Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We are all sat in the lounge; Kate has cleaned up Mickey’s hand and bandaged it best she can. He really should go to a hospital but he refuses. Marty has joined us and he is not happy about Stuart’s presence, I offered him the chance to knock out a few of his teeth and Stuart himself agreed it would be fair, but Marty declined and is now sat glaring at Stuart. I have told everyone about Stuarts father, and Stuart himself has added details, everyone asked questions and he answered them, He still persists he has no idea where my father is being held; apparently his father did not trust him with such important information. Drew asked Stuart about the phone call I received, it has been traced to a pre-pay phone in phoenix, Stuart said it definitely wasn’t him and it was more than likely his father or one of his friends, his father is one sick bastard! Drew called some people and they are looking around the area for any potential buildings for my father’s location. We have been sat grilling Stuart for over 3 hours; Marty made us some food and reluctantly fed Stuart he was practically drooling while we were eating. Regan has not left my side.

"What are you going to do with me now?"

Stuart has his head down and is barely audible. Looking around the room I realize no one is going to answer him. I could call the police and have him arrested I’m sure he is not supposed to be this close to me while a trail is pending for his attack on me. But I’m not going to do that, Stuart seems to think Michael will kill my father if he is sent back to jail and I cannot risk that.

"I don’t know, your father must have heard what you have done by now, why hasn’t he called yet?"

We took Stuarts phone from him and have been waiting for a call that hasn’t happened yet! Stuart sighed

"I told you already, he will use this to his advantage he will use the time as a distraction, if you’re wasting time here talking to me he has more time to get information from your father!"

Everyone gasps at his analysis. I’m pissed now, is this all some trick to keep us occupied while those bastards torture my father! I slant my eyes and glare at Stuart.

"Why would we be wasting our time, are you lying to us!"

I imagine a swarm off huge hornets surrounding and stinging him all over his body and face, Regan drops his hold and him and Stuart begins to thrash around and scream


"Jesus Iz, Calm down!"

Mickey is looking at me with an 'I’m going to throw up' expression on his face. I grin and let the hornets fly away. Stuart is gasping on the floor.

“I will ring Grant, he is my go between"

Stuart is pleading; I know he does not want to feel anything like what I just put him through again.

"And what will you tell him?"

"What do you want me to tell him?"

He's suspicious.

"Does he know where you father is staying!"

He nods

"I want you to tell him you have me!"

That earns a gasp from everyone in the room, Drew stands , fuming like a crazy man.


"Baby what are you thinking?"

Regan did not shout like my brother did but he looks terrified of my suggestion.

"If I go then Grant will take me to Michael, you could follow us there!"

Daydreamer Memories (Book 1 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now