New ability

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Shelby's POV
I feel myself being dragged off somewhere by Red. He's slightly growling at all the workers around us. I feel extremely weak after using a new power I somehow acquired, like it jut drained all the energy from me. Suddenly I realised feel Red start running with me being dragged with him. "Come on Shelby, I'll get us out of here." He says. As we run down hallways the workers are catching up to us because of me. I'm too weak to run resulting in us slowing down. "Red just go without me, I'm only slowing you down." I say. "No!" Shouts Red, turning to face the workers. I see him snap his fingers and try to start running again, this time picking me up and running. Suddenly Red goes limp and falls to the ground with me falling a couple feet in front of him. I see the workers workers very confused, Red must have put an illusion on them. "No no no, it's not going to last very long..." Mumbles Red while still trying to crawl forwards. I see Red be picked up by the hood on his hoodie by a worker who has a very displeased look upon his face. He pulls out a gun and puts the end of the barrel on Red's forehead. I try and try but can't stand up to help him no matter what I do. "Got any last words you pathetic troublemaker?" Asks the worker. Red only attempts to struggle free only to have the gun pressed up against his head harder. "Reds!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I look down the hallway to see Barney and everyone else at the end. I see the man with the gun start pulling the trigger with Barney desperately running towards Red. There's no way he'll make it. Everything seems to start going in slow motion. I blink once and Barney disappears. I hear the gun shot ring out and look up to see Barney grabbed the gun and turned it towards the ceiling. Quickly everyone else reaches us and knocks out the man, leaving Red and I laying on the ground unable to move. "How did you do that Barney!" Exclaims Adam. "W-what happened?" Asks Red. "I don't knows." Says Barney starting to stumble. "You okay?" Asks Red. "Just exhausteds." Says Barney. "Dude you just teleported!" Exclaims Ty. "He got a new ability?" I ask, trying to sit myself up. Cory and Ross quickly help me stand while Barney and Max help Red up. "That's kinda funny considering both you and Shelby have literally developed a new power just to save my skin." Laughs Red a little. "You got a new power?" Asks Ross his eyes lighting up as he stares at me. "Yeah, I can create translucent shields." I say. "Let's try to get out of here now, I don't want to stick around any longer, it gives me a bad vibe." Says Nick. Ross runs down the hall to the right we all follow him to see a cell containing Jin and Autumn however Autumn looks weak and Jin seems to have been shot down the side they are both hopefully asleep. Max grabs the lock melting it he opens the door and turns in a 360 form firing fire at the roof suddenly it goes dark and he bends down and starts shaking Autumn she wakes up to see us standing there. He goes to wake up jin before Autumn stops him. Autumn somehow even though she's weak manages to get up and grab Jin before nodding at us to continue walking, Ross runs off again beckoning us to follow.
Adam's POV
All of us continue to walk through the halls following Ross and Nick. "Do you two know where you're going?" Asks Max suspiciously. "Of course not." Replies Ross. "Wait what!" Exclaims Cory. "We've ran through so many rooms fought so many robots we didn't keep track of where we were going." Explains Nick turning to a door. He and Ross open it and walk inside the large room. "This doesn't feel right." Says Jess quietly. "I agree." Says Ty. "The let's get out." I say turning around and grabbing the door handle. I try to open it only to have it locked in place. "Oh no what's going on." Says Max. "Seriouslys!" Shouts Barney. Looking around I wait for something to happen. Jess walks closer to me shaking a little bit. Suddenly a whirring noise starts up from the ceiling. "What's going on?" Asks Jess as I look up. I notice some panels have opened up. A faint glow forms before suddenly an energy blast shoots down in us. Immediately I cover Jess up to protect her from the blast, feeling it shoot down and burn my back. I fall over and see everyone else but Jess falling over too. My body is weak and I feel like as if I was just best to near death. My eyes start to get heavier and my body is growing cold. Jess looks around in horror at everyone she hold her hands to her heart and closes her eyes. A white glow emanates from her heart and her hair starts to float up slightly. I see streams of purple translucent light poor out of her and come to all of us. The light is very warm, comforting, and starts to restore my energy. After the light stops I feel as good as new and so does everyone else. Jess seems To be on the verge of tears from happiness as she falls over. Quickly I catch her. "Is everyone else just getting new powers?" Asks Autumn. "I haven't." Says Ty raising their hands up. "Whatever it is giving everyone else new power is a miracle." I say.
Red's POV
Wandering through this damned facility we find ourselves in another room. "Not this way..." Mumbles Nick turning around to walk out. Before he can make it out the door it locks on us... again. "Oh my god not this again..." Max whispers to himself while holding the bridge of his nose in between his thumb and index finger. Immediately men with guns start rushing us from secret doors behind the walls. Almost immediately we're all split from each other and are fighting a couple men by ourselves. Everything is going normal before I get a view of Barney. He's been knocked to the ground and is on his back looking up at a man pointing a gun at him from five feet away. I see the trigger start to be pulled and in an instant everything turns into a grey scale for me. I look down at my hands to see they're in regular color. Looking back up I see the bullet traveling in slow motion. Taking advantage of the situation I run over, except I seem to be moving at a normal speed while everyone else is extremely slow. I leap forward tackling Barney, both of us sliding across the ground when we stop moving I give him a quick kiss. Suddenly color returns to the world and so does its normal speed as the bullet shoots into the ground where Barney used to be. The man who shot his gun is taken down by Cory and Nick and the rest seem to be taken care of."What happened?" I ask. "I'm not sures." Says Barney. "You just traveled at like the speed of light!" Exclaims Ross. "I don't think it was that fast." Counters Max. "Who cares, Red got a new power!" Exclaims Adam. "I don't think it was super speed though." I say while trying to stand up. My knees give in on me due to lack of energy but Barney catches me. "What do you mean?" Asks Shelby. "Everything was in black and white and it was all moving slow, well except for me, I was still in color and moving at my normal speed." I explain."Maybe you can manipulate how fast time is around you!" Says Nick. "So far Red, Barney, Jess, and Shelby have all gained new powers today, that just leaves Autumn, Jin and Ty." Says Cory. "I'm the only one who only has one power now." Sighs Ty. "No more powers for me please!" Autumn yells waking Jin who has somehow managed to sleep through this whole thing. "I'm sure you'll get another one eventually." Assures Jess quietly due to lack of energy from healing everyone earlier. "Let's continue moving for now." I say. "Nick and I are still on a timer..." Mumbles Ross. "I'm surprised it hasn't run out yet." Says Nick clenching his hand into a fist.

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