chapter 23

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(hello shania, enjoy ❤)
uhh before i go on with this chapter, just wanna say the beginnings gonna be a lil....steamy

not too bad but, just a warning

pls i don't write like this alot don't bully me 😭

anyways enjoy :)


~~the next morning~~

"Mmm, Ale......"

Reva gasped as Alejandro's tongue dragged along her neck, digging her fingers into his back.

"You're so hot...."

Alejandro smothered her body with kisses, a little peck of his lips traveling all the way down to her inner thighs. She held on to the hispanic boy's shoulders and bit her lip, trying to suppress the moans that threatened to leave her mouth.

However, Alejandro noticed this. He removed his red, swollen lips from Reva's thighs and looked up at her with a smirk.

"I wanna hear you. Don't hold back."

He moved upwards back to the girl's neck, and began to suck slowly on the sensitive skin that was there, giving her a dark, purple hickey. ( A/N REVA OR ANYONE ELSE IF THIS SHIT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE PLEASE TELL ME TO STOP HDJHDKD)

This time Reva couldn't help it. A loud, sinful moan left her mouth as she arched her back, allowing Alejandro more access to her neck.


She smiled in bliss, closing her eyes.


She cautiously opened one eye, wondering why Alejandro repeated himself.


Both of her eyes were open now.

"Ale..are you-"


Reva's body jolted as she sat up in the bed, Alejandro standing at her bedroom door.

"I...what?" she mumbled, confused but still tired.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, the concern evident in his eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Why'd you ask?"

"Well i heard some noises from the guest room and I thought you were having a nightmare or something so I came here to check on you." he explained. "You were tossing and turning in the bed and it was like you were.... complaining about something."

That wasn't complaining, Ale. That was moaning.

"Oh uh..." Reva scratched her head. "I'm not sure what-"

Then it hit her.

The dream.

About Alejandro.

"Oh shit." she whispered to herself, falling back onto the bed and groaned.

"What? What is it?"

"Oh it's nothing I just...had a bad dream."

Alejandro's eyes softened.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"NO!" Reva exclaimed, shooting up in the bed the second time that morning. "Wait- I mean because i don't think it's that important."

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