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Red's POV
Barney and I make out way through the crowd of dinosaur hybrids before bumping into a girl. She has long dark brown hair and brown eyes along with pale skin. "Hey." Says the girl quietly. "Hello, I'm Red and he's Barney!" I say. "I'm Warrior." Says the girl giving us a warm smile. "I was wondering who the Alpha was?" I ask. "That would be me." Says Warrior. "Can I challenge you for Alpha then?!?" I ask. "I guess you can." Shrugs Warrior. "Awesome!" I say. Everyone goes silent as we take out fighting stances. The crowd starts covering their ears. I stare at them, confused, before looking back at Warrior. She let's out a shriek. Not a normal one. Far from normal. This scream is so loud it makes my ears start ringing. I didn't know noise itself could actually disorient you. In my confused state Warrior runs up to me, punching me directly in the chest. I fall over and shake my head clear, standing back up again. I see Warrior preparing another one of her sonic screams. Immediately I run up and swing at her. She dodges with ease as I swing again and again. I jump back and raise my arms in the air. She stares at me confused as I let my arms drop. Suddenly we're both sky high and falling. "What the?!?" Shouts Warrior. "Fun isn't it?" I smirk. "If you consider killing yourself fun then this must be amazing!" Shouts Warrior, very sarcastically I might add. I only give her a smile as I take one finger and push her forehead. She falls backwards and hits the ground. She looks around disoriented, still trying to figure out how we got up to the sky and back without dying. "So have I won yet?" I ask. "Yeah, I don't want to do that again." Says Warrior standing up. "Yalarr, Reds has the champions blood!" Shouts Barney. "I announce Red to be the new Alpha for the Dinosaur hybrids!" Exclaims Warrior. Everyone starts crowding around me and cheering as the lift me into the air.
Jess's POV
After all the fighting was over the news was quickly spread around to everyone. Adam, Alpha of the Wolves.
Cory, Saber of the Felines.
Red, Alpha of the Dinosaurs.
Ross, Alpha of the Foxes.
During the fight the day had slipped by so fast. Though it's probably due to the fact that winter is coming along. It's not cold enough to make anyone wear a jacket so we've been fine so far. Everyone makes our way towards the house dorm thingy provided for us. We take our seats down in the living room. Nick is sitting on the couch, resting his head on his arm on the arm of the couch. Autumn floating above everyone sat there. Cory is sleeping on the couch facing the ceiling with his head in Nick's lap. Jin simply lays down in an arm chair. Max and Ross sit up against the arm chair, Ross having fallen asleep on Max's shoulder. Ty is stuck on the ground laying face down with Adam laying across his back sleeping. Barney is sitting up and Red is leaning back on his back sleeping. Shelby and I sit next to each other, watching everyone else. "So how was everyone's battle?" I ask. "The girl who fought Ross, Maddie, she at some point got her arm frozen and knocked Ross to the ground. She took her frozen arm and used it as a weapon nearly slamming Ross in his head, luckily he formed an ice dome around himself. It shattered quickly, barely giving Ross enough time to dodge." Says Max. "Reds freaking Warrior outs big time with his illusions, it was hilarious." Laughs Barney. "Adam of course rushed into things." Says Jin. "He also got some scrapes from being to cocky." Adds Ty. "We warned him to be careful." I say. "Cory scared us during his fight!" Says Shelby. "Yeah, he was facing up against a girl named Willow and she made this void like thing, it looked like it had stars and stuff like space." Says Nick. "And it's a wicked weapon." Says Shelby. "Cory materialized a shield to block the hits from this void thing but when he got close he took a direct hit and just slammed against the ground not moving!" Exclaims Nick. "We thought he passed out or died!" Adds Shelby. "But luckily he got back up and still fought." Says Nick putting a warm smile on his face as he looks down at Cory. "That takes determination to just shake off a blow like that." Says Ty. "You ripped that from Undertale!" Says Max. "But Undertale does have a truth to it, and determination is a real trait." I say. "It is I guess." Says Max. "Who has the most determination?" Asks Nick. "Ross." Answers Max, quickly and with no hesitation. "Why Ross?" Asks Shelby. "Yeah, why him?" I ask. "Ross, he always gives off the impression he is weak and easily hurt, but when you see what he truly faces you realize he's a lot stronger than us, probably stronger than anyone." Says Autumn. "He did survivings the weird experiments." Says Barney. "But didn't you, Red, and Nick go through similar stuff like that?" Asks Ty. "Compared to Ross, we faced nothing." Says Nick. All of us who are awake stare at Ross in awe as he peacefully sleeps on Max's shoulder.
Jin's POV
"Wait what did happen with you three, you actually have never elaborated on it." I say. "Basically what they did to Ross, but they failed at breaking me mentally, I'm pretty sure they went easier after what happened with Ross." Says Nick. "Wait you went through that?!?" Asks Sky. "You guys didn't?" Asks Nick. "Why didn't you's bringing that up earlier?" Asks Barney. "How was I supposed to know we both happened to be mentally tortured!" Snaps Nick, shaking a little. Cory stirs and sits up leaning on Nick a little but his camera lens are slightly red. "Who tortured you, I'll Kill them." Says Cory in an unsettling tone. It sent shivers down my spine. "This was two years ago Cory." Says Nick. "Give him his body back, Chara." Autumn says."If we ever see the people who hurt you'll or any of us I'll be sure to make them pay." Says Cory in a low tone. "Okay then..." I say.  His camera lens turns back to blue. "Well I'm getting uncomfortable so can you get him off me." Say Ty looking at Autumn. Her eyes light up and she gently picks him up before placing him next to me with his arm around my hips ands moves my arms so there around his waist then gently moves his tail around my waist, I was happy it was dark, I was blushing so hard. I hear Ross yawn then start to rub his eyes, looking around groggily. "What's going on." Asks Ross in a very sleepy tone. "Just late night talks." Says Max. "It got dark fast." I say. "That's what happens when you let time fly..." Mumbles Red. "Your awake Reds?" Asks Barney. "No I'm dead!" Says Red throwing his arms in the air. "Ross time!" Shouts Ross throwing his arms in the air, a waking Adam up. "J-J-Jin?" Adam yells, but just snuggles deeper into my chest making me blush a darker colour. "How much energy did they use to be acting like a drunk person?" Says Shelby. "A. Lot." Says Cory.

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