Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

“So you really are my angel then”

Regan is trying to make me feel better, I have managed to tell him everything, but when I got to the part about Isac sacrificing him for me I broke down.

“I just don’t feel I am worthy of such love and kindness, why should I live my life and he can’t!”

Regan’s face turns so pained I want to kick myself for making him feel so bad.

“Oh Izzie please do not ever think that again, you are so worthy, you are an amazing person.”

Regan pulls me into a tight squeeze, my mind and body immediately relax, his arms are so strong and warm, a simple touch from him makes all my worries disappear.

“C’mon it’s almost 7:30 and I’m starving, lets go see if the guys want to order Chinese take out!”

It’s shallow but the thought of Chinese food cheers me up slightly, my stomach feels like its eating itself I’m so hungry. We are at the top of the stairs and I can hear loud screeching and laughter coming from the lounge, we walk to the lounge door. We could have just appeared there if we wanted but we both agreed we would only do things normally as much as possible to avoid the beacon Gabriella told me about. Opening the door I see Mickey, Drew and my cousin Nate in a heap on the floor in front of the TV, a paused game on the screen. Kate and Caroline are sat on one of the couches with a glass of wine each, they’re laughing hysterically at the three fighting on the floor. Regan is chuckling and staring at the rumble with excited eyes. I elbow him in the ribs to get his attention and roll my eyes.

“Go on, you know you want to”

I nod my head towards the guy’s. He grins at me and I watch as he runs over and jumps on them all, earning grunts and groans. I walk over to the couch giggling; I sit in front of Kate on the floor, resting my back to her legs. A glass of pink liquid is thrust in front of my face, I turn my head and smile thanks to Kate, and she pats me on the head like a dog.

“Drink up; you have some catching up to do”

I giggle and nod as I bring the delicious rose wine to my lips. As soon as I swallow the mouth full of wine, my stomach twists, I feel my mouth begin to water, my hand shoots to my mouth and I jump to my feet.


Kate looks at me with concern in her eyes. My stomach flips again and my free hand flys to stop the summersaults inside me. The boys must have heard the worry in Kate’s voice because they have stopped there play fight.

“Babe...are you okay?”

Regan is standing and heads in my direction. M stomach twists again and a small whimper leaves my mouth, I shake my head to his question and run full pelt towards the bathroom, I use my mind to open all the doors in my path, I can hear Regan shouting me, Kate’s voice cuts in.

“I will stay...stay Regan!”

I can feel the bile rising to my throat...I close my eyes thinking of the toilet bowl, I open them again and open my mouth at the same time and I drop to my knees. I retch, cough and the retch again, tears run from eyes from the stinging in my throat. I feel soft hands run through my hair, pulling it from my face. The muscles in my stomach begin to calm and the urge to retch disappears as quickly as it had started. I gasp for air as I sit back on the stone floor; my hand is still lightly touching my stomach, I’m afraid to move it in case the horrible feeling returns. I nearly scream as I notice Kate sat silently beside me. She looks worried; I give her a weak smile.

“I must have a bug”

“Well no more wine for you lady!”

I nod my head and begin to rise, Kate takes my arm helping me, I go to the sink and splash cold water in my face. We walk back into lounge; Kate will not remove her arm from mine. The boys are sat with a beer each, Regan’s face looks strained. He notices me and his face softens. Caroline jumps to her feet.

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now