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"Ale!" Reva shouted, waving her hands around in the direction of where the Costa Rican boy was standing near the school grounds, surrounded by girls trying to talk with him and twirling their hair. It was another boring day in Passaic Valley High School, and Ebun and Reva were just coming into school after meeting up on the bus.

"This boy is so fucking blind," Ebun sighed, rolling her eyes at Reva's desperate attempt to catch Alejandro's attention.

"Alejandro Rosario, if you don't come here right now I'm gonna beat your ass!" Reva screamed.

This seemed to have worked ("Thank fuck," Reva thought) as Alejandro turned his head in surprise and noticed two of his best friends, one of them waving at him like a madman and the second with her arms crossed, not looking impressed. The girls watched as Alejandro kindly told the fangirls to fuck off("Sorry girls, I have to go. I'll see you guys around school, yeah?") and began to walk in Ebun and Reva's direction.

"We've literally been calling your damn name for a whole 10 minutes!" Reva scolded.

"You know you don't want anything to do with those girls, why are you always so nice to them?" Ebun joined, narrowing her eyes at the boy infront of them.
"You don't actually, like them, do you?"

Alejandro scoffed and rolled his eyes, a small but noticeable smile on his face.

"Damn, calm the fuck down, of course I don't like them, they're so annoying!"

"No shit." Reva deadpanned.

"Anyways, we need to get to registration soon, it's already 8:25."

"Well done Sherlock, you figured it out." Ebun also deadpanned.

"You two are gonna turn out like those fangirls of mine if you don't fix that attitude."

Reva gasped with mock shock.

"How dare you compare us to those girls! I'm so ashamed!"

"Don't worry, you're so much better than them."

"Oh is that so?" Reva grinned.

Ebun giggled, a smile showimg upon her face and rolled her eyes.

"Come on guys, stop flirting and let's get to class already." and with that she began to walk towards the school gates.

Alejandro and Reva were frozen in place, their jaws dropping to the floor and a deep blush quickly came upon both their faces.

"W-what? W-we weren't f-flirting we..." Reva stuttered.

"W-we just- what the hell-" Alejandro struggled to form his sentence.

Ebun walked through the gates and shouted to her two friends over her shoulder.

"I swear to God if you two lovebirds don't come the fuck here right now, I will leave you guys alone here and go find Mattia."

Not wanting to make the situation anymore embarrassing, Reva and Alejandro briskly walked over to walk next to Ebun, Alejandro on one side and Reva on the other.

"See, that wasn't that hard was it?" Ebun grinned, pressing her fob on the door and opening it to get into the school building.

"Fuck you." Reva mumbled.

~~5 minutes later~~

"Can you please tell me why the three of you are late?"

Ebun looked to Reva, who looked at Alejandro.

"Sorry miss." he mumbled.

"Sorry won't cut it, the three of you, see me after school."

"Come on, please miss it won't happen again p-"

"No buts! This is the third time this week this has happened, I can't believe-"

"Miss Smith. Leave them." A sudden voice interrupted their Maths teacher.

'Thank god." Ebun thought.

Mattia Polibio.

Mattia appeared from behind the three friends and placed his right hand around Ebun's waist.

"Mattia, you're also late. You also will be staying behind after school. This doesn't concern you."

"Well actually it does, do you know who the principal is?"

Miss Smith rolled her eyes as if he was asking her something stupid.

"Of course, Mr Pol-"

"Yeah. Mr Polibio. In fact, that's actually my dad. I'm guessing you already know this, but do you think he would like it if he heard from his own son that one of the teachers were not being fair to three of his students?"

Miss Smith was speechless. She glared at Mattia with ice in her eyes, however she knew she couldn't argue because her job was on the line. Moving away from the door, she went back to sit down at her desk, and continued her marking.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Alejandro, Reva, Mattia and Ebun entered the classroom, going to sit down in their seats: Reva and Alejandro sat next to each other at the back, and also at the back was where Ebun and Mattia sat next to each other.

"Thanks babe." she whispered to him.

"Anything for you." he said with a smile, creeping to her desk and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.

Watching from afar, Alejandro rolled his eyes, and turned to Reva.

"They're so sappy," he said.

"Yeah, but I guess it's cute. I kinda want a relationship like that."

Alejandro hummed in agreement and faced the front, thinking about what life would be like if he had a girlfriend. It would probably be really cool : hanging out, going out, making out. He quietly laughed to himself and sighed, slouching down in his seat. Like that was ever gonna happen. All the girls in the school just wanted him for his looks, nothing else. And even if some girls (and he doubted it) wanted him for his own personality, none of the girls in the school were his type anyway. The only people who truly liked him for being the way he was Ebun and Reva, and he definitely couldn't date either of them. Ebun wasn't his type, and anyway, she was already dating Mattia. Reva.....well. Even though she was single and did have quite the looks, he could never date her. They were best friends! Not boyfriend and girlfriends. He could never think of dating her.......could he??

"Ok class, once you've finished the worksheet, begin to pack away, and get ready to watch a film on the history of Maths. Alejandro, your mother has requested us to tell you that you should check your text messages. She says it's important."

Alejandro nodded and got up from his seat, packing his books away. 'I wonder what that's about.' he thought to himself.

~~1 hour later~~

The bell rang and all the students rushed towards the door, their goal to get out of the boring lesson.

"Hey! The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Miss Smith yelled.

But who the fuck listens to Miss Smith?

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