Chapter 8

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we watched movies and ate pizza for the rest of the day. Kate and Mickey snuggled up on a couch together they are so cute. Regan sat on the couch with me and I had my feet on his lap. Drew lay on the other couch, I think everyone was exhausted because eventually they were all asleep and I got up quietly and in pain, to seek out my parents. I found them in the kitchen sat at the breakfast bar both looking exhausted. I have been sat here chatting away to them both and reassuring them I’m feeling ok for about half an hour, trying to pluck up the courage to talk to them about my dream, I know they will think I'm crazy but I can't get it out of my head. When I woke up in te hospital everything was as it had been in the window in my dream, and I need to kow if I am crazy or if I am actually seeing my dead brother in my dreams. I'm defintiley bloody phsyco for thinking that, maybe it's better if I do talk to them, at least they can get me the help I need.

" I need to ask you something?"

They both nod like they were expecting this.

"I think I may be going I little crazy, I keep dreaming about Isac, there not the normal dreams that someone would have about a dead sibling. I've never dreamt like it before and I'm starting to scare mself!"

I look at them waiting for the confused look but both of them are staring at me and smiling very brightly. now my parents are looking even crazier than I feel.

"Why do you look so happy, you're scaring me, stop smiling!"

"Oooohhhh Izzie I’m so happy!!!"

My mother is by my side and hugging me very gently so as not to hurt me and my father is chuckling to himself! My mind blancs as I try to figure out what the hell is happening here, did they hear anything I just said? I pull away from my mother and stare at her trying to find an answer, but all I see is my mother the happiest I have seen her in years,, and I don't think I have heard my dad laugh since.

"What in gods name is going on here...I tell you I think I'm mentally ill and you are over the moon, will someone please explain to me how this is such good fricken news!"

Yeah I don't swear in front of my parents so sue me!

"Yes dear we can explain everything... we should wait for everyone to wake up though this is going to affect everyone you care about"

my dad said nodding in the direction of the lounge where everyone I cared about most in the world were now sleeping.

After another 20 minutes of trying to figure my parents out I left defeated, they are acting like a pair of giddy teenagers. My mother assured me I wasn't going crazy and said all will become clearer tomorrow at breakfast and my dad said I should rest and try not to worry myself. How could they think I would be able to sleep now, I feel crazy and there practically doing a happy dance. I love my parents but sometimes I wish I could hurt them just a little. There's no way I'm telling anyone esle about this if thats the reaction I had from them. craziness must run in the family. Sighing I open the door to my bedroom and enter the darkness. closing my eyes and feeling around for my bed becuase i really do feel tired now. OW! I stumped my toe, why not just open your eyes like any normal person Izzie? stumbeling and grunting to mysellf I manage to turn on the light.

I almost scream when I see a figure lying on my white couch! Regan is trying to shield his eyes from the intruding light... he squirms and finally realizes where he is. Waking up he sits up quickly and looks very sheepish.

"I....err they....I"

"I'm guessing Mickey let you in huh?" Regan nods and walks over too me.

"How are you feeling" grabbing my waist and pulling gently into a hug?

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