chapter 13

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I'm so so sooooo sorry, I've not updated for like 2 weeks, I just have no idea what to write, dw it's not like I'm gonna discontinue the book or anything, i have so much planned but there are gonna be a couple filler chapters until we actually get the drama yk. n e wayz, enjoyyy


 With a few items in their hands, Reva and Alejandro entered the Rosario household. They weren't gone for too long but they were gone for long enough that all the children that were watching the movie had fallen fast asleep.

"Ah," Rosa started, getting up from her seat on the couch. "I see the two of you have returned. Did you like it, Reva?"

Reva smiled, tightening her hold on Alejandro's hand.

"I loved it."

Rosa smiled back.

"I'm glad."

Alejandro and Reva walked further into the house, closing and locking the door at the same time. It was starting to get more and more late, but it was okay: Reva was going to be sleeping here anyway.

"I'm going to go take the kids upstairs, and then the two of you can do stuff with the other teenagers here. The rest of us adults will be in the lounge."

"Okay," Reva and Alejandro said.

Rosa carried a bunch of children in her arms (how the hell-) and then took them upstairs.

"So," Alejandro started. "What do y'all wanna do?"

"Truth or dare?" Alex suggested.

"Yeah," Reva grinned, nodding.

There were six teenagers: Elena, Alex, Lance, Keith, Lance's boyfriend (A/N ifykyk) and to finish off their little group was Reva and Alejandro, never leaving each other's side for the entire night.

The six of them created a fairly big circle on the floor of the living room and began the game.

"Alright I'll start. Babe," Alejandro started, turning to look at Reva. "Truth or Dare?"

Reva slightly blushed at the pet name but decided not to think more on it.

"Uhhh, truth."

"Okay, uhh....what's your biggest pet peeve?"

Reva laughed.

"Oh that one's easy. It pisses me off so much when people talk with their mouth full, like damn if you wanna talk try swallowing first!"

The group laughed and agreed with Reva.

"Okkkk, Lance, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare. I never back down from a challenge." he smirked.

"Oh really?" Reva grinned. "Ale, there's alcohol right?"

Alejandro nodded.

"Yeah there's loads."

"Whatcha got?"

"Uhhh, whiskey, liquor, beer, wine....."

"Good. Lance, I want you to chug the whiskey from the bottle until it's empty. I don't care how much is left."

The whole group "ooOOOOOO"ed as Lance's eyes slightly widened, however it was gone in a second.

"Alright then. Ale, get me the whiskey." he said, standing up to follow Alejandro.

Alejandro got up from the floor and walked over to the kitchen, Lance close behind. He opened up a closet and pulled out a bottle. He then shook it to see how much is inside.

"You're lucky, barely more than half so Keith doesn't have to deal with a blackout drunk Lance tonight." he chuckled.

Taking the bottle from Alejandro, he smirked.

"This is gonna be a piece of cake. Guys! Come watch me do this is 5 seconds!"

Different comments filled the room and the people in the living room got up to get to the kitchen.

"Lance, you know you can't drink that in 5 seconds..."

"Yeah right."

"Mhmm, of course you can, Lance."

Lance pouted.

"Rude. Anyways, watch this!"

He unscrewed the cap and began to drink.

He was doing great....for the first 3 seconds. He was starting to get red in the face and whiskey was dripping down his face. Not able to continue any longer, Lance removed his mouth from the bottle, only having drunk a quarter of the fiery beverage.

"Yep. Knew it." Alex grinned.

"No! You knew nothing! I just...took a break!" Lance defended. "I'll continue later. Now let's get on with the game, alright?"

He did not, in fact, continue later.

The game went on for about an hour full of all kinds of truths and dares, but eventually they were getting tired. 

"Guys, I think we should get to bed..." Keith yawned.

"Yeah..." Elena agreed, also yawning.

Lance was pretty tipsy and had a firm hold on Keith.

"B-babe i wanna sleep now...."

"Yeah we will, come on."

Lance and Keith got up, and so did the rest of the group.

"Good night guys," Alejandro smiled.

"Good night."

The six of them went upstairs but then turned different ways in the corridor; Lance and Keith being in the same room and Reva and Alejandro being in the same room. Alejandro closed the door behind them and locked it. 

"Did you have fun?" he smiled.


"Good. I don't know about you but I'm so fucking tired."

Alejandro took off his shirt and threw it in the laundry basket.

"Same. As fun as today was, it's been so long." Reva said, managing not to stutter at the sight of Alejandro's abs. She went to her bag at the back of the room and pulled out her pjs. Taking off her clothes, she changed into the comfortable shorts and top. Meanwhile, Alejandro took off his jeans and wore his shorts as well.

"I hope you don't mind me being shirtless." he asked.


Reva did mind.

A lot.

How the hell was she supposed to repress her feeling if she has Alejandro's bare chest pressed against her all night?

"No I don't mind." Reva fake-smiled, pulling the covers back on the bed and slipping in under the sheets.

"Cool." Alejandro replied, getting in next to her.

"Night Ale."

"Night Reva."


sorry if there are any mistakes i didn't reread :)

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