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Barney's POV
Yet again we continue our quest to get out of this place after running into another close call and another miracle of someone gaining a power I can tell red kissed me and I'm kind of happy about it. At this point all of us are exhausted, except for Nick and Ross who are still running around like there's no tomorrow."When's we gettings out of heres?" I ask. "Not sure." Ross says slowly as he approaches a door at the end of a hallway. He stops a foot away from it, just staring, his tail slowly swaying back and forth behind him, and his silver fox ears flopped down. "What's up bud?" Asks Max. Ross looks back at Max before the door. Out of no where he kicks it down revealing sunlight. "Huh, I guess we're out now." Shrugs Ross. Everyone but Max and Autumn stand there frozen while Ross just casually walks out. They follows him without question before looking back at all of us. "Are you coming or not?" He asks. "Ross just... that poor door!" Stutters Adam. "Heh, well goodnight." Says Ross. "Wait what?" Asks Max. "A nap sounds good..." Mumbles Nick. "What are you talking about?" Asks Cory. After they finish talking both Ross and Nick fall over and are caught by Max and Cory. "Are they sleeping?" Asks Shelby. "I think this is what they meanings by they weres on a timers." I say. "At least they aren't dead." Says Red."We can find where we need to go without them." Says Adam. Cory and Max put Nick and Ross on their backs before staring to walk off. "Where are we supposed to go?" Asks Ty. "Ross and Nick said that Beta had helped them out before." Says Max. "So then we need to go to her." Adds Cory. "That nots helping with us findings hers." I say. "The forest, secret tunnel..." Mumbles Ross while stirring a little on Max's back. "Yeah... secret tunnel..." Repeats Nick in his sleepy state. "Well now we know where to go!" Chirps Max walking forward. "What secret tunnel?" Asks Adam. "The secret one." Says Max. "That doesn't help." Says Cory in an annoyed tone. "Just follow me, I read Ross's mind so it makes sense to me." Says Max taking off. "How's you knowing what the place lookings like?" I ask. "I don't know, the image just popped in my head when I read Ross's mind." Shrugs Max. "I thought you could only hear people's thoughts though?" Says Shelby. "Apparently I can see images in your head now." Answers Max.
Jess's POV
After everyone Max explains how his mind reading abilities have become stronger an idea pops in my head. "What do you see in my head then?" I ask "A hammer and a bunch of corgis." Says Max. "Yup he can see images." I confirm. "Let's just get to this secret tunnel already, we're probably going to be caught if we don't move soon." Says Ty. "Fine by me." Says Max starting to lead the way. "Shut up Fester..." Ross mumbles in his sleep. "Does Ross normally do this?" Asks Adam. "He does talk in his sleep but I've never heard him speak to Fester in his sleep." Answers Max. "Probably just a coincidence." Shrugs Cory. "What do you know about Fester anyways, he's still kinda mysterious to us?" I ask. "He's tends to be sarcastic, constantly likes to get on the nerves of me, Autumn and Ross, he's also surprisingly very intelligent but uses it to be a trickster." Explains Max while Autumn nods along. "Interesting." Says Cory raising an eyebrow. "What are you saying?" Asks Max glaring at Cory. "Oh nothing other than the fact that you seem to know a lot about Ross and Fester almost like you were a, couple." Smirks Cory while making sure to have a dramatic pause before couple. "First of all Ross and I have known each other since we were little kids so of course I know a lot about him, second you know just as much about Nick as I do about Ross only being in a two year span and third you're very overprotective of Nick just like a boyfriend would be fourth I do love Ross thank you." Counters Max smirking right back at Cory. I see Cory blush a little before turning his head away from embarrassment. "I ship it!" I whisper. "Mithross or Coricks?" Asks Barney. "Cory and Max." I say. "What!?!" Both Max and Cory shout at the same time. "Man you two are so easy to mess with." Giggles Shelby. "Shut up!" Shouts Cory, his face turning a darker shade of red. "Let's just drop this, besides we're here now." Says Max. We all stare at the side of a mountain then at Max. "It's just a mountain." I say. "There's a part of it that's fake or something." Says Max walking up and kicking the side of the mountain. He continues do this until we hear a metal clunk. Nick starts to squirm around and falls off of Cory's back and tries to stand up. "You're too exhausted, you need rest." Says Cory. "But the secret tunnel..." Mumbles Nick standing up. Cory let's out a sigh as he helps Nick over to it. Nick manages to find some sort of panel and punches in a code, making the very well camouflaged door slide away. Nick collapses again with Cory picking him back up. "They act very similar to young children a lot." I say. "You don't say." Replies Cory. "I thought we all did?" Asks Adam. "Well you're not wrong." Answers Red. "Lets goings in alreadys." Suggests Barney. "I'm with Barney, we might actually be able to rest for once." Says Ty stretching.
Max's POV
We walk inside this secret tunnel to be greeted with the site of a room that's very well furnished. Cory and I take Ross and Nick over to the couch and set them down. Nick is kinda sitting up while resting on the arm of the couch and Ross is curled up into a ball hugging his tail. Beta enters the room, behind her is Tim. "He's here too?" Asks Adam. "Well what does it look like?" Says Tim, using both his arms to motion to himself. "If you betray us I will kill you." Interjects Cory in a very cold tone. Tim stands there slightly shocked before shifting his glance to the ground. "That's reasonable." Replied Tim. "Good." Says Cory before looking back over at Nick. "We have to come up with a plan quickly. The enemy has some but not all information about where we're hiding and we'll be found out soon." Says Beta. "Well let's start with the simple question, who's in charge?" I ask. "Wouldn't that be Ty's mom?" Asks Shelby. "It has to be!" Says Jess. "I'm not too sure about that." Says Tim. "What makes you say that?" Asks Ty. "She doesn't act like a normal person." Starts Tim. "You don't say!" Announces Red, very sarcastically I might add. "Yeah she's psychotics!" Shouts Barney. "Psychopathy aside she doesn't think like anyone I've ever seen, well except for..." Begins Tim before trailing off. "Except for who?" I ask. "They developed an experiment to control a person completely and from what I saw Ty's mom act like she fits the description of being a human puppet for someone." Explains Tim. "What is this description?" Asks Cory."Something about them feeling off, not having any thoughts, and out of the ordinary behavior are some major signs someone is mind controlled." Explains Tim. The second he says that I flash back to two years ago when we first met Ty's mom. Ty noted she wasn't acting normal, Ross and Autumn was unusual put off by her saying she had a weird atmosphere about her, and when I read her mind there was not a single thought in her head."Max!" Adam says snapping his fingers in front of me. I jump back a little from being startled and look over at Adam. "You okay man?" Asks Adam. "Not really." I say. "What's up then?" Asks Tim. "Those three things you said described what happened when we first met Ty's mom, but that was two years ago." I answer. "I'm actually not sure how long they can keep mind control, it was still experimental." Says Tim. "So my mom might actually still be good..." Mutters Ty in disbelief."Who's in charge then?" Asks Shelby. "We still needing a that questions answered!" Says Barney. "Well if Ty's mother is acting like the leader maybe she is the puppet of the leader and going where she is will lead us to where we need to go." Explains Autumn. "That could actually work." Says Adam."Do we know where she is?" Asks Cory. "Yes we do, it's actually a facility not to far from here, they don't hold any hybrids in that facility so it isn't as heavily guarded." Explains Beta. "Then we have our start." Chirps Jess.

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