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Red's POV
I slam down on the stairs gaining the attention of the people invading our home I'm trying to control my... other side. Nick immediately jumps off Cory's shoulders and stands by my side while Barney pulls me up. "I told you they were here!" Calls out a mans voice that's muffled behind his mask. "Back up now or I will not hesitate to use my powers!" Growls Cory jumping in front of us. Autumn just jumps in front of us. "The kitty cat and the dragon got their bracelets off." Coos one of the men in mask. "Leave now." Says Cory in a low tone. One of the men raises his gun and let's a bullet loose. Cory reacts fast enough to materialize a shield from Steven Universe to block it. The bullet ricochets off Cory's shield but it shatters like glass and disappears into thin air. Cory starts to fall but Barney and I catch him before he can collapse. They shoot Autumn next She shoots a ball of purple fire and the same happens to her. "What's goings on with them's?" Asks Barney. "It must be from what Tim used." Says Jin. "Come with us or die." Commands a masked man. Jin let's out a low growl as he walks over and holds his wrists to them. "Jin what are you doing?" Asks Ty. "We need to follow along for now." Says Jin through gritted teeth. "Good boy." Says the man as he handcuffs Jin. Soon enough he has us all in handcuffs and Autumn, Nick, Ross, and Adam in cages. Like usual the villain has to knock you out before you go to their base or whatever. I wake up in a room. It's dimly lit with a grey light. I look over to see Nick, who's no longer a cat, passed out next to me. He seems peaceful. I sit up to see we're the only ones in the room. The floor has carpet on it but that's all that's in the room. The rest is barren and only the size of a kids bedroom. There's a door for going in and out but it appears to be a sliding door so there's no way for us to get out unless we can figure out the passcode to the keypad. I stare down at my bracelet that has colors dancing all around it. Mines multicoloured to represent my emotions. Nick starts to stir next to me. His eyes open up but they're in slits like a cats eye. The second his eyes are open he has me pinned to the ground. His face looms over mine as he blinks a couple times. His eyes turn back to normal and he jumps off me. "I-I'm sorry Red I thought you were one of them!" Exclaims Nick. "It's okay, our real problem is being trapped in here." I say.
Ross's POV
I wake up to a rhythmic knock. I sit up and rub my eyes letting out a yawn. When my vision clears I look up at Adam, who is banging his head against a door, through a crack in the lens of my glasses. "You're awake!" Exclaims Adam. "Ye." I say. "Oh man, they cracked your glasses." Says Adam readjusting the glasses on my face. "At least I'm not alone..." I mutter. "I've been checking for a couple minutes and I can't find any way out." Says Adam. "Do you know where Max or anyone else is?" I ask. "I have no clue, I woke up a little before you so I'm jut as confused." Sighs Adam in frustration. I sit there and look down at the ground. Slowly I feel myself fall into a trance of my own thoughts. I'm not sure how much time passes but the door slides open to reveal a man in a mask. He motions us to follow silently. We simply do as commanded since we have no other choice. Before I know it I'm shoved into a room. "Ross!" I hear Adam shout before the door closes behind me. Unlike the room Adam and I were in before this one has a table with two chairs a couch and two beds. I turn around to stare at the door. No handle, just a keypad for a passcode. I turn back around and observe the room. There's another door across the room. The longer I stand in here the more I start to feel a weight form in my stomach. The fear in me starts to rise as I stand. All alone. By myself. I start to feel an anxiety attack building. I feel my knees go weak and I fall to the ground. I hug my knees to my chest and try to control my breathing. Before my mental state completely breaks I hear the other door whir open. "Where is everyone else!" I hear a familiar voice shout. Immediately I jump up and hug him. "Maxi!" I shout. "Ross what happened?!?" Asks Max. "I thought I was left alone." I say quietly as I let go of Max. "Looks like you started crying, and what the hell did they do to you?" Asks Max gently removing my glasses. "Aside form kidnapping and putting me in here nothing really, my glasses were probably just accidentally cracked." I explain. "That's a relief to hear." Says Max handing me back my glasses. I slide them back on to my face. As I set them in place the cracked lens falls out of the frame. "Great..." I mumble. "Can I see the glass?" Asks Max. "Sure, don't really have a use for it now." I sigh handing it to him. Without the lens half of my vision is blurry. Max takes hold of my wrist with the bracelet and starts to fidget with it. After about ten minutes or so Max finally gets it to snap off before moving onto his. He gets his off in only two minutes before tossing it aside and setting the lens on the table. Max starts to look around the room like he's searching for something. Using my power of soul sensory I can feel that he's worried. "Max what's wrong?" I ask. "N-nothing." Mumbles Max refusing to look at me. "I know you're lying Max." I say. "Fine, I accidentally cut my wrist with the lens and its starting to bleed." Says Max. I look over to see a trail of blood on his arm he was hiding. It's not bleeding heavily but not a light amount either. The sight of it still makes me feel sick. "Sit at the table and I'll use a pillow case as a bandage." I command. Max quickly follows as I grab a pillow case and rip apart of it off. I walk over to Max and tie it around his wrist, trying to stop the bleeding. "Do you know where everyone else is?" Asks Max. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, concentrating on everyone else. "From what I can tell Nick and Shelby are together in a room but they seem to be feeling very awkward, same for Ty and Jess, Adam and Barney seem very agitated, Cory is enraged with I believe Red but he feels weird who seems a little scared by him, and finally it seems Jin and Autumn are together but they don't seem to really be displaying any emotions." I explain. "I feel a little dizzy." Says Max quietly. "You should probably lay down then." I say. "Okay..." Mumbles Max standing up. He starts to stumble a bit so I help him over to a bed. He falls onto it and passes out the second he touches the mattress. I pull the covers on top of him before walking over to the other bed and sitting in top of it. I watch Max sleeping peacefully while I wait for someone else to get us.

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