Alpha, Saber

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Red's POV
After all the commotion we start to walk off to see what we have to do today. "Umm Max." I say. "What!" Snaps Max. "You got some fire in your hair." I say. "Does that bother you?" Asks Max. "Well seeing as you're fireproof and we're not, it does bother me." Says Adam. "Actually i am fireproof." Autumn mutters. Max let's out a smirk before bursting into flames. Adam quickly runs away, too shocked to even make another witty remark. Max follows right behind him, enjoying Adam's fear. "Should we stop Max?" Asks Nick. "Nah, Adam's fine." Shrugs Ross "You sure about that?" Asks Shelby as we watch a small fire form on Adam's arm. "Yeah we need to stop this." Says Jin raising his hand up. Max starts floating an inch above the ground still trying to get Adam while he puts out the fire. "Why are they always like this?" Asks Ty. "Nobody knows." Says Jess as Max breaks Jin's telekinesis and tackles Adam while he's still on fire. "Oparr." Says Barney. Cory let's out a sigh and tries to drag Max off Adam. "Let go Max!" Grunts Cory. "I will freeze you again Max." Says Ross. Max's fox ears perk up as he lets Adam go. "Great now I smell like I just left a burning building." Sighs Cory. "How am I not dead?!?" Exclaims Adam. "I may of wanted to hurt you but I didn't want to kill you." Says Max. "Well now that that's over let's find out what we're doing today." Says Ty walking off. When we saw everyone else they were all split up by hybrids. Wolfs in one area, cats another, foxes, dinosaurs, and bunny. Then another group was mostly people who were hybrids of winged creature. The last group was hamster/bear/deer/mouse/other hybrids I don't even know of. "What's going on?" Asks Adam.
Nick's POV
We stare at everyone in front of us until Trinity and Tristan approach us. "What's happening?" Asks Cory. "We can explain after breakfast, first let's go to the dinning hall." Says Trinity. Reluctantly we follow them and get some food. We walk outside into a garden area, looking at Trinity and Tristan for answers. "So to answer your question from earlier." Says Tristan. "Go on." Says Jin. "All the other hybrids were separated by their type of hybrid, and animals tend to form packs." Starts Trinity. "So they have formed their packs but also it seems the older you get the more animal like personality traits you get." Explains Tristan. "Well that's co- aw crap!" Shouts Adam hold his hand up to his mouth. "What happened?!?" Asks Ty. "I think I cut my lip on my own tooth." Says Adam. "But our teeth aren't sharp enough to do that." Says Jess. "Show us your mouth." Says Jin. Adam opens up and we look to see he has teeth like a wolf and on the inside of his lip is a cut. "Woah." I say. "Who else has animal teeth?" Asks Red. Quickly everyone starts inspecting each other's mouth except for me and Ross. We just sit back and watch. "So we all have new teeth?" Asks Max. "We haven't seen Nick or Ross's teeth." Says Cory. Ross and I look at each other and show our teeth to them. They stare in a bit of confusion as we close our mouths. "What's wrong?" Asks Ross. "You's not havings animal teeth, or they're not as sharps." Says Barney. "They are the two youngest of our group." Says Shelby. "I'm still older than Ross." I say. "Don't rub it in..." Mutters Ross. "It's okay bud." Says Max patting Ross Back. "Wait so what order are you guys oldest from youngest?" Asks Trinity.
"I'm oldest." Autumn says "I'm 2nd oldest." Says Jess. "Then it's me." Says Jin. "I come after Jin." Says Adam. "Then it's me!" Chirps Shelby. "I'm next in line" Says Max. "I'm in the middle of everyone." Says Cory. "And now starts the younger half with me." Says Ty. "Then I'm here." Says Red. "Yalarr, it's the Barney!" Says Barney. "I'm second to last as you already know." I say. "To end it off is Ross!" Shouts Ross throwing his arms in the air. "How old are you guys?" Asks Tristan. "In the same order 15 3/4, 15 2/4, 15 1/2, 15 1/4, 15 1/4, 15 1/2, 15 1/4, 15 1/4, 15 1/4, 14 1/4, 14 1/8, and 14 1/8." Says Jin. "How do you remember that?" Asks Cory. "I don't know, I just did." Shrugs Jin. "You even got the fractions." Says Shelby. "Nerd!" Shouts Adam. Jin simply raises his hand, picking Adam off the ground with his telekinesis and making him float off. "Still a nerd!" Shouts Adam. Jin drops Adam to the ground and he runs back over to us. "Do you guys always do this?" Asks Trinity. "Only everyday for the past two years." Shrugs Ty. "Back to the subject people have split off into packs by their hybrid and currently are trying to discuss who's the leader, or Alpha." Says Tristan. "So does that mean I could go and grab the title?" Asks Cory. "You're biggest competition would be Nick, Autumn and Shelby, but yeah you could." Says Trinity. "I honestly don't care for that position." Says Shelby. "I'm fine with letting you have the title." I say. "Im not fighting anyone it would be way to unfair. I'm just gonna float in the air watching everyone is that okay?" Autumn asks. Everyone nods or shrugs. "I'm gonna make sure Adam doesn't kill himself." Ty says.
Cory's POV
After we finish our breakfast we go back to where everyone else is. "So are we just going to the group that's the same hybrid as us?" Asks Red. "What could go wrong." Shrugs Ty. "Being chased by your friend who is literally on fire." Says Adam. "You slammed me to the ground by throwing a pillow so I don't want to hear any complaints." Growls Max. "I was joking." Says Adam holding up his hands. "Let's just quit fighting and go." Says Shelby grabbing my and Nick's wrist, dragging us off to the group of cat hybrids. We walk into the group and they immediately stare at us before clearing a way for a single person. Standing there was a girl with purple hair and eyes along with black cat ears and tail gentle moving behind her. "What's your name?" I ask. "Willow, and you?" Says the girl in a very flat and almost emotionless tone."Cory." I say. "Why did you come here?" Asks Willow. "I was just interested in gaining the title of Alpha." I answer. "I see, then we will have to fight." Says Willow. "So you're the alpha?" I ask. "Yes I am." Says Willow. Everyone backs up as Willow and I prepare to fight for title of Alpha. I take a fighting stance and she simply stands there. Around her I start to see some sort of void form. It's very faint and looks to be made of galaxies. She raises her hand up before swinging it down in my direction. I see part of the void come after me. Immediately I jump to the side and dodge. She throws more at me, making me keep running. I circle around her and materialize a shield. I take one of the hits straight on, making dust shoot up everywhere. I take this chance to charge at her directly. I jump up and swing my fist directly at her forehead. She calmly raises her hand and grabs my fist. Whenever my hand collided into her's I could feel the wind blow outwards from the impact. She throws me to the ground. I start growling under my breath and she goes to kick. I roll over and dodge before jumping up. I take a deep breath before stomping my foot on the ground, creating a shockwave. Willow is caught off guard by my attack and tries to reorient herself. I take this opening and charge. I jump up to kick and she barely blocks with her arm. The force of my kick knocks her off balance leaving another opening for me to strike. I take it with another kick. Before I hit Willow she swings her arm, sending a void at point blank range at me. It blasts me back and I slam to the ground, my ears ringing and my vision blurry. "Cory!" Shouts Nick and Shelby. They try to run over to me but I put my hand up to stop them. "I'm fine." I say standing up and shaking it off. I rub away some blood that trickled down from my lip before giving a smirk. I take a step forward then with the next one go in a full sprint. I go again with a punch. Willow goes to catch it, just like I thought. The second my hand makes contact with hers a shockwave is sent out, knocking her to the ground. Quickly I materialize a sword and hold it to her neck. She stares at me wide eyed before putting her hands up. I drop the sword letting it shatter away and help Willow. "The title of Alpha for the Felines now belongs to Cory!" Announces Willow. Evveryone starts clapping and cheering as I stand there breathing heavily. Nick and Shelby run up to me. I feel my self start to fall over but luckily Nick helps support me by draping my arm over his shoulders. "You over did it, especially taking that blast straight on." Says Nick. "I had a shield the first time." I say. "But the second time you went flying!" Exclaims Shelby. "Details details." I say rolling my eyes. Ross's POV
Max and I approach the group of fox hybrids, trying to look at what they're staring at. A girl walks out the crowd and makes direct eye contact with me. She's fair skinned with long red hair and blue eyes. "And who are you two?" Ask the girl. "I'm Max he's Ross, what about you?" Asks Max. "Madison, but you can call me Maddie." Smiles the girl. "Ross wants to know if you're the Alpha." Says Max for me. "How do you know what he wants?" Asks Maddie walking closer to us. "I can read minds." Says Max. "That's neat, and yes I am the Alpha." Grins Maddie. "Good, I want to challenge you." Says Max. Maddie looks Max up and down before looking me up and down. She gets only an inch away from my face as she stares me in the eye. "I want to fight Ross." Says Maddie. "Why not me?!?" Asks Max. "I can already tell I can beat you." Smiles Maddie. "Prove it." Says Max. In an instant Maddie flips Max to the ground and has her foot on his head. "H-hey don't do that to him!" I say helping Max up. I hear someone gently drop behind me. "Alright I see your point." Mumbles Max dusting himself off. "So you up to it Ross?" Asks Maddie. I look over at Max then nod my head. "Alright then let it start now!" Says Maddie. Everyone gives us space and we start. She charges at me and I jump up in the air. I feel the wind try to slam me down to the ground. I clumsily land on all fours looking up to see Maddie charging at me with her fist covered in fire. I roll to the side and hop back up, freezing the ground beneath me. Maddie slips on the ice but quickly gets back up. I slide around on the ice like it's second nature and charge at her. She tries to dodge but can't in time due to the ice underneath her. I hit her in the arm, creating ice around it. She looks at it and smiles as I go in for another hit. She uses the ice and swings it at me. I barely dodge but feel the wind once again pushing me. I fall down to the ground and see Maddie swing the ice on her arm at me. I roll over and watch it land next to my head, creating cracks in the ground. She swings again and I cover my eyes with my arms. I hear ice start to crack. I open my eyes to see a dome of ice has surrounded me. It shatters and stand up creating a bat made of ice. I use it to block Maddie's swing, shattering the ice on her arm. She tried to run at me again only to slip and fall on the ice. I freeze her to the ground and she only smiles. The ice melts away and she swings at me with her fist surrounded by flames. I punch it with ice surrounding my hand. Our powers combine creating electricity. Since I've controlled it before I use it to backfire in Maddie. She gets knocked back and is now lying on the ground. She let's out a laugh before standing up. "Looks like the new Alpha of the Foxes is Ross!" Shouts Maddie. "Great job Ross!" Says Max running up to me. "Wow." Autumn says from behind me. "How did you do the electricity thing?" Asks Maddie. "When powers of fire and ice combine it creates electricity." Explains Max, engulfing his hand in flames. "Awesome." Says Maddie. Autumn jumps back into the sky.
Adam's POV
I immediately run to the center of the crowd, seeing a girl standing there. She has dark brown hair with red tips at the ends, dark brown eyes, and her wolf ears and tail are a mix of red and orange. Jin, Ty, and Jess pull me back before I can do anything. "Adam!" Says Jin. "What?!?" I whine. "You need to be careful!" Says Jess. "But I'm indestructible!" I say. "Not entirely." Says Ty. "You can still be burned  and electrocuted and also every time you get hit it drains your energy." Says Jin summoning lightning down my arm to prove his point. "And you know what happens when you don't have enough energy." Says Jess. "Yeah yeah, I'm no longer indestructible." I sigh. "It's probably not the smartest idea to challenge the Alpha right off the bat." Says Jin. "I don't care, I'll do it!" I shout. "He's not going to stop is he?" Asks Jess. "He's not stopping." Says Ty. "I'm a wild animal RAWR I'll fight!" I shout. "We're not going to help you if you do." Says Jin. "I'll laugh." Says Ty. "I don't care!" I say. "Your choice." Says Jess, releasing me. I run back to the ground to see the lone girl again. She turns and looks at me. "I'm Adam and I'm here to challenge someone!" I say. "I'm Siena and I was made Alpha." Says the girl. "Then I challenge you for the title!" I say. "Then let us fight!" She says giving me a smile. Everyone backs up to give us space. We take a fighting stance. I start by taking the first blow. She blocks it and goes to kick me. I take it like it's nothing. Surprise fills her eyes as she jumps back. I charge at her again and she dodges, kicking me to the ground. Quickly rebounding I jump back up and charge again. Siena tries to dodge all of my attacks but fails. She has scratches on her arms and legs. I see her pause and take a deep breath. All her injuries disappear in an instant. She goes up and starts a barrage of punches on me. I block every single one of them. Slowly I feel my power starting to fade away. I kick her and she stumbles back. I try to hit her again only to be pinned to the ground. Her tail waves in my face so what do I do? I bite it. "What the heck!" Shouts Siena jumping up. "Hey, shouldn't have waved it in front of my face." I say giving her a grin, showing my sharp teeth. Siena let's out a sigh and tries to heal up again before I interrupt her. She kicks me directly in the stomach, and I felt it. I step back and so does she. At the same time we go to punch each other. Our fists pass each other up and hit us in the face. We stand there like that for a second before Siena stumbles back and sits down on the ground. "Well, I've met my match." She says. "Good fight." I say helping Siena up. She clears her throats then looks out to everyone. "The new Alpha of the Wolves is Adam!" Announced Siena. Everyone starts cheering and howling for me while Ty, Jess, and Jin walk up to me. "You actually did it." Says Ty. "Yup, better than you!" I say. Ty punches me in my arm, sending pain up through it. "Looks like you're out of energy." Says Jin. "Yup..." I mutter feeling all the scrapes and bruises I have. "You're not used to pain after not experiencing it for two years, are you?" Asks Jess. "Nope." I say.

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