Beta returns

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Nick's POV
I slowly wake up, my vision dark and blurry. Gradually I feel the memories start to come back to me. We were being invaded but our group was split up, I was with Ross. We went overboard with our powers and quickly lost all our energy. Before I passed out I remember someone picking us up. Now I sit here on a couch leaning against the arm of it. I feel someone to my left shift around. Looking over I see Ross leaning on me, his head on my shoulder. He looks exhausted and riddled with scrapes on his arms and face. I look in front of me and see Tim with a smile on his face and a familiar lady next to him. Instantly I feel an anger fill my veins. "Why are you here and who are you!" I growl."I am Beta and Tim is here to help assist us." Answers the lady. For a moment I forget my anger and stare at Beta. "Y-you're still here?" I ask. I feel Ross start to shift around more before his eyes fly open and he jumps up. He makes direct eye contact with Beta and immediately frost starts to cover his arm like he's getting ready for a fight. "W-why are y-you back?" Asks Ross with fear lacing his voice. "I know I have done inhumane things to you in the past that can not be excused, but right now I am here to help." Says Beta. "What about him." I hiss at Tim."I know I'm not the best person, I know technically I did try to kill Cory, but you aren't so different from me Nick." Replied Tim. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "We both have something that can control us and our actions, and if you hate me that much because of that then you might as well hate yourself, oh and I almost forgot about Ross since he also has something similar to that." Explains Tim. "But how do I know I can still trust you?" I ask through gritted teeth. "I know I tried to kill your boyfriend but believe me I regret letting... that side do what it did." Sighs Tim. "We're not dating!" I shout. "Sure..." Mumbles Tim. "You shut up!" I shout grabbing Tim by his shirt. He immediately throws me to the ground. Ross runs up to me and when I look back to try to face him I see Cory standing there. "C-cory?" I ask. I shake my head to see if maybe I hit it when I fell. Ross looks just as confused as me. Cory holds out his hand to me giving me a soft smile. I take it and he helps me stand up, our faces being only about three inches apart. I feel my face start to heat up the slightest bit."T-thanks." I say. "Ha called it!" I hear Cory's voice say. Suddenly I see 'Cory' transform back into Tim. "What the?!?" I shout. "Man we are really off our game..." Mutters Ross. "You are recovering from exhaustion so your brains might not process logic and reasoning as quickly as it normally would." States Beta. "Well why are we here?" Asks Ross. "As you know there is a war, in not quite sure why but it is serious none the less, we need the hybrids such as yourself to help fight except you and your friends... plus Tim, will have special missions since all of you are best at using your abilities." Explains Beta. "How long have we been here?" Questions Ross. "You two have been out for about a day." Answers Beta. "A day!" I exclaim. "Yes and time is limited as of right now." Replies Beta. "Well where can we start?" I ask.
Cory's POV
Max and I stand back to back inside the bubble shield I've materialized, both panting from fighting. "This isn't going to hold out much longer." I say in between breaths. "We aren't powerful enough to take out these guys!" Shouts Max. "Can we combine our powers?!?" I ask. "We can try." Says Max. I feel him grab my wrist and we both take a deep breath in. Suddenly a sword with a blade made of flames appears in our hands. "All right!" Exclaims Max as he swings it. I let down the shield and swing my new sword. Immediately the enemies start to back off. "Where's Nick and Ross?" I ask. "Over here!" Shouts Max grabbing my wrist again. We start to run over and see Nick and Ross be taken away by someone. "Ross!" Yells Max. "Nick!" I scream. Both our swords shatter and disappear into thin air as we try to reach our friends. Before we can travel very far I feel my body give out in me as I fall to the ground with Max laying next to me. Max is still reaching his hand out for Ross before his eyes close shut. I try to crawl towards the direction of Nick before feeling myself slip away from reality.I wake up panting and see that I'm in a cell. I immediately try to jump up only to fall face forward due to a chain latched in my ankle. I look behind me and see Max laying there unconscious with a chain as well, he seems to be very distressed. Max starts to stir before bolting up. Unlike me he looks down to see a chain on his ankle and sits back down letting out a sigh. "You okay man?" Asks Max. "Yeah, few bruises here and there but that's expected." I answer. Max nods before staring at my face. "Uhhh are you okay?" I ask. "Oh sorry, it's just weird that you still have your mask." Says Max. "Had it since I was 2." I shrug. "Do you even remember what your face looks like?" Asks Max. "Not really, I can't take it off." I reply. "Why do you wear the mask?" Questions Max. "Complicated." I answer slowly. "Do you feel like something is taking away our powers?" Interjects Max. "Yeah, its running through my body, I can feel it so clearly..." I mutter, shuddering at the thought. "Are you okay?" Asks Max placing his hand on my shoulder. "I um, just bad memories." I sigh. "Does it remind you of the Tim incident?" Asks Max. "Yeah, this feeling of the chemical feels almost the same, well except for the nearly dying." I explain. "Well that's good to know, if we try to use our powers at all we'll be drained of our energy." Says Max. "Assuming whatever they put in us works the same you would be right." I say. "So I'm assuming this is the start of a revolution?" Asks Max. "Yup." I sigh.

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