Chapter 9

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****there is a restricted version of this chapter on my profile.:)*****


"Izzie where are we?"

Lifting my head from Regan's shoulder I look around my bedroom in my appartment and sigh.

" Anika...apparently!"

Regan looks shocked as he turns full circle around the room.

"But how, I was just holding you in your dining hall!"

I shake my head and walk to the door.

"I know as much as you do Regan, this is all realitivley new to me.

"Izzie are you there, who's with you?!"

Regan looks from the door and too me, then back to the door, he lifts his hand pointing his index finger with a question on his lips before he can ask it I open the door.

"Isac meet Regan my boyfriend....Regan say hello to Isac my dead Twin!"

I walk past Regan and Isac, knowing they are both staring blacly at me or eachother, I don't care. I'm so angry. all these years I have mourned my bother thinking he was taken from me unfairly, when really my family has kept this huge secret and they all new I would see him again some day. They are so cruel.

"How could you think that?"

Isac and Regan are now stood looking down at me as I sit on my couch. can he hear my thoughts? Isac simply nods and I gasp jumping up without think and finch anticipating the pain frm my injuries but it doesn't come.

"Izzie there is so much you need to know and will in time, but please know this now, no one could tell you until now what we could do. If they could then they would have!"

Isacs tock sends my emotions into overdrive and I begin to sob uncontrolably again, Regan sits with me with Isac walks over to the window, Regan seems a little stunned and just stokes my hair while I let out all the pain I have been holding in all these years. I need to pull it together and being ton enjoy being with my brother again. I stop crying and smile at Regan letting him know I'm okay again. I search for Isac. I need to listen to what he has to say, he seems on edge.

" I am on edge Iz, I think I know what is happening to you when you don't dream!"

Regan looks aat ne questioningly and I take his hand leading him over to the window where isac is stood.

"Okay tell me, and you have to let me know if im ever going to be able to read your mind too!"

I chuckle to myself while Regan looks btween us like we are crazy making me laugh harder and Isac smile even though he seems tense. he turns serious again and stares at the both of us.

"Listen carefully and try to understand okay?"


"When we change something a new 'event' is created"

He points to the window showing us a moving image of people crossing a street. One woman almost gets mowed down by a speeding car but an invisible force pulls her back.

"However the old event is still there so that we can see if we have affected the balance in a good or bad way!"

The images distorts and we see the same people crossing the same street but the women does get mowed down this time and we watch as her life ends.

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now