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Ty's POV
I wake up to hear a banging. Looking up I see Cory bashing his fist against the door in frustration. "Dude what's going on?" I ask. "I have no idea but I'm sick of it!" Yells Cory. "Calm down man!" I say. "These Jerks took Nick, they took us all, what are they doing to everyone!" Continues Cory as he ignores me. "Seriously stop, this isn't helping." I say. Cory finally stops, his ears twitching from frustration. "What do you suggest we do?" Asks Cory through gritted teeth. I can tell he's trying to hold back screams. "Well I don't think we'll be able to open the door so we have to wait, in the meantime we can try to get these stupid bracelets off." I say. "Fine..." Sighs Cory sitting on the ground. He immediately starts to fidget with my bracelet roughly. I hear the whirring of the door as it opens to reveal two men in mask. Immediately Cory jumps and takes a fighting stance. They motion for us to follow and I do, Cory is hesitant but follows my lead. The men take us in separate directions but we don't argue. "Where are you taking me?" I ask. The man stays silent. "Why are you taking me?" I ask as we approach a door. He presses some buttons before shoving me in a room. Before the door closes he stares directly at me. "Repopulation." He says in a flat tone. The door closes and I stand there, stunned. I look in the small room I stand, I small light above illuminating the place and a single king size bed. From a door across the room I see Jess get tossed in. She falls to the ground and let's out a groan looking up at me, her cheeks pink. "D-do you know why they brought us here?" She asks. "Yup." I say quickly. "No offense but I'm not going to especially not when I'm married." Says Jess. "None taken, I don't want to as much as you." I say helping her up. I notice that Jess isn't wearing her bracelet, did she get it off? She takes note in me staring at her wrist and grabs mine. In a matter of minutes she's broken off my bracelet. "How'd you do that?" I ask in awe. "I found a weak point in the bracelet that can easily be broken." Shrugs Jess as she looks at the keypad to the door. She sticks her tongue out while she punches in numbers, each one letting out a beep. I stare at her in confusion before I see the door open. "What?" I ask dumbfounded. "The keys on the keypad let out beeps, each beep has a slightly different frequency." Explains Jess. I continue to stare in awe, my mouth slightly agape. Shaking my head I snap back to reality and follow her out the door.
Cory's POV
First I'm stuck in a room with Ty and now I'm stuck in a slightly furnished room with Red. No offense to them but I'm just sick of being captured. I'm pacing back and forth while punching the door occasionally. Red sits there looking uncomfortable and seeming too afraid to speak to me. After a bit of this Red clears his throat. "C-C-cory you need to stop." Commands Red but he's now wearing a blue hoodie. "Why and what happened?" I ask kicking a chair across the room. "Y-Y-You're only wasting energy and doing this won't help us escape also I'm blue I'm Reds sad side." Explains Blue. I stare at Blue before letting out a groan and fall back on the wall, sliding down it. Now all I can do is wait for someone to come. "W-W-Why are you so worked up Cory?" Questions Blue. I stare at Blue for a couple seconds before giving an answer. "Adam, Jin, Jess, Shelby, Ross, Max,Autumn , and I, we've all been kidnapped multiple times by the government, and it hurt so much, now you, Ty, Red, Barney, and Nick, you all are too." I say. "Okay?..." Says Blue motioning me to continue. "You guys are my family and I don't know what's happening, and especially Nick, he's really grown on me and I just want to murder these people who took him!" I exclaim. Blue purses his lips. "Nick and Red, are really close too you know, I understand where you're coming from but Nick, Nick's really strong, you don't have to worry for him." Says blue placing a hand on my shoulder and slowly turning back to Red. "I know but I just can't help it." I sigh.
Shelby's POV
I wake up in a room with Jess, before we can even say anything to each other we're dragged out by men in masks in separate directions. "Where are you taking me!" I shout trying to struggle against the man. "Somewhere." He answers. "Why are you taking me to 'somewhere'?" I ask. "Repopulation." He answers blatantly. I stop struggling from shock of what he just said. Right as I snap back to reality I'm thrown into a room, slamming into someone. We fall over and I land on top of them. "A-are you okay?" Asks Nick. "Nick!" I shout jumping off him. I can feel my cheeks burning and Nick's have turning to a light shade of pink. "Did they tell you too?" I ask slowly. Nick nods his head slowly and looks over to his right. There we see a single king sized bed. "They really wanted us to do... it." I say. "I don't mean to be rude but I don't want to!" Says Nick. "Don't worry, I don't either!" I exclaim. "How do we get out?" Asks Nick standing up. I look around, a little cramped. The room is really small and we only have about a foot and a half of space to walk around in. Nick let's out a sigh and steps back, accidentally bumping into me. "I'm sorry!" Says Nick backing up into the wall. "It's okay, but it is really cramped in here." I say. "Don't have to tell me twice..." Mumbles Nick looking around and leaning against the door. Suddenly I hear a whirring and the door opens, letting Nick fall flat on his back. Jess, Ty, Cory, Red in A kinda blue hoodie, Barney, and Adam all stare at him as he stares back. "You're okay!" Says Cory picking Nick up. "Yup." Says Nick. "Good to see you Shelby." Grins Adam. "Let's just find Max, Ross,Autumn and Jin and get out of here already." I say stepping out the room.
Jess's POV
We make our ways through the halls of this place. Even though we've never been here before everything seems too familiar. While making our way down the halls I try to use my future vision. I can feel something in this place trying to suppress my powers. All the visions I get are hazy. I continue to search through my visions until I come across one. I hear a gunshot ring out then Adam going into a panic. I stop walking and look back around at everyone else. They all stare back in confusion. "Are you okay?" Asks Adam. "Yeah!" I exclaim quickly. I take a deep breath in and breath out.
Surely that can't happen, right? I ask myself.
"Okay then." Says Adam slowly. Just as quickly as we stopped we continue our mission to find Ross, Max, Autumn, and Jin. Up to our right we see another door with a keypad. I run up to it and enter in the passcode making a satisfying ring and the door slide open. Inside I see Ross sitting next to a bed which Max lays in. He quickly turns his head around with a smile on his face. "Guys!" He shouts. "What happened to Max?" I ask. "The lens fell off my glasses and Max used them to break off the bracelets but accidentally cut his wrist in the process." Explains Ross as he gently shakes Max awake. Max let's out a groan and sits up. I can see his slightly pale and has a cloth wrapped around his wrist that appears to be stained red. "Max we're getting out of here." Says Ross softly. "Okay..." Mumbles Max standing up. "Can you find Jin and Autumn" Asks Adam. "Yeah you have that soul sensory." Says Ty. "On it." Says Ross closing his eyes. Quickly he starts walking off helping Max. We all follow his lead down the halls of this place to another door. "I hope this is it." Gulps Nick. "It has to be's." Says Barney. "Here goes nothing." I say entering in the passcode. The door slides open to Jin and Autumn sitting in the room except he looks like he's been through a war Scrapes on his arms, legs, face, bruises every, and cuts and Autumns unconscious glowing slightly. "Jin!" Shouts Adam eyes glowing a bright budder running in the room. Adam immediately helps Jin up and Jess wakes Autumn up. "What did they do?" Asks Adam. "Adam listen to me, make sure they never get my laptop." Says Jin. "Why are you saying this now?" Asks Adam. "Just promise me." Says Jin. "I promise." Says Adam nodding. "We need to get out of here now." Says Cory.

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