chapter 19

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slight warning for this chapter, read at your own risk i guess


Reva left Ebun's house hours later: she spent time with her for long enough until it got dark, but she didn't feel like staying over. She just wanted some time for herself, to be honest.  She said goodbye to Ebun's parents after declining Ebun's dad when he asked her if she wanted a ride home, and then left the house. Her house wasn't too far away so she decided to walk. Taking a deep sigh, she walked along the pavement for 10 minutes, taking the different turns that she had memorized for so many years that would eventually lead to her home. She took the final turn, and then all she had to do was walk down a long road, and then she would reach her house.

But there was one problem.

Usually, Reva would come home from the other side of the long road: this was when she took an Uber or went the long way. But the side that she was walking from wasn't the best place to be.

All kinds of people roamed these streets: drug dealers, robbers, stabbers, you name it. Technically, Reva should be with someone right now, and that would usually be Alejandro, because he would walk her home. But looking at their situation at the moment, it wasn't the best of ideas to call him right now. 

Reva cautiously walked down the road, going as fast as she could but not going too fast to make it look like she was running. 

"Only a few more minutes," she whispered to herself. "A few more minutes then I'll be there."

She went a little bit faster, but then she shivered suddenly, feeling as if someone was behind her. She briskly turned around, but there was no one there.


It was okay. All she needed to do was get to her house. She had done this before, right? She was fine.

She continued walking, until suddenly she heard a voice behind her.

"What're you doing out here at this time of the night, baby?"

Reva froze.

Alejandro was the only one who called her baby.

And that definitely wasn't Alejandro.

"Go away!" she shouted, not turning around and increasing her pace.

"What, you think I'm gonna hurt you? Nah, I ain't like that."

Ok. Reva wasn't going to lie, this guy sounded kinda hot.

She slowly turned around to see.......

Chase Hudson.

Probably the biggest fuckboy in the town. 

But equally the most dangerous.

He fucked a different girl every day. Once he had a lady, they never lasted. But then every girl that he was with disappeared, never to be seen again. And no one knew why. But every girl wanted him. And Reva understood the reaspn.

"Chase, I-I don't wanna talk to you, alright? I wanna go home." she said, looking at him from a far distance.

"Oh, so you know me?" he smirked, walking closer. "I don't think I know you though. What's your name?"

Reva took a few steps back. She didn't want to expose herself as much as she already was but...what could possibly go wrong?


"Oh, Reva." he chuckled, getting closer. "Didn't you date that Alejandro dude?"

"Well, yeah...."

"I'm guessing he was a shitty boyfriend, right?"


"I think I could do better." Chase smirked, finally stopping in front of Reva.

Reva looked up to see his icy blue eyes staring into her soul as she looked up at him.

"I-I'm not looking for a relationship right now. And anyways, you're not my type."

Chase laughed. 

"Oh. Well if you don't wanna fuck, then let's hang out." he said, placing his hands onto her waist.

Reva immediately slapped Chase's hands off of her body.

"Don't touch me."

"Ooh, feisty. Are you the same in bed?"

"S-shut up." Reva stuttered.

"Alright, I'll shut up. Now let's go." he said, firmly grabbing her arm.

What. The fuck.

"No!" Reva shouted, trying to pull away but Chase's grip was too hard.

"That was an order, pretty lady."

Chase continued to pull at her arm, dragging her back down where she had previously walked from, the opposite direction to her house.

"Get the fuck off me!"

Reva tried to kick him in the stomach was Chase was too quick: he grabbed her foot and threw it back to the ground. Reva was about to try a different tactic of escaping, until Chase did something Reva had hoped would never happen to her in her life.

He pulled out a knife.

A sharp, 11-inch long knife.

Reva stopped moving.

Chase inspected the knife, as if it was like a flower to him, grinning devilishly.

"Now..." he started, twirling the knife around in his hand.

"I wonder how much blood you'll lose if I dragged this knife across your throat."

He put the knife to Reva's neck, inches away from touching her bare skin.

"Do you wanna find out?" he whispered.

"N-no." Reva whimpered, silent as ever.

"Great." Chase said, pulling away the knife from Reva and putting it into a sheath that he had attached to his belt.

"So why don't you come with me? If not we can always find out the answer to our investigation?"

Reva had no choice.

"Let's go t-then." she whispered.

"Good." Chase smirked.

He made his grip on her arm slightly harder, and then pulled her into the depths of the night.


ok so imma just say this is not how i expected to write the story, but this idea came into my head and I was like "what if I kinda made this dark"

so yeah, i won't make it too dark cos obviously some people don't like reading that, but expect some more stuff like this is future chapters

feel free to stop reading at any point, or tell me if I should change anything

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