Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I am awake but my eyes are still closed. I can feel Regan’s steady breathing beside me, I know he is awake too and I can feel his eyes on me. My lips curl up into a smile as I slowly open one eye to peek at him. He is propped up on his elbow with his head in his hand, his eyes are scanning over my bare stomach, up to my breasts then they reach my eyes. His gaze takes my breath away, the intense love I see melts my heart.

“Good morning beautiful!”

“Good morning!”

I scan my eyes over his bare chest and abs, sighing lightly at how perfect my mans body is!

“I had a premonition last night!”

I stare at Regan in shock, He had a premonition?

“What was is about?”

I’m whispering, I have no idea why but I am terrified it was a bad. He looks lightly worried yet there is a huge grin on his face.

“Well, I don’t know how you are going to take this!...”

“Just tell me Regan!”

my heart sinks.

“Okay...I was here, in the room down the hall, the one Hayley is in now”

I nod...Hayley’s room used to be a nursery for me and Isac it is allot smaller than the other rooms.

“I was watching a little girl play with a tea set, she looked to be around three year’s old, she was the cutest little thing I have ever seen! She didn’t know I was there I watched her for a while, she had jet black hair and when she turned to see me the first thing I noticed were her ice blues eyes, they lit up with excitement when she saw me...and she screamed Daddy!...then I woke up.”

He looks worried while he search’s my face for a reaction. I can’t believe it! First I have a premonition about a cute little boy, I know he was Regan’s because of the eyes, and Regan has just described a little girl who seems to look exactly the same. I almost sqeal with excitement but stop myself. I clear my throat.

“How do you feel about it Regan?”

What if he doesn’t want kids, I’m freaking out here, He isn’t saying anything he is just staring at me a blank expression on his face. I poke him in the ribs. He nearly jumps from the bed and I giggle at the shocked look on his face. He turns to me and the look turns into a goofy smile.

“You dreamt about a boy?”

He’s looking at me hopefully. Damn mind link! I bite my lip and nod my head.

He does actually jump off the bed this time.

“WOW...I’m gona be a daddy! Not just to an adorable little girl, but a boy too!...this is amazing...oh Izzie you should have seen our girl she was just like you...she was sooo...”

I put my hand up to stop him head is spinning. Why is he not freaking out. Does he really want kids with me? How can he? We haven’t even been dating three months yet!

“Regan are you sure about this?”

He looks at me shocked

“Why? Aren’t you?”

“’s do you know you want kids with me....all I have brought you is pain, hurt and death!”

There has been constant crap since we have been together, I would never blame him if he didn’t want to be with me!

“Izzie! Are you crazy, I’m never leaving you? I love you more than anything in the universe! I knew what I was getting myself into when we made love for the first time. This is part of me now; this is OUR burden and gift. This is our life”

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now