clearly, you said you love me." Oh shit, did I just blurt out the one thing that I didn't want to say especially not to her even though it was for her. Unintentionally my hand went to my back hair as I stroke it lightly thinking about what I just did.

Drishti: don't try to divert the topic now. I know when you're about to lie. Now look into my eyes and tell me if what you said is true.

I couldn't lie to her now. I couldn't lie after those eyes pierced right through me. She knows what I am thinking and I couldn't wait anymore. I didn't give a damn about what this will lead to or what will become of us but if it meant that I get to spend a day, an hour, a minute, or even a moment with her, I will take it. I pulled her towards me, and looking right in her eyes, I said, "Drishti, everything I said is the truth. I love you and..." before I could finish the sentence, she hugged me. Taking me in her embrace, I felt peaceful. I felt all my worries ran out the closed door if that's even possible.

I couldn't stop myself from hugging her back as she said, "I love you too Rakshit. I don't know when or how I fell in love with you but I did and now I cannot bring myself to separate from you. I am sorry I had to act like I am sad in front of you to have you reveal your feelings to me. I am sorry." As she apologized, looking down, she held her ears feeling guilty. She was the most genuine person on earth. At one moment, she's smirking, next she's crying, then confessing her love yet apologizing at the same time. Uff what am I going to do with her? How can she never change?

Precap: the surprise meeting

Thank you for reading - K

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