Mission (Redney)

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Ross's POV
Soon night comes signaling me, Shelby, and Max to sneak inside the facility. We locate a back door and go inside invisible with Shelby's power. Lightly walking down the hallway we hold onto each other's hands while in search of the room where documents are kept.
"Can you guys hear me?"
"Yeah we can"
"Did you create a mind link again?" I ask.
"Why can't I tell the difference between your voices?"
"Our minds don't exactly produce sound so you're only really getting words but no sound, your mind just creates a voice for those words but since it doesn't know who the voice belongs to every voice is the same."
"Guys the mission." I say.
"Oh right."
"There's a door up ahead!"
"I don't sense anyone in there." I say.
Quickly I feel a pull on my hand and the door opens up. As soon as it closes Shelby becomes visible again and starts to look around. "I think this is the place we need to be." Says Max. "Aren't there cameras in here?" I ask. "Don't know don't care, I can't stay invisible for as long as I want too with you guys tagging along." Answers Shelby looking through some cabinets. Max and I follow her lead and start searching for information over new hybrids. "I think I found them!" Whispers Max. We quickly hop over to him and look through them. "These are definitely the ones." I confirm. "Then let's get out of here." Says Shelby heading towards the door. I feel someone starting to approach our direction. Quickly I grab Shelby and Max's hands and run behind some cabinets. "They're coming." I whisper quietly. Shelby makes us go invisible and we hold our breaths hearing the door open up and shut. Slowly a man walks through looking around. He turns around and walks back out the door. We wait until I tug on their arms to start moving again. Quietly we walk down the hall before hearing running footsteps approach us. I feel my forearm be grabbed as I'm jerked away from Shelby and Max, making me visible. Very quickly I feel myself lose control of my body as Fester automatically takes control and flips the man on his back. Frost travels down my arm and freezes the man before I start running to the exit. Max and Shelby turn visible again and run alongside me. Making it back outside we sprint back to where everyone else is. "What happened?" Asks Adam looking at my arm which has frost that's slowly creeping up and onto my chest. "A guy somehow caught us." I mumble. "He had heat vision sunglasses so he could see us!" Shouts Max. "At least we got the files." Says Shelby handing over the documents. "What's wrong with Ross?" Asks Autumn pointing at me. "I don't know, anytime Fester takes control this happens." I explain. "Maybe he wantings out." Says Barney. "Well we're stuck together." I sigh. "These documents are exactly what we need, great job!" Says the worker. "Can we go to bed?" Asks Red. Cory and Nick simply look up at us and meow since they're still cats. "You guys should probably rest, your powers probably won't work well otherwise." Says the worker. Quickly Nick and Cory run off with the rest of us following them. I let out a yawn as I walk inside our dorm and flop on my bed. "Are you sure you have Fester under control?" Asks Max sitting down in his bed."I'm not sure, but he does help a lot." I answer while yawning. "Alright then, goodnight." Says Max then mumbles something else. "Goodnight..." I mumble feeling myself drift into sleep.
Barney's POV
We all wake up in the morning to see Cory and Nick are back to normal and no longer hissing at people. But now for some reason they're sitting across from each other, glaring while they sip milk from their cups. "What are you twos doings?" I ask. "Cory kept waking me up in the middle of the night..." Mutters Nick. "Like you weren't doing the same to me." Scoffs Cory. "Why were you two waking each other up?" Asks Ty. "Nightmares..." They both mumble simultaneously. "What type of nightmares?" Asks Jess. "Nothing..." They say, again in unison. "You two are weird." Yawns Ross walking out of his room while holding on to the back of Max's shirt. Max guides a sleepy Ross to the kitchen, grabbing the Mac and Cheese. Autumn comes out her and Jins room before grabbing some eggs and toast. After finishing our breakfast we walk outside only to be greeted by Tim. "What do you want?!?" Growls Nick, immediately taking a defensive stance. "You went on a mission and got caught?" Asks Tim crossing his arms. "How'd you know that?" Asks Shelby. "I know how to get information, but did any of the workers make physical contact?" Asks Tim. "Why are you asking?" Questions Ross. "One of them did didn't they?" Says Tim approaching Ross. Suddenly Tim moves quickly and grabs Ross's arm before being thrown back by Max. "Don't you dare touch him or anyone else!" Yells Max. "You'll grow to like me one day but right now look at this." Says Tim holding out a small electronic chip. "That's one of the tracking devices..." Mumbles Ty staring at it with fear clouding his eyes. "You mean they've been tracking us?!?" Exclaims Red. "No ways." I say. "They know we're here, they're going to get us for sure, they have so much technology that's way better than what you've seen." Explains Tim while trying to hide the anxiety seeping through his voice. "Are you scared?" Asks Cory. "Tch... You would be just as scared as me if you knew of everything they have!" Exclaims Tim. "We need to tell the workers here now!" Commands Adam running off. All of us start to run off before I see a dinosaur hybrid girl grab Red's wrist as he's running. "I need help." She says. "Umm with what?" Asks Red a little on edge. Suddenly a smirk forms on her face as I see her grip down on Red's wrist hard. "Nghh!" Grunts Red falling to the ground. "You lets go of my Reds!" I shout charging at the girl. She quickly lifts Red in front of me while twisting his arm behind his back. My punch nearly hits Red straight in the face before I stop it an inch away from his face. Nick comes up from the behind the girl and I see him swipe down her arm. She immediately falls over paralyzed and Red quickly jumps away from her holding his arm. "Are you okay?" Asks Nick panting. "Yeah I'm fine." Says Red letting out a sigh of relief. Cory quickly runs up next to Nick panting a little. "They're already here and starting a war." States Cory. "One of thems alreadys attackings my Reds." I say holding him close. "We need to group together, we'll be safest that way." Says Cory grabbing Nick's hand and leading him towards the others. We start to follow with Red lagging behind a little bit. "You're still hurts." I say. "I'm fine." Shrugs Red. "No you'res not, don't actings like a tough guys." I say grabbing his arm and draping it over my shoulders. "I am older than you." Says Red. "By likes a months!" I exclaim. "Guys I know you want to bicker but we should focus on the bigger problems right now, you'll always have time later but now we only have this time to go help the others." Says Nick. "Fine." Says Red. "Leads the way." I respond.
Red's POV
Everyone quickly groups up due to the obvious threat that is invading the facility right now. "What do we do, they have to many other hybrids working for them and technology to make us unable to use our powers!" Blabbers Ross. Max kisses him shutting him up. "Well first you should calm down." Says Max. "Staying calm is good but we also just have to keep fighting and stay together." Commands Adam. We all nod in agreement and prepare for a battle. Just as we expected we had to fight. Everything went as smoothly as a war can go until I was knocked off my feet. Before I could hit the ground one of the enemy hybrids caught me, his arm wrapped around my neck. I couldn't breath. I see Barney out in the distance shout for me, it's all muffled. My ears start ringing. My vision is blurring.Everything is starting to go darker by the second. Before everything goes black I see Shelby run up to try to save me before quickly being apprehended. Then my vision is completely gone and I'm feel myself go limp. I wake up with a headache laying down in a jail cell. Right next to me on the cold concrete floor turning to blue I see Shelby passed out with a very concerned look on her face. She looks scuffed up but to be fair I'm in the same condition as her. Down on my ankle I see a chain connecting me to the wall. Shelby is confined in this room by a chain as well. Her eyes flutter open and she jolts up and looks over at me then the cell we're in. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." She whispers. "It's okay, we're safe for now and that's what matters." I reply. "I can't remember exactly what happened but all of us got split up into pairs I think." Says Shelby rubbing her temples. "I don't really remember anything other else than Barney shouting for me, you running to save me, and finally me falling unconscious." I sigh. "I really hope everyone else is okay." Says Shelby with her voice trembling a little bit. "I-I'm sure they're fine." I say trying to reassure her. "You don't sound too sure." Says Shelby looking up at me. "Well you know given our situation you can only hope so much." I say. "I guess you're right, we should probably find a way out though." Continues Shelby. "We're back at square one again..." I mumble.

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