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Adam's POV
We run as fast as lightning to the infirmary. There we see Ross hooked up to some high tech machines in there and many, many people around him. "You need to get out!" Says one of the people. "No this girl, Cora, can heal Ross!" I shout. "Let us do our work and leave now!" Commands a doctor. "Let her help him!" Shouts back Max. "We are already on it." Says another doctor. Cory let's out a long sigh before looking over at Red. "Got it!" Smirks Red snapping his fingers with a huge grin. Nothing happens but all the doctors start freaking out like they're seeing a ghost. Cory takes a step forward and stomps his foot on the ground, sending out a small shockwave. All the doctors fall over and Cory motions Cora to walk forward. "I'm gonna help." Autumn says they steps up to where Ross is and takes a deep breath before placing their hands above Ross's wound. A white glow emanates from Cora hands and a light blue glow emits from Autumns. Slowly we see color start to return to Ross's skin. They takes their hand away and turns to us. "That's all we can do but he should be fine, as long as he doesn't try anything outrageous." Says Cora. "Thank goodness." Sighs Max. "You got a little something on your hands..." Says Red. Max quickly runs off to a sink and washes away the blood. The doctors start standing up and boy do they looked pissed. "Why did you interfere?" Exclaims one of them. "Looking at it Ross seems to be in a better health condition now." Says Jin. "I suggest that you don't complain to much." Say Jess. "After alls, we do havings powers." Says Barney. "We'll take our leave now." Says Shelby. We all follow her and leave the doctors silent. "I'm glad that's been resolved but how did you heal him?" Sighs Jess.  "Moms relic" Autumn reply's before fainting and i catch her. "She says she needs a couple of minutes." Max says "We need to be a lot more careful." Says Red. "We need to figure out what the heck is up with that thing in Ross." I say. "It's probably because of the experiments." Says Max."Probably, but we need to control it." Says Jin. "How can we control something in his mind?" Asks Shelby. "What if we could go in his mind." Says Ty. "Then we could defeat it from the inside!" Exclaims Cory"How do we go in his mind?" Asks Jess. "Well Max in one instance actually did, when he and Ross's fists collided." Says Jin. "Then why hasn't he doings it agains?" Asks Barney. "Max has only ever hit Ross that one time." I say. "Why doesn't it happen when he hits any of us then?" Asks Cory. "When I hit Ross I didn't want to, I just wanted to talk to him." Says Max. "And now we know why." Says Jin. Autumn starts waking up. "So basically Max's desire to try to save Ross while being a pacifist took him into his mind?" Asks Red. "Basicallys." Says Barney. Cory looks over at Nick who is staring into space. "Nick?" Asks Cory. "What!" Snaps Nick. Cory looks at him and jerks back a little hurt. "Cory I'm sorry just stressed." Says Nick returning to his regular tone. "What's wrong?" Asks Cory. "All we wanted was a normal life but we get stuck with people shunning us then we're taken here and the first thing that happens is that Ross goes insane and nearly dies, and all this drama is just getting to me and I just don't know how to handle it!" Shouts Nick breathing heavily.
Nick's POV
I can feel tears staring to form in my eyes from frustration. I look up to see everyone staring in shock. "I-I'm sorry guys..." I mumble staring down at the ground. Everyone stays quiet. Suddenly I feel someone hugging me. Looking up I see Cory. "It's okay man." Says Cory. "Honestly you've said what we've all been feeling, thanks for catching me." Says Autumn. "I guess we all just thought we needed to bottle it up." Says Shelby. "Let's agree not to bottle up our feelings like this again." Says Jin. "Agreeds." Says Barney nodding his head. "I guess that's reasonable." Says Max. "It's getting dark, let's find out where we'll sleep." Says Cory, giving me a soft smile. "Yeah, that sounds good." I sigh. All of us start walking off finding Trinity and Tristan. "I heard about what happened." Says Tristan. "Oh... you did..." Says Max. "Yeah but you guys must be tired, let me show you to the place you'll sleep." Says Trinity. We follow her to a building. Compared to every other building this one looks like a home. "This is where you guys shall stay." Says Trinity. "This place has 6 bedrooms, all of which 2 people will have to share." Says Tristan. "Cool, thanks." Says Ty. Trinity and Tristan tell us goodbye before we enter the house.
Red's POV
"So who's going to room with who?" I ask. "I'm bunking with Ty!" Says Adam. "Shelby and I don't mind sharing." Says Jess. "I'll take one of the dual rooms for when Ross gets back so his mono-phobia doesn't get to him." Says Max. "Nick and I will share." Says Cory, wrapping his arm around Nick's neck and ruffling his hair. "Yous and I's can shares Reds." Says Barney. "Then that leaves me and Autumn, fine by me." Says Jin shrugging. "At least we got that out of the way quickly." Says Ty. Since the day ended so fast everyone decided to go to bed in order to end the day. I lied awake, restless. "Hey Reds, yous awake?" Asks Barney. "Yeah, I am." I sigh. "What's on yours mind?" Asks Barney. "Well I'm worried about Ross but also Max." I say. "Why Max?" Asks Barney. "Well Max and Ross are extremely close, like brothers, and Max had to standby and watch Ross go insane. On top of that he also nearly killed Ross to protect his other friends, that's gotta take a toll on him." I explain. "I never thinkings of that." Says Barney. "I can't imagine having to make a choice like that, I would have to possible kill you to save my other friends, that's horrible!" I exclaim. "Heys, it's going to be okays." Says Barney. "I know I know, but I can't but help to just think." I sigh.

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