chapter 6

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Sorry for such a late update, I was really busy over the weekend. Hopefully i can update more this week, but maybe not on weekends unless I have time. Thanks for reading!!

Alejandro and Reva got back in the car and began the journey back to Ebun's house. Hopefully Ebun and Mattia were done with

~~Meanwhile at Ebun's house~~

The couple lay in the bed together, arms wrapped around each other's bodies, currently just talking about life.

"Ya know," Ebun started. "Is it just me or has there been so much sexual tension between Ale and Reva?"

She felt Mattia's chuckle from his chest.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. Like can't they just fuck already?"

Ebun laughed.

"I know right."

The two of them in the bed together, enjoying each other's company until Ebun decided to grab her phone that lay on the bed side table to check the time.

"Oh fuck!"

Mattia jolted in Ebun's hold, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Babe, what is it?"

Ebun untangled herself from Mattia's arms and hurriedly attempted to throw on her clothes (attempted to because she was struggling to throw her shirt over her head). Giving up, she grabbed her jeans and shirt, and turned around to face Mattia who was sat up in the bed.

"It's already 8 fucking 30!"

Mattia's eyes widened.

"Shit!" He exclaimed.

He quickly got out of the bed and proceeded to grab his clothes that were scattered all over the floor.

"Reva and Ale are gonna be back any time from now, so we need to hurry the fuck up!"


The two of them, both half naked, rushed out of the guest bedroom with their clothes clutched in their hands.

"Let's go change in the bathroom!" Ebun suggested.

She ran downstairs (there was already a bathroom in her bedroom but she had a much bigger one on the ground floor) and Mattia followed close behind. They were just about to open the bathroom door when a voice was heard.

"Oh my god."


"Seriously guys? We were out for so long and you two aren't even dressed?"


Ebun nervously chuckled.


Reva rolled her eyes.

"I don't even care anymore at this point. Imma give you two 5 fucking seconds to get changed and help me and Alejandro with this shit."

She gestured to the bags that she held in her hands and then gave Ebun and Mattia the dirtiest glare she could muster.


"Ok ok ok we'll be fast," Mattia quickly said: Reva may be a shy girl but you did not want to get on her bad side.

Ebun and Mattia hurriedly went inside the bathroom, murmuring about whateverthefuck as they entered.

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