Cory mans up?

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Cory's POV
Max willingly goes to bed after being beaten in the fight against Ross and Nick. Me on the other hand, I'm not going down that easily, it'll take more than one defeat to make me give in. "Come on!" Shouts Nick tugging at my tail. I just lay there flat on my back on the ground. I feel myself start being dragged across the floor as Nick makes a strong tug and I'm thrown about a foot, hitting the ground with a thud. "I'm so sorry!" Exclaims Nick. "Well you're getting better at controlling your strength..." I mumble. "Either that or the bracelets we have also suppress our strength and speed." Explains Jin. "This is lame, we should still be able to have our powers." Says Shelby.  "Well at least I won't be being slammed around anytime soon..." I mumble. "Let's just go to sleep already." Yawns Ross. "No." I say walking over to the computer. I feel Nick grab onto my wrist and giving me what I call the kitty cat eyes. "Why are you so desperate to get me to sleep?" I whine. "You know when you get tired you see things." Says Nick. "He does?" Asks Adam. "You guys never knew that?" Asks Autumn and Max. "Not all of us can read minds or stays with Cory 99.99% of the time." Says Red. "Yeah you twos like hangings out constantlys." Says Barney. "They got a point." Says Ty. "Whatever, the point is Cory needs to sleep or he'll start becoming paranoid." Says Nick. "Fine, I'll sleep..." I mumble. "Good." Says Nick dragging me off to my room. Soon I'm standing next to my bed and Nick starts to walk out. "Hey Nick?" I ask. "Yeah Cory?" Says Nick. "Did you cry?" I ask. "What?" Says Nick in confusion. "Did you cry when you thought I died?" I ask. Nick goes silent before speaking up."Yes I did. I thought you were gone forever and that thought just hurts to think about." He says quietly, sadness lingering in his voice. "That's comforting." I say smiling to myself. "Why'd you ask?" Questions Nick. "I'm not sure, I just wanted to know." I say before pouncing on him and kissing him. Then going back to bed. "Goodnight!" I say, giving him a warm smile. I see Nick's shocked face have a small smile appear on it as he walks off to his room. I feel myself drift into a sleep making the night time pass by. I wake up and instantly hop out of bed going downstairs to see Adam on the phone. "Yo do know what pizza Nick wants?" Asks Adam "I'll go ask him, he constantly changes it." I say going back up stairs.  I walk up to Nick's door and open it up. I see Nick standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and one he's using on his hair and ears to dry them out. Nick looks over at me his cheeks turning red. "W-what are you doing C-Cory?" Stutters Nick. "What type of pizza do you want?" I ask like there isn't a guy that is so hot in front of me. "P-pepperoni." Answers Nick. "Okay." I say closing the door and walking back downstairs. "What'd he say?" Asks Ty. "Just pepperoni." I answer. We order the pizza and wait for it to arrive. Nick walks downstairs his cheeks still a faint pink. "What's up with your face?" Asks Ross. Nick doesn't say anything and just stares. "What are you embarrassed about?" Asks Max. "I don't know Cory caught me off guard!" Says Nick. "What?" Asks Red. "Cory walked in on me right after I got a shower and only had a towel around my waist." Says Nick covering his face. "I don't see a problem with that." I shrug. The doorbell rings and Ross immediately jumps up putting the hood of his hoodie over his head and hiding his tail. He come back with four boxes of pizza and a huge grin in his face.
Ty's POV
The second Ross brings the pizza in we start to scarf it down. "Pizza is the best!" Mumbles Nick his mouthful of food. "Stairs are annoying..." Mumbles Ross taking a bite of his pizza. "Well at least you can sleep! This is more annoying than the facility!" Autumn says, annoyed. "What makes you say that Ross?" Asks Jess ignoring Autumn.  "Ross is used to being able to jump off and float down but he can't do that anymore so he face planted on them." Laughs Max.  "It was hilarious!" Laughs Shelby. "It hurt!" Whines Ross. "Well at least you aren't slammed against walls." Says Cory looking over at Nick."I've already said I'm sorry!" Exclaims Nick. "At least you haven't been lit on fire." Says Adam. "Yes I have!" Exclaims Cory "You two deserved that!" Says Max. "What time is it?" Asks Cory. "Twos p.m." Says Barney. "I slept that long!" Shouts Cory. "Dude we stayed up till like one a.m playing Undertale." Says Max. "That's still 13 hours of sleep Cory had." Says Jin. "Why didn't you guys wake me up?!?" Asks Cory. "You were so peaceful." Says Adam. "And adorable!" Exclaims Jess. "We wanted to take off your mask since we've actually never seen your face." Starts Adam. "But of course Nick and Shelby stopped us." I say. "But I got this drawing!" Says Jess. "It's pretty awesome." Says Red. Jess holds up her sketchbook flipping to the drawing. It shows Cory laying on his stomach, one arm hanging off the edge of his bed, one hand gripping onto the covers, his mask slightly crooked, and a soft smile upon his face. "Why were you guys watching me sleep?!?" Asks Cory. "We were curious what you were doing then saw you sleeping." I shrug. "What were you dreaming about?" Asks Ross. "I don't remember." Says Cory. "Lies!" Autumn yells. "Well I'm going to head out into the city." Says Nick putting on a hoodie and a black cap that has SGC written on it covering up his cat ears. "What for?" Asks Adam. "Get more video games duh." Says Nick. "I wanna go too!" Says Ross pulling his hood up. "Then come on already!" Says Nick already halfway through the door. "Be careful!" I shout at them as they leave.

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