Chapter 1

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"Izzie.....Izzie” you awake?!

Huh! Snapping my head up from my pen and paper, I am supposed to be ringing a new food order into the till, getting side tracked while daydreaming. My best friend and co worker Mickey is waving at me from behind the bar with an amused look on his face, he knows I do this all the time. I smile and go back to what I was supposed to be doing.

Walking over to the bar to collect the drinks for my next table I have to admire Mickey, he is chatting to a blonde sat on a stool at the bar. Her eyes full with lust and a geeky grin on her lips. I know Mickey is just being polite by talking to her, he would never be interested in someone like her, not that he is too good for her or anything but he just isn’t that kind of guy, although he could be if he wanted, he has b-e-a-utiful golden brown eyes and the face of a super model with just a hint of stubble to make him look real, with his mousey blonde hair that always looks like he just got out of bed and ran his fingers through it, his body is amazing you could see every muscle through his black polo shirt. If he wasn't my best friend I would definitely have a crush on him.

I had to giggle when I got closer and heard the blonde asking Mickey what time he got off work tonight

"Oh er... will baby I don't, you see I'm the manager I practically live here”

oh yeah what ever!

"Don’t let Mo hear you saying that or he'll have your balls Mickey!"

I laugh as I put my tray on the counter. Mo is Mickey's father and he part owns the bar with Mickey, but we both know Mo is Cleary the boss. Its Mo’s birthday today, he was born on Tuesday 17th September 1957, making him the ripe age of 54. I don’t even think Mickey knows how old his father is never mind the actual day he was born, so is it weird that I do? Probably! but I can’t help it my mind automatically figures it out.

Mickey smiles and turns to me rolling his eyes, obviously glad for the distraction he walks over to put some drinks on my tray

"Oh hey Iz finally decided to join us ay"

He raises an eyebrow, I just stick out my tongue and walk off to a table full of loud and drunk men with my tray of drinks, I hear him laughing as I walk away.

MJ's is really busy tonight busier than any other Saturday night, and it’s my favorite night of the month because its open mic night. It's something Mickey and Mo do on the 1st Saturday of every month and it has been the same since I started here 2 years ago.

Coming to MJ's with my brother on Saturday august 2nd 2008 was how I won the hearts of Mickey and Mo and I got the job I love so much now.

2 years earlier..........

"Come on Isabella Stark you need to get out of this apartment and have some fun"

"Don’t call me that it's Izzie I hate my name 'Andrew Stark'"

A wicked grin appears on my face. My big brother Drew scowls at me making me want to roll my eyes and poke my tongue out but a refrain myself, he can get quite moody sometimes. He and I are complete opposites, I’m dark, petite and quiet and he’s fare, huge and loud! His hair is the same colour as our mother, I like to call it beige blonde because it looks creamy, he is tall and muscular and very manly, his eyes sometimes freak me out, because one minute there almost complete black and the next u can see the slightest spark of brown, ensuring you he is in fact not a demon, although I could be wrong. With how much he is getting on my tit’s at the moment I would say he’s the devil himself! He has been staying with me for the past two weeks to make sure I'm all settled in my new flat and not just wasting and festering away here.

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now