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***Remeber this is book 1 in the series I am posting the 1st chapter of book 2 as soon as I have done this please read on annd thanks,***

I woke up this morning feeling anxious and nervous. I am really hoping that Regan and Hayley take our news well. I can’t stand the thought of being without Regan, so I know Isac and Hayley will feel the same. Regan wasn’t in bed when I woke up this morning, his side was cold, and my heart sank a little until I saw the daisy and note on the pillow.

Good morning sleeping beauty,

I’m taking Machala and Caroline into town with Drew. I didn’t want to wake you. You are so beautiful when you sleep. I love you.

Regan xXx

He is so cute. It’s almost ten am and my stomach is making me think of nothing else but the toilette bowl. I have been feeling queasy all morning, but I’m starving as well.

Walking into the kitchen, I’m hit with the delicious smell of frying bacon. My mouth starts to water just thinking about it. Hayley has her back to me, while she fry’s the bacon at the stove. Nate and Riley are sat chewing on a bacon roll. As I take a stool next to Nate, Hayley places a plate with two bacon rolls on it. I smile gratefully and tuck in. The boys nod a hello and I nod back this sandwich is the best thing I have ever tasted. Hayley sits with us to eat her breakfast but she doesn’t eat. Shes just staring at me. I quickly swallow the food in my mouth and smile sheepishly at her.

“Do...I have something on my face...”

Hayley blushes and shakes her head quickly taking a bite of her roll. I finish my roll and pick up the empty plates on the bar. I nod to Nate and Riley asking them silently to leave. I want to speak to Hayley, she hasn’t said a word and is acting really weird. As soon as the boys leave, I drop the dishes in the dish washer and turn back to the breakfast bar taking my seat; I wait patiently for Hayley to finish her breakfast.

“Hayley...are you ok?”

She takes a sip of her juice then drops her head; she’s playing with the cuff of her shirt and chewing on her bottom lip. I place a hand over hers to stop her fidgeting, it makes her look up, she gives me a shy smile and blushes slightly again. I squeeze her hand slightly and smile at her.

“You know...you can talk to me about anything...right?”

She is just staring at me...god she acting strange today. She nods and giggles making me look at her like she has grown an extra head.

“What’s so funny?”

I can’t help but smile, she reminds me so much of Regan when she laughs. The giggles turn into a cough and then her face straightens and becomes deadly serious. She breathes in and blow out slowly sighing. She looks at me with pleading eyes and shows me that sheepish smile.

“Promise me you won’t be mad!”

“Why would I get mad...Hayley what is going on?”

My voice is a little sharp and I smile to show her I’m ok, I’m not mad, more worried than anything. She squeezes my hand and stares into my eyes.

“I lost my virginity last night”

My mind is completely baffled, I am staring at Hayley’s lips, which have not moved, even though I am 99.9% she has just told me she is no longer a virgin. I watch silently as she rolls up the sleeve of her shirt. She turns her arm baring her wrist. HOLY COW! There...right there on her wrist is a red mark. It’s the shape of a half moon with blue flames engulfing it. It looks like a tattoo. It just like mine and Regan’s tattoo.

My heart rate picks up and I feel the palms begin to sweat; all I can hear is the thudding of my beating heart. Isac! He must have gone straight too her last night. Did he tell her everything? I thought he was waiting until we had all discussed this! I know I gave my blessing, but Regan has not. Well not yer anyway. What if he freaks when he finds out? The choice is no longer available. Hayley and Isac are now soul mates. The link is complete.

Two strong arms lift me off my stool, my cheek crashes against a soft warm chest. My breathing is sharp, my eyes blurry and my knees weak. Isac’s smell consumes me and my head spins with confusion.

“Shhhh Iz.....It’s okay....breath sis breath”

I break away from Isac’s arms to look at him. I glare at him, I know I told him I was okay with this but I am freaking pissed. How could he. What about Regan, even if Hayley is happy with this, it does not mean he will be. The agelessness, the affect it will have on our children. That’s even if he wants to be with me now. He could hate me forever after this, even though this is not even my doing. I open my mouth, to give Isac a piece of my mind and see him holding his stomach and laughing uncontrollably. That get’s my back up even more!

“Stop....ha-ha...hehe...please stop the internal monologue...Jesus Iz...ha-ha...you need to chill out”


He stops laughing and straightens his face, I can see he is struggling to hold the laughter in and I give him the best death glare I can. He eventually controls himself enough and holds out his arms for a hug, I lift my eyebrow giving him the ‘I don’t think so’ look. He fakes a frown and pouts; he looks freakishly like me when he does that.

“C’mon sis...stop worrying okay...I have already spoken to Regan...everything has been discussed while you were sleeping peacefully in your bed”

The relief I feel is indescribable as I let Isac pull me in to a rib crushing hug. I love this contact; I know Isac must be ecstatic. I feel another arm wrap around my waist as Hayley joins in making it the best group hug ever.

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now