Chapter 15

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He walks slowly into the room, the door is still on the floor from when I kicked it off the hinges, and He looks at it curiously. He looks just like Stuart only older and larger. Has graying hair and walks with a limp. It looks like has hasn't washed in months, smells like it too!

"Isabella Stark!"

Is he asking if I’m me or just stating the obvious. I can’t tell his voice has no tone it’s emotionless. I look into his eyes for the first time; an involuntary shudder runs through my body. His eyes are full of hatred and menace, how can he hate me so much when he doesn't even know me? He steps closer and I back up.

"Where is Grant?" He sounds so calm there is no anger or hatred in his voice, only in his eyes.

"I-I don't know, he told me to wait here for you!" Oh god I hope I sound convincing!

"What happened to the door?"

I shrug my shoulders hoping this will be enough. He pauses slightly and scans his hateful eyes all over my body.

"Well you are a sight for sore eyes little lady!"

His lips curl up into sickening grin and it is all too familiar, Stuart is definitely his father’s son! I have to swallow hard to stop the bile threatening to enter my mouth. I can’t speak so I’m just staring at him.

"Don’t try any of that funny business with me little lady! If I don't get back and they don’t hear from me your father dies!"

He looked amused when he mentioned my dad dying. That makes my blood boil.

"Just do as he says Izzie, we need to know where dad is!"

I calm myself down breathing deeply and never taking my eyes off this bastard.

"How do know my father is even still alive?"

I challenge him my voice calm and collected, there’s no way I’m showing this thug I’m scared of him. He smiles lifting his arm to grab mine; I immediately imagine my arm surging with electricity. As his hand connects with my arm he jumps back shacking it vigorously.

"DO NOT Touch me!!!"

I’m talking through gritted teeth I can’t control my anger, just the thought of him touching... I hate it; he is the one who had Stuart attack me the night of my birthday. And he looks like he is capable of allot worse. He smiles again but does not attempt to touch me.

"Follow me little lady!"

We are In a truck I think, we are definitely driving, Michael blind folded me as soon as we got in the truck I was going to resist until Isac convinced me to let him do it so we could get to our father. Isac has told Regan and Drew where we are and they are just minutes behind us. The car stops and I hear Michael get out. I feel a cool breeze touch my skin than a sharp pinch in my right am I flinch away from the pain. I’m starting to feel light headed. Oh no this can't be good. I can hear Isac’s panicked voice in my head.


Blackness takes me as I feel two big arms pull me from the seat in the car.


Opening my eyes I realize I am on a lawn in front of a moderately nice house. Looking up I see Isac panicking with tears in his eyes. I know we have entered Anika, and Regan must be close because, he is my safe place! "Where is Regan?"

"He’s back there...Izzie I-I didn't see him, it was too late!"

he is shaking his head and looks so angry. "He drugged you Iz....Drew has Michael now and he is trying to find out where dad is”

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now