Mr Elis

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Barney's POV
Ty's mother sits there with a smirk across her face. I see a flicker of rage in Ty's eyes as he commands the guards to attack their allies, of course they follow and are at a stalemate. "Looks like you finally gained mind control." Notes Ty's mother. "Wait finallys?" I ask. "I know you're controlling my mom so come out." Growls Ty. "How can you be so sure about that?" Asks Ty's mother. Quickly I use my power to look through the walls. I can see everything except one area that is somehow blocking my vision, I'm assuming it's protected by some sort of technology that can neutralize out powers. "Do you take us for idiots!" Spits out Fester. "I know what goes on here so there's no use in even trying to deny the fact you're mind controlling this lady." Adds Tim. "Looks like you did become a traitor after all." Sighs Ty's mother with disappointment. "Stop playing your games right now and show yourself!" Shouts Adam. "I'm not going down with a fight, plus Ty has reached his limit." Smirks Ty's mother. "Limit?" Asks Shelby. Suddenly Ty collapses but is caught by Adam before he can fall to the ground.Instantly all the guards go to attack us. Before they can Shelby and Autumn manifests a shield around us. Jess runs over and tries using her healing powers on Ty while Red starts zipping around at lightning speeds taking out the guards Autumn is just using a bat She conjured up. I on the other hand teleport behind them and take them out. Of course Fester has to join freezing a couple of them before they're all wiped out. "It seems you kids are very capable in your own." Observes Ty's mother. "You just figured that out?" Retorts Jin. "To be honest you should have figured that out by now." Continues Max. "You're right but unfortunately I've been to busy with other things to focus on you, now Amber come in please." Says Ty's mother. Ty flinches at the name as Amber walks in. "What'd she do to you?" Adam asks Ty his eyes slightly glowing. "This will be fun." Smiles Amber. "How is this fun!" Shouts Ross. "It's just sick!" Yells Jess. "It's for science!" Exclaims Amber as she tosses out a metal ball of some sort. It rolls over to us and lets out a burst of electricity shocking all of us. "What the heck!" Shouts Nick. "Oh you're going to pay." Growls Cory charging at Amber while materializing a sword. She pulls out a remote and pressed the button and instantly his and Autumns swords disappears and green lights turn on. "What just happened?" Asks Ty. I notice Fester starting to phase out a bit but managing to stay in tact. "I think she takings aways our powers!" I say. "I can b-barely hold my f-form." Says Fester, his voice sounding like audio that's glitching out.
Nick's POV
As Amber takes away our powers she grabs the charging Cory and throws him to the ground. Cory's head slams downs and he lays still, letting out a groan. "Cory!" I shout running over to him. Jess comes to his aid as well trying to force her powers to work. "Come on just work!" Jess shouts at herself. "You really are ignorant." Sighs Amber. "W-what does t-that mean?" Questions Fester while still glitching out. "As long as this is still active you have no control over your powers." Says Amber waving the remote. "What do you mean by we don't?" Autumn ask. "Well for example..." starts Amber pointing the remote at Max. Suddenly he's in a ball of flames that start to grow. "No stop!" Screams Max falling to the ground. "Max!" Shouts Ross while running up to him. "What did you do to him!" I yell. "It may or may not hurt a little." Says Amber. "That's it." Adam announces in a low tone. "What are you doing Adam?" Asks Ty. Adam simply walks toward Amber who is observing him curiously. Adam takes a fast swing but Amber dodges in time letting Adam's fist collide with the wall. It makes a dent and blood starts to trickle down a little. "Please calm yourself Adam." Says Shelby. "Yous hurtings yourself." Adds Barney."Without your powers you aren't invincible." Explains Tim. "I know." Says Adam slowly while turning back towards a smirking Amber."Think about this Adam." Red says trying to negotiate. "No. It's been too long." Growls Adam.Adam swings at Amber only for her to jump and dodge. While she's in mid jump Adam smirks and jumps up, grabbing her remote. "Clever, Skybrine." Says Amber. Adam smashes the remote in his hand and instantly I feel as if a piece of me was restored. Jess smiles as she can finally heal Cory. "Maybe you are worthy to meet me." Says Ty's mother. Autumn lets out a sigh of relief before going to help Jess heal Cory. "Sky relax." She says to Adam beforehand.
Cory's POV
All of us stand in silence as the back wall starts to lift itself up, revealing a hallway to a room."What's that?" I ask. "I'm not sure, I can't sense anyone in there." says Ross. "I thinks the rooms will blockings ours powers." Says Barney. "And everything is made of lead blocking my X-ray vision." Autumn says. "What makes you say that Barney?" Asks Adam. "The layout of this type of facility would have those and krytonite in order to protect those deemed important." Explains Tim. "But if some of them somehow have powers it won't work either." Says Red. "Actually no, the technology can be set to only neutralize specific powers." Says Tim. "Well I'm still going in there, that person is manipulating my mom against her will." Growls Ty as he steps forward. "I'm right behind you." I say, walking to the room. Reluctantly everyone else joins us as we approach the room. Inside there's a desk and the classic swivel chair sitting there with the back turned towards us. "Show yourself!" Growls Ty. Slowly the chair spins around and faces us. Sitting in the chair is a ver formal looking man in a suit with brown hair, brown eyes and a smirk across his face. I notice Ty has frozen in his tracks, enticed at the sight of the man. "What's wrong Ty?" Asks Adam while stepping in front of him. I look at the man and back at Ty, they seem similar yet very different at the same time. Ty only stands there in silence. "So you're in charge of the experiments done in us?" Asks Jess. "You would be correct." Says the man smoothly. "How dare you do any of this to us!" Shouts Max. "Simply, to create the most powerful army in the world." Answers back the man. "Ty do you know who this is, you clearly recognize him." Asks Nick "Please tell us if you do." Adds Shelby. Ty shakes his head a little before taking a gulp. "I-it's my father." Answers Ty quietly. "Whats!" Shouts Barney. "How is this horrible man related to such a nice person such as you?" Questions Jess. "There's quite an easy answer, Ty is a defect." Answers his father blatantly. Instantly Adam is in top of the desk and grabs Ty's father by the collar of his shirt his whole body once again glowing. "Don't you dare ever say that again!" Shouts Adam. "I am in charge, I say whatever I want." Answers Back Ty's father. "If you're in charge that means you're the reason Nick, Red, and Barney had to grow up in this facility." I say. "Ah yes those three, Red and Barney we had to pull from their parents and Brother while they were still babies but Nick, he's very special..." Starts Ty's father. "What does that mean?" Asks Nick with anxiety in his voice. "You are one of the few things on this planet that isn't related to anyone else, you're DNA is completely synthetic, made in laboratories, Tim also falls under this category, in short you never have and never will have a family." Explains Ty's father. Tim only lets out a sigh at hearing this information while Nick is nearly set to a mental breakdown while Adams still glowing but brighter. "Just because Nick isn't related to anyone by blood doesn't mean he doesn't have a family, we are his family." I say firmly. "Whatever you say." Scoffs Ty's father. "I'll fight you right now!" I shout lunging at him. "Stop." Commands Ty's father. Instantly I feel my body stop but I know I didn't tell myself to do that. I try to make my body move again only to fail, it's like as if my conscious is here but it's trapped inside my body. "What's going on!" I yell. I myself just yelled but my body didn't, what's going on? "C-cory?" I hear Nick ask. My vision turns to Nick with a worried look on his face. "Now, attack." Commands Ty's father. Out of my control my body grabs Nick by the throat and lift him into the air. "What are you doing Cory!" Shouts Shelby. "Drop him now!" Screams Red tackling me with . "I'm sorry I don't want to!" I shout at the top of my lungs, but it doesn't ever come out. "Stop this right now!" Shouts Ty. Suddenly I'm snapped out of whatever was controlling my body and am able to control it at free will again. I try to approach Nick but he backs away with Red protecting him. "Guys stop this, somehow that man has mind control." Says Jin. "Glad to see someone has common sense." Says Ty's father. "H-how did I break free?" I ask. "You didn't ." Says Ty's father. "I broke it." Says Ty. "How?" Asks Adam. "All powers except for mind control are prohibited in this area..." Starts Ty's father. "And I have mind control." Says Ty. "How do yous havings powers if you'res not a hybrids?" Asks Barney. "Just some science." Answers Ty's father. "Wow so descriptive." I say sarcastically.

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