Chara's Return

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Max's POV
Cory and I wait around in our cell to see what is going to happen to us. To pass the time Cory continuously tries to break his chain to no avail. "Why do you keep trying to break the chain?" I ask laying on my back. "Because Nick and everyone else could be in danger right now so if I can get free I can try to help them." Explains Cory while continuing to pull at the chain. "First of all you're only wasting your energy, second we don't have our powers so if you somehow managed to break the chain you wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight." I counter sitting up to face Cory. Cory turns his head towards me with a dissatisfied frown on his face before looking back at the chain and dropping it with a loud sigh. Footsteps quickly approach our cell and I look up to see it's some of those workers. "Just great..." Mumbles Cory. "What do you want!" I growl through gritted teeth. "Follow." Commands one of the workers as he releases us from our chains. We follow them down the halls and towards some doors. They throw us into separate rooms and lock the doors behind us. I'm surrounded by complete darkness. Putting my hands in front of me I start to walk forward a couple steps before feeling a wall and instantly getting shocked. The electricity blinds me as it shoots out and up my arm, making me yelp and jump back. "Max can you hear me?!?" I hear Cory ask over some sort of intercom. "Yeah I can hear you." I groan. "What happened?!?" Asks Cory. "The room is pitch black so I tried walking forward, hit a wall, and was shocked." I explain. "In my room I have a screen with your location and a view of the entire maze you're in." Says Cory. "They probably are testing how fast we move through this maze or something." I sigh. "We'll turn to your left then take like five steps." Inputs Cory. I follow his command and walk perfectly fine. He continues to give me commands while I follow his every word finally making it to the end. I see a faint glowing button and press it to have the room light up, blinding me. When my vision returns I see all the walls starting to move out of the way."Cory you there?" I ask. No answer. Slowly I walk back to the door and open it up to see the workers have Cory. Cory's lip is bleeding slightly and he appears to have scrapes along his arms and face. "What did you do!" I shout running over and grabbing Cory. Quickly I pull him away from the workers making sure to protect him from further harm. "He tried to escape so we stopped him." Shrugs on of the workers. "You sick monsters!" I hiss."It doesn't matter anyways, you two will be gone tomorrow afternoon." Says the other worker. "W-what do you mean?" Asks Cory, his voice trembling slightly. "Well you two are the most rebellious from the others it seems and also don't hold any value to us so we're going to have to exterminate you." Explains the worker. "What about the others?!?" I exclaim. "Your friends will work for us, they'll get a special treatment." Answers the worker, his tone turning sinister when saying the word special."I swear if you do anything to anyone especially Nick!" Shouts Cory stumbling out of my arms. "Nick, that's one of the two who got away..." Mutters the worker. "The other was Ross wasn't it?" Asks his partner. "They got out?" I ask, slight joy in my voice. "They did but they're also you're only chance of survival, that is if they're still alive." Says the worker. "What do you mean still alive?!?" Asks Cory. "We might not have them because they may be dead." Shrugs the worker. "Such a shame too, I saw their files and those two were some of the most promising." Says the other worker shaking his head. "If I find out you even hurt them I will kill you." I growl. "You better never lay a hand on them!" Growls Cory. "Like you can do anything." Says the worker shoving Cory back and making him stumble. I catch Cory before he can fall to the ground. The workers motions us to follow and we reluctantly do so. "You'll regret ever being a part of this when Ross and Nick come." I growl at them. "Let's say you see them in this facility, how do you know they're real?" Questions one of the workers. "W-what do you mean?" Asks Cory. "We can easily have people go under cover to trick you, make you think you're talking to your friends." Shrugs the worker. "Why are you telling us this then?" I ask. "It's no fun to win a one sided game, we're just trying to make the battlefield more fair, that way it'll be interesting." Smirks the other worker. "Is this all just a game to you!" Shouts Cory jumping up lens going red. I quickly pull him back, preventing Cory from lunging at the workers. "Let go of me Max, these people deserve it!" Screams Cory. "Cory, this isn't helping, they want this from us, don't let them manipulate you." I whisper to Cory. I feel Cory tense before letting out a sigh and allowing his lens to turn back. I let go of Cory and he continues to follow the workers again until we're at our cell.
Barney's POV
I watch as Ty is taken away, leaving me alone in the cell. Soon enough another worker lady comes and takes me to a room without saying a single word. She has me sit down in a chair where a projector is turned on displaying the color yellow. "Can you tell me what you see?" Asks the lady. "The color yellows." I answer slowly. She taps something making the screen change. "What about now?" She asks again. "That's the letters B." I answer again. Once again she taps something and a photo pops up of a puppy running towards a ball that's in mid air. "Can you explain what is happening in this photo?" Asks the woman. "The puppys is catchings the ball." I answer. "Alright, now I'll show you a video." Says the lady. Just like she said a video pops up. The second I see it I feel the blood drain from my face. It's a video of us about a month after we escaped the facility, the angle it's taken at seems like someone was spying on us. I see on screen Max holding Ross and yelling at Cory while Cory is holding Nick and shouting at Max. Shelby, Red, and I are holding Cory back while Jin, Adam, and Jess are holding Max back. Ty is in between the two boys who are shouting at each other. "What the hell!" I hear Max shout through the audio feedback of the video. "Don't give me that crap!" Shouts back Cory. "Guys stop, this isn't going to help." Says Jin. "Listen to Jin guys!" Pleads Adam. "Max burned Nick, he could have seriously injured him!" Exclaims Cory."You're stupid shockwave caused rocks to fall on top of Ross nearly crushing him!" Counters Max. "You two need to calm down." Says Red."This isn't goings to solvings anything." Says myself in the video. "Cory needs to learn how to control his powers like everyone else!" Yells Max. "Like you can talk after burning Nick with your powers!" Shouts Back Cory. Suddenly the video ends there and the lady only looks at me. "So can you explain the story behind that?" Asks the lady. "Why do you needings to knows that?" I ask. "That isn't for you to know, now explain the story." Commands the lady. I quickly stand up from the chair and shake my head. I see her pull out a taser and letting the sparks fly from it. "You don't have much of a choice, unless you want Red to end up like Jin was meant to." Threatens the lady. "You sick monsters!" I shout. "So are you going to talk?" She asks. I let out a growl and give in explaining the story. It had started out as one of our regular training sessions. Of course Cory and Max decided to practice fighting against each other. Everything was normal until their new powers, being the shockwave and flames, started to act up. Suddenly Max shot out a flame uncontrollably and Cory managed to dodge but in his haste he accidentally set off a powerful shockwave. Nick was hit by the flames and the shockwave caused a bunch of loose rocks from the mountain we were training by to fall down right on top of Ross. Jin tried to use his telekinesis to stop all the rocks but could only stop a few. Luckily it was enough to save Ross. For Nick the flames weren't to powerful but still enough to sting him bad. Max and Cory were mad at each other for months after that incident before they just one day weren't. I have no idea why they weren't mad anymore but it was a relief to the rest of us. "That is interesting, they just stopped?" Asks the lady. "Did I not sayings that's?" I ask. "Do they still fight?" She questions. "Well yeahs." I answer. "So we will have to get rid of them..." Mumbles the lady. "Wait what's!" I shout. "They are to difficult to influence therefore we have to get rid of them." Explains the woman. "How could you's just throwing aways someones life likes that!" I shout. "Well it's not like they hold any other use." Shrugs the woman. "You'res a sicks monster." I growl. "Better than a useless one." Says the woman.

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