Fester's body

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Ross's POV
After leading Max to the secret tunnel in a delirious haze of exhaustion I pass out. I wake back up on a couch leaning against Nick who is still sound asleep. I sit up and look around to see everyone else sleeping around me on other couches. Like always Red and Barney are leaning in each other while sleeping but to my surprise so are Max and Cory. Max is laying back on the couch facing upwards, one leg on it the other hanging off the side. Cory is laying face down at an angle over Max's stomach. It looks like they accidentally rolled on top of each other in their sleep. Nick begins to stir next to me before his eyes flutter open. "Ross... where are we?" Asks Nick while quietly yawning. "I think the secret tunnel." I answer.Nick nods his head before looking over at Max and Cory and nearly laughing out loud. "I never thought I'd see them this close to each other in a thousand years!" Whispers Nick. "Me neither." I reply. Slowly I see them both start to stir awake. They second their eyes are open they jump up and off each other, have a silent glare off, then finally look over to see me and Nick are awake. "You're finally up!" Whispers Max. "Are you guys okay?!?" Asks Cory quietly. "Yeah we're fine." Says Nick. "Have all of you gotten your powers back?" I ask. "Yeah we have." Says Cory grinning firm ear to ear. From the corner of my eye I see Nick smile at the sight of Cory's smile. "Well do we have any plans?" I ask. "Yes we do!" Grins Max. Both Cory and Max start giving Nick and I the layout of the plan. Basically there's a facility near by where the leader is and it's not as guarded from what we've seen so far. It's very well hidden but with Barney's power to see through walls we'll be able to find it easy. Once we're in we try our best to stay together and take down any threats. "That's all?" Asks Nick. "That's all we need to succeed!" Says Cory."Hey"I jerk around to see who whispered in my ear to see no one. "You okay Ross?" Asks Max."Listen!"I listen to the voice closely to realize it's mine. "Fester?" I whisper quietly to myself."He's bothering you again?" Asks Max."Let me out.""You know I can't do that!" I say ignoring the weird stares from Nick and Cory."Yes you can.""How!" I exclaim. "Quiet down Ross!" Whispers Max. "Sorry!" I whisper."Have Cory use his power to give me a body.""First of how does that work, second won't it just disappear?" I ask."Just have Max create a mind link between you and Cory and my body will be like those gems from Steven Universe because my conscious will be projected into the temporary body, but when I poof there won't be a gem I'll just be back in your mind.""Will that work?" Asks Max. "I don't know, let's try it." I shrug looking over at Cory. "Why are you looking at me?" Asks Cory.
Cory's POV
Both Max and Ross look over at me. "Oh right, Fester wants his own body so I need to create a mind link to link you and Ross together so you can use your power to create Fester a body." Explains Max. "How would that work?" I ask. "Steven Universe now are you in or not?" Asks Ross. "I guess." I shrug. "Alright." Says Max placing his hand on my shoulder then Ross's. He closes his eyes then suddenly I hear Ross's voice in my head."Now just use your powers however you do to create a body.""Alright." I say, taking a deep breath in. An image of Ross is placed in my mind but instead he's wearing a yellow and red scarf along with a narwhal hoodie. He also seems to be in a place with a prominent red sun, almost makes you want to go insane from looking at it.I open my eyes back up to see laying in the ground the image of Ross I saw. His eyes slowly open and we all look at him. "I'm here!" He exclaims making Autumn jump up looking for danger. Immediately Fester tackles Ross on the couch and Ross quickly shoves him off. "Woah..." Mumbles Nick, awestruck at the sight. "Do you have any powers?" Asks Ross. "I have ice and that's it." Says Fester staring to create frost on his hand. Ross lifts his hand up and some frost starts to form on it too. "It's really weak." Says Ross. "Well yeah, I took majority of the power since it's kinda what I was fused with." Shrugs Fester. "You seem cool." I say to Fester. "I am pretty chill." Smirks Fester. "We should probably go to sleep, we have a mission tomorrow." Suggests Nick. "Yeah that would be best." Agrees Ross. "Fine, don't cause trouble Fester." Says Ross. "I won't." Says Fester. "...okay." Says Ross still skeptical. Autumn, He, Fester and Max all fall asleep leaving Nick and I awake. "How close do you think we are to finally ending the government's plans?" Asks Nick. "I'm not sure, they always have some stupid thing up their sleeve." I say. "Like me..." Sighs Nick. "What! No, you're not stupid." I say. "I was created by the government, I've never known my parents, only that facility and you guys, my purpose was to be used and take you down but of course I was a failure." Says Nick. "You are not a failure Nick, you've helped us so much, besides it wasn't your choice where you were raised, all that matters is who you are now which is a person striving for a better world." I say kissing him. "Wow, that was really philosophical for you." Says Nick in awe. "Whatever nerd." I smirk. "And there's the Cory I know!" Yawns Nick. "We should probably sleep, besides you suggested it." I say. "Yeah you're right, goodnight." Says Nick. "Goodnight." I say back. I feel Nick drift into sleep and he leans against me. Slowly but surely I fall asleep too smiling, waiting for morning to come.
Shelby's POV
I wake up in the morning to see... two Ross's. I rub my eyes and look back up again to still see two Ross's. "Are you guys seeing this too?" I ask."Two Ross's, one of which is in a narwhal hoodie and wearing a scarf?" Asks Adam. "Am I insanes?" Asks Barney staring at his hands. "Fester!!" Autumn whispers waking one of the Ross up. I walk over to the other Ross and Max to shake them awake while Red goes to wake up Cory and Nick. "Hmm what?" Says Max sitting up. "Why are there two Ross's?!?" I ask. "Oh right... that." Says Cory. "What do you mean that?" Asks Jess. "Fester wanted a body so we did the mind thingy and Cory gave him Steven Universe..." Mumbles Ross. "What?" Asks Ty. "Max created a mind link between Cory and Ross and with Cory's power he was able to make a body for Fester but the body will poof and his conscious will return to Ross." Explains Nick. "That makes a lot more sense." Says Adam. "Wait but is it safe to have Fester around?" I ask. "You know I'm right here and it's not like I'll bite, well not you guys at least." Says Fester. "Wait what does that's meanings?" Asks Barney. "Nothing of your concern." Answers Fester waving it off. "I'm pretty sure it is if we're going to work as a group." I say. "No it isn't, who's he?" Asks Fester pointing at Tim. "That's Tim." Answers Ross. "Oooooh, doesn't Nick like hate that guy, a lot?" Says Fester. "Can't really blame him." Sighs Tim. "I don't mean to interrupt but we must leave now." Interrupts Beta. "But things were about to get interesting!" Whines Fester. "Shut up and just follow." Commands Max grabbing Festers wrist. "Fine..." Sighs Fester following us. Beta leads us outside where I feel the light breeze. It feels cold, enough to even make you start shivering. "Why is it so cold?" Asks Ty. "Really, the temperature is perfectly normal for me." Shrugs Ross. "What do you mean, it's probably the beginning of winter." I say."I don't feel it either." Adds Fester. "I'm fine." Autumn says. "Why can't you guys feel this?" Asks Adam. "Well I have power of fire and am immune to heat, they have ice and are probably immune to the cold and Autumn is kryptonian so she hardly feels most things." Says Max. "That makes a lot of sense." Says Red."One of the only things that makes sense right now." Comments Cory.

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