Drishti's POV

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Drishti's POV

I don't know how so many thoughts and emotions took over my mind and unknowingly I dialed Rakshit's number. I was pacing around the living room as the phone kept ringing, getting anxious about how to speak to him. But as soon as he picked up the phone, I started speaking without giving him a chance to say anything. I asked:

Me: Mr. Shergill, what is going on? I don't understand what you're trying to do. Yesterday when I spoke to you about the partnership deal, you mocked me at first than reluctantly agreed, but now what is this? How could you send over your brother and ask for my hand in marriage? I mean who does that? If you liked me, isn't your responsibility to come and speak to my parents. And if you really had feelings for me than why haven't you told me anything. What am I supposed to understand from this?

As I kept talking nonstop and without realizing what I said, I heard a voice going "aheem."

Shikhar: bhabi, it's me Shikhar. I am sorry but bhai is busy in a meeting and because his phone was ringing consistently, he ordered me to pick it up. And about going to your house to ask your hand in marriage was all my doing. I know bhai would not talk to you directly so I decided to initiate from the proposal. I am sorry if you didn't like it.

I stop myself from talking because I felt embarrassed. How could I say things like that without knowing with whom I was speaking to. Wait but did he say he's Shikhar.

Me: Shikhar, you didn't tell me you were related to Mr. Shergill or the fact that he's your brother. I am sorry but I thought you were his secretary.

Shikhar: it's ok bhabi and I am his secretary because I take care of him as he forgets and even doesn't care to do so himself. And although we consider ourselves family, we are not related by blood but he adopted me when I was a baby. I am sorry I should've told you before.

I was some what surprised that Rakshit adopted Shikhar. Although they didn't look like the other, I found some similarities between them. They were more alike than any real siblings can be.

Me: Shikhar, whether both of your veins carry the same blood or not doesn't matter, what matters is the fact that you both trust and care about each other. It's something hard to come by and I could tell you respect him a lot too so please do not think negatively.

Shikhar: thank you bhabi for understanding.

I like him. Shikhar reminds me of Divya because they are both caring and my jaan takes care of me just like Shikhar does for Rakshit. But one thing has been bothering me for a while, why has he been calling me bhabi? How am I?

Drishti: Shikhar, why are you calling me bhabi though? You have been using this word since we started talking.

Shikhar: (chuckling) I am calling you bhabi because you're going to be my brother's wife soon. Also bhai is busy the whole day today so if you want to speak to him, I suggest you come to the office and meet him here.

Thank the heavens we were talking on the phone, otherwise, he would have seen me blushing. But I am not his bhabi, while Rakshit hasn't proposed to me nor do I know if he likes me. How could I marry someone just like that? And I said "Shikhar" but before I could ask him anything he said, "bhabi, I have to go, bhai is calling me so I will see you in the office." And he hung up the phone without hearing me out. Didn't I tell you these two brothers are very similar and behave alike.

I guess I don't have any choice but to meet him in office. It's gonna be hard. I mean it was difficult to say what I wanted to over the phone but in person, it's gonna be 100x harder. What am I going to do? Momma and dadda saw me hung up the phone and rushed over to me.

Dadda: what happened princess? Did you speak to Rakshit? What did he say?

I told them that I couldn't speak to him because he's in a meeting so I needed to meet him in person. Dadda offered to take him seeing my confused yet maybe happy state, but I declined. It was already so awkward as is, how am I going to speak to Rakshit in front of my father.

I left home and in few minutes, I reached the Shergills' company building. I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath and let it out. Thinking it might be the craziest decision I have ever made and I didn't even know what that decision was. I just wanted to speak to him but I was already nervous and maybe a little excited. I couldn't understand my own feelings and I know I am not doing through my menstruation cycle.

Does he know what Shikhar did? Does he love me? Is he happy with this proposal? Am I happy? Marriage is not something to take lightly of as if I am signing a business deal. This is one of the deals that never ends and if careful decisions are not made, it could ruin two lives and affect them for a long time. Although seeing how my parents love each other even after so many years, I wanted to experience something of that sort with someone I feel attached to.

But is it Rakshit? I don't know the answer but maybe I could find out after I talk to him. So I entered the building thinking about him and I didn't see a pipe and was about to fall down, but someone held my hand and pulled me towards them. When my eyes met his eyes, I felt I was in heaven. The person was none other than the person I am supposedly getting married to, Mr. Shergill. We had no intention of separating, but I took a long breath in and exhaled. He just looked at me maybe knowing what I am about to say. But I couldn't read his expression.

Me: Thank you Mr. Shergill for saving me and I need to speak to you privately. Do you want to talk in your office or mine?

He removed his hands from mine and said,

Rakshit: let's go to yours, a client is using my office.

Me: fine let's go.

He didn't even reply to my thank you. Oh god, how am I going to talk to him though? Why is he so arrogant? Is it so hard to even greet me? What have I ever done to him?

As I got angry by Rakshit's behavior, we reached my office and after we went inside, I locked the door so that no one could disturb us. Also so that no one hears us.

Precap: Rakshit's POV

Thank you for reading - K

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