Shelby's new power

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Ty's POV
I sit there in the ground up against the wall while Amber just stands there, remote in hand. "Now are you going to answer my question?" She asks. "N-never." I mutter. My voice is shaking uncontrollably at this point. I feel another shock go my my body, it's like a horrible burning in your muscle. Each time I deny Amber of answers she shocks me again, the next one becoming stronger than the last. "Do you never learn?" Asks Amber. I simply let out a growl that quickly turns into a whimper as she shocks me again. "It's such a shame I can't kill you." Says Amber. "W-what do you mean?" I ask quietly. "The boss has specific orders for you to be alive." Explains Amber. "What about my friends?" I ask. "The boss couldn't care less." Shrugs Amber. "How could you follow that monster, how can you be so horrible!" I shout. "Oh you already know the boss?" Questions Amber raising her eyebrow. "Unfortunately yes..." I mumble. "You shouldn't speak about your mother like that." Tuts Amber. "She has done nothing but try to harm not only me but my friends and now many others." I growl. "Sometimes you need to view the world from different perspectives and see the whole story." Says Amber carefully like as if she was picking the right words to phrase her sentence right. . "Her perspective is twisted." I counter. "If that's what you want to believe, it's time for you to go back to your cell, now so let's go." Motions Amber."I still have questions." I say refusing to follow her. "Well I still have plenty of questions for you too." Responds Amber. "Why are you doing this?" I ask. "Why do you want to stop us?" Asks back Amber. "Why shouldn't I want to stop you?!?" I counter. "Because all of this could help create a world of peace if you would stop resisting!" Laughs Amber. "All you've done is hurt me and my friends along with creating a war that is getting worse each day by what I've heard!" I yell. "People fight things they're unsure of, once they understand they will accept it." Says Amber using an almost seductive voice. "You just want to use us to get what you want, you just want to use my friends, my mom just wanted to use me, I've only ever been an object to her haven't I!" I shout while starting to breathe heavily. "Only if you knew how she really felt." Coos Amber bringing her hand towards my face to caress it. Instantly I slap her hand away and back up to the wall. "You don't treat me like that." States Amber through gritted teeth. I see her press the button down on the remote instantly shocking me. I fall to the ground spazzing out. She isn't letting go of the button this time. Finally after what seems like forever she lets go of the button and I'm left on the ground paralyzed. My body keeps twitching involuntary as I slowly slip away from reality. "Teach you to hit me next time." Scoffs Amber right as I pass out.
Red's POV
Shelby and I walk down the halls into another empty room. This one is white with black lines going across it like it's some sort of grid. The doors slam behind us and almost instantly a grassy field appears pixel by pixel in a matter of seconds. A boy appears in the same manner wielding a sword in his hand. "This isn't fair!" I shout. "I don't think they care to play fair..." Mutters Shelby. Before we can exchange anymore words the boy runs in between us and swings his sword at me. I barely dodge it and stumble backwards. The boy goes for a swing at me while I'm open before being tackled by Shelby. She and him try to wrestle for the sword before Shelby is thrown off and into me resulting in both of us falling to the ground. Both of us quickly scramble back on our feet before having to dodge the boy's sword again to avoid getting our faces stabbed. "We just came from a fight, can we please have a break!" I beg. The boy only tackles Shelby and stabs the sword down at her head, luckily missing and going into the ground next to her. "I think that would be a no!" Shouts Shelby kicking the boy off herself. The boy continues to attack us as we desperately dodge. Suddenly the field changes underneath my feat creating a tall hill and boulders situated in the ground all around us. I end up rolling down the hill and my back slams straight into a boulder. The air is knocked out of me while I try to sit up. My vision is starting to go blurry as I look up to see the boy in front of me with his sword raised. I'm too weak to move. I only move my arm in front of my face as my means of protection even though it won't do anything. I close my eyes and wait for impact. "Red!" I hear Shelby scream as she desperately runs over to me. Suddenly I hear the sword collide with what sounds like some sort of glass plastic mix. The impact was strong enough to send a gust of wind blowing past me. I open my eyes to see Shelby standing in front of me and panting with both her arms out in front of her. There stands a white translucent barrier that suddenly starts to crack where the boy's sword is. Shelby pushes her arms forward and sends the barrier flying, crashing the simulator revealing the boy to be a robot that is now broken into pieces. Shelby starts to break down into fits of coughs and falls to the ground. I catch her before she hits the ground and see the exhausted look upon her face. Some workers start to come in the room and take Shelby away. "Get back!" I shout standing up, holding Shelby close to me. "Don't resist." Says one of the men. "You're not taking Shelby out of my sight and I will fight you if you even try to lay a finger on her!" I growl. "Fine you can come along with us." Says another worker, motioning me to follow them.

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