Kidnapped By Tim?

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Adam's POV
Everyone else and I split off into our hybrid groups. Everyone seems to follow me around now that I'm the alpha.Normally I would love this but today I'm just not up to it. Everyone says it's okay but it's lingering in the back of my mind. Where did Ty go?It's not like him to up and go without telling anyone. The day drags on for me as my worry about Ty grows bigger and bigger. Finally whatever we were doing is over. I'm not even sure what we did since I zoned out so much. All of us meet up again after our day of training came to an end. "Adam, is it really bothering you that much?" Asks Max. "Yeah, it is." I sigh. "Why is that?" Asks Ross. "I don't know, it's like just a feeling telling me something isn't quite right." I explain. "I would offer to use my future vision but it only works to predict what happens to me." Says Jess. "Maybe we should look into this more." Says Autumn. "If Adam thinks something is up then chances are there might be." Says Jin. "Where do we even start?" Asks Cory. "The only lead we had was Ty's scent." Says Shelby. "And that's gone now." Says Red. "What if there was another's scent?" Asks Barney. "Wouldn't Adam already have picked it up when we went there the first time?" Asks Max. "No, i was focusing on Ty's scent and only his in order to track him, if I focus on one then I don't notice others unless it's something the human nose naturally picks up." Says Adam. "Then let's head back over to the forest and see if we can find anything." Says Ross. I quickly make my way to the forest and immediately sniff around to try to find anything. "I don't smell anything new." I say. "I smell your scent, but it smells as old as Ty's." Says Jin. "Adam wasn't out here last night." Says Shelby. "Further down the scent changes from Adam's to an unfamiliar one, then disappears again..." Says Jess. "All we got from this is more anxiety!" I shout. "Please calm down!" Says Nick. "Listen to Nick, we can go back and try to find information, anything to help us." Says Cory holding his hands up in case I attack. I growl out of frustration and pull down on my wolf ears walking around in circles before letting out a sigh. "I guess..." I mumble walking back into the facility once again. We try to find any information only to come up with nothing. Eventually everyone has fallen asleep leaving me up with my own thoughts. I get and walk out to the forest again. I stand in the area Ty disappeared and let out a sigh. I see my breath float up in the air since it's becoming the colder season. Behind me I hear a stick snap. I quickly turn around to see Ty standing there. "Ty?!?" I ask excited. "Hey man." Says Ty giving me a small smile. I run up to him only to notice something missing. His signature headphones. "Where did your headphones go?" I ask. "Oh, I um lost them when I was kidnaped." Says Ty avoiding eye contact with me. I completely ignore the fact Ty is acting strange and hug him tightly. I feel him put something on my wrist and a needle go in my arm. I step back from him to see a smirk across his face. That's not Ty. I look down at my wrist to see the bracelet glowing a prominent yellow. My vision becomes blurry and my body weak. I fall to the ground and look up to see an unfamiliar face before passing out.
Cory's POV
"I don't want to!" I whine face first in my pillow. "We need to get up!" Whines Nick pulling at my leg. I continue to lay face first in my bed as Nick tugs at me. "If you don't move then you'll slam face first into the ground!" Warns Nick. "Try me!" I shout my voice muffled by the pillow. Nick pulls hard at my leg. He must have underestimated his powers because I flew up in the air and landed on top of him. I landed on my elbow and knees, my elbows being next to Nick's face, we both blush at the position where in. Nick stares up at me before covering his face with his hands. "Get off me!" Shouts Nick bringing his legs up to his chest and kicking me in the stomach. I fall to the ground paralyzed from pain as Nick rushes over to me. "I-I didn't mean to do that I just got surprised and-!" Nick says frantically before I interrupt him. "Nick, shut up and learn to control your strength." I groan slowly standing up. "Y-you aren't mad?" Asks Nick. "Oh I'm mad!" I say wrapping my arm around his neck and ruffling his hair. Suddenly the door creeps open and Jess stares in with a mischievous grin. Nick and I freeze making direct eye contact with her. "I ship it." Whispers Jess before running off. Ross and Max walk by and watch Jess run off. "Well you could say that was Rossome." Smirks Ross. "Goddamnit Ross!" Shouts Nick. "Bet you can't catch me Nick!" Shouts Ross running away. "You're on!" Shouts Nick chasing Ross. Max and I sigh and walk out to the main room to see everyone else watching Ross and Nick wrestle on the ground. I notice Adam isn't wearing his necklace though. Jin seems to have taken notice of this too. "Ross you aren't supposed to bite people's arms!" Shouts Nick holding his arm. "Sorry..." Mumbles Ross. I walk over to Nick to see skin actually broke. "Woah dude." I say. "Looks like Ross's teeth finally grew in." Says Max. "Did mine?" Asks Nick giving a toothy grin. I look at his grin and see the sharp teeth of a feline. "Yup." I say. Autumn looks at Adam then looks to Jin then back to Adam. "Adam, where did you put you're Gold necklace?" Asks Jin abruptly, putting an emphasis on gold. "I decided not to where it." Replied Adam, well more of an imposter. We all stare at him and he gives us a confused look. "Why are all of you staring at me like that?" Asks 'Adam' nervously. Jin let's out a battle cry and tackles him to the ground. Suddenly Jin goes limp and the imposter kicks Jin off him. On Jin's wrist I see a bracelet glowing a dark purple. The imposter morphs from Adam to a boy with faded blue eyes, brown hair, and tan coyote ears and tail. The boy pulls out a mask and puts it in before tossing out some sort of gas grenade. Ross immediately goes to freeze it over but the boy quickly puts a bracelet on him that starts glowing a green. I feel myself slowly slip away from reality before falling to the ground. My vision goes black as I lay there. "Cory!" Is the last thing I hear Nick scream before I pass out. Except it sounds distant, muffled.

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