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Cory's POV
The day slowly disappears as it turns into night. Max and I wait, trapped in our cell, until we're picked up soon to be exterminated as the workers told us. "Cory!" Says Max raising his voice a little. "Wait what's going on?" I ask looking around. "Nothing, you were just staring into nothingness so I wanted to see if you were okay." Explains Max. "Oh yeah yeah, I'm fine." I sigh. "You know we haven't fought once since we've been captured." Points out Max. "We managed to work together enough to combine our powers making flaming swords!" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air. "That was pretty awesome." Smiles Max.Even though Max and I fight a lot he's really grown on me. It's really sad now we might not have much longer to live. "No way..." Whispers Max. "What?" I ask. "I just heard you say everything about us and not living." Says Max. "I didn't say that out loud." I say. "I know, I'm getting my powers back!" Cheers Max, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Maybe they were in a hurry and messed up on drugging you or whatever they do with the chemicals." I say. "Don't know don't care, we might have our ticket out." Grins Max holding his hand out in front of him. He concentrates before small flames forms and engulfs his fist. He moves his flaming hand to the chain that's on my ankle and melts it enough for me to slip it off. He quickly does the same to his own chain before hopping to the the lock on our cell. He grabs the entire lock and rips it off the door. He opens his hand to reveal the molten metal that's starting to drop on the ground. Max throws it to the side before extinguishing his hand. "Overkill much?" I ask while raising an eyebrow. "Just releasing some steam on the door so I don't pulverize the workers." Smirks Max. "Well ladies first." I say using my mocking tone. "Yeah so why aren't you going Cory?" Counters Max. "Touché." I say pushing the door open and walking into the hall. As soon as we turn the corner we see Ross and Nick standing there, their faces lighting up. "We found you!" Exclaims Nick running up and hugging me. "You're safe!" Says Max hugging Ross. Ross and Nick quickly stand back and start to walk off. "Follow us!" Motions Ross. Max starts to follow them instantly while I stand in place. Something isn't right. Max stops to look back at me. "What are you waiting for?" Asks Max. I look Nick up and down. I focus my vision on his cat ears. They're both unharmed, not a single scar. I grab Max's wrist and drag him back. "What are you doing?" Asks Max putting up a little resistance. "He's not real, that's not Nick." I say. Max looks over at Nick and his eyes widen. Ross looks at Nick and starts to back up. "What happened to the real Nick!" Ross shouts. The imposter Nick immediately goes to jump at me before being taken out by an energy blast. The imposter falls to the ground, revealing to be a robot. Behind him stands the real Nick running up to me. He jumps and hugs me like there's no tomorrow. "Where's Ross?!?" Asks Max. "I'm right here." Says Ross. "The real Ross is around the corner!" Sneers Nick. The Ross immediately runs down the hallway and turns the corner. We follow him to see him fighting with Ross. We can't tell them apart because we lost sight of which was which. Max engulfs his hand in flames and approaches them. They both stop fighting and stare at Max. "Please don't kill me!" Pleads one of them. "You aren't going to hurt me, right Max?" Asks the other. Max stands there in silence before finally speaking up. "What's your biggest fear?" He asks. "Being alone." Quickly replies one of them smiling. The other Ross just sits there and smirks. "Ye." He says. A grin forms across Max's face as he grabs the face of the one that answered being alone and let's the metal melt in his hand. "How did you know which one was him?" I ask. "Only the real Ross is stupid enough to answer with Ye." Says Max. "Ye." Repeats Ross. "It's getting hard to tell lies from the truth." Sighs Nick. "What do you mean?" I ask. "We've ran into some of our 'friends' while coming down here." Says Ross using finger quotes on friends. "We need to have like a password in case we separate." Suggests Max. "Mithross." I smirk. "You guys say that we'll say Corick." Counters Ross. "Sounds good to me." Says Max. "Do we really need to do this?" Asks Nick giving us an awkward smile. "Ye." Answers Ross.
Nick's POV
After finding the real Cory and Max we continue our search for everyone else."Who's the closest to us Ross?" I ask.Ross closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath before opening his eyes back up and looking off into a direction. "I feel Ty and Barney nearby though Ty feels weak, very weak." Says Ross. "We need to get to them fast then." Says Cory. "Yeah, the people here are some of the most sadistic I've seen..." Mutters Max. "Let's hurry then." I say starting to walk off. Ross quickly follows behind me before taking the lead. "How did you guys escape during the battle?" Asks Max curiously. "Well it wasn't as much of us escaping as it was being saved." I say. "What do you mean?" Asks Cory. "Beta." Ross says flatly. I hear Max and Cory stop in their tracks before quickly resuming to walk down the hall with us. "She's back?" Asks Cory. "She experimented on you Ross!" Exclaims Max. "She is also helping us and that was two years ago." I say. "What she did was permanent." Says Max. "Don't worry about it Max, we're fine now and she's on our side so there should be no problem." Says Ross shrugging off the subject and turning down another hall. We start to see cells and look around for anyone. Instantly a familiar purple dinosaur hoodie catches my eye as I run up to the cell. Everyone lets out a gasp as they see Ty lying down in the cell in a bad condition."What happened?!?" I ask as Max starts to melt away the lock. "Those monsters dids this!" Exclaims Barney. Ty tries to stand up by himself only to fail. Quickly Max and Cory each grab an arm and lift him up. "We got you bud." Says Max. "We needings to find the others!" Says Barney. "Who's next?" I ask looking over at Ross. "Adam and Jess." Answers Ross running off again. Soon enough we reach the cell Adam and Jess are held in. They both seem to be in decent condition. We get them out of their cell but something feels off."Why haven't there been anyone else trying to stop us?" I ask. "I don't know but I haven't felt anyone approach us." Says Ross. "What do you mean?" Asks Adam. "They've had these robots look like you guys and fight us." I explain. "I don't mean to interrupt but me and Nick don't exactly have a lot of time." Says Ross. "Why not?" Asks Jess. "Basically we got a big energy boost but once it runs out we're out of commission." I quickly explain before following Ross down the hall. "What?" Asks Cory. "We'll explain when we're in a better place." Says Ross.

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