chapter 12: valentines Special

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hey guys, happy valentines day, i, obviously have a valentine and his name is mattia polibio (i wish) n e wayz, im so sorry i haven't updated in like four days, im not the best at keeping track of time lol, but uh, yeah, enjoy the chapter! let me know what y'all think in the comments and votes are nice as well :)


The house was pretty quiet...for now.It had been about 3 hours since Reva and Alejandro had arrived but food wasn't really going to be ready soon since there was a lot to prepare and loads of people to cook for. However, this was still fine since Reva wasn't dying of hunger or anything. Alejandro was getting changed into more suitable clothes, but Reva was wearing a nice red top with skinny jeans, and then wearing her Converses. It wasn't that bad of an outfit so thankfully she didn't need to waste time and change. She was sat on the couch with a few other people, them mostly being small children. Remembering something, she pulled out her phone and quickly texted Mattia.


Have you got everything ready?


Yeah, I'm just showing up to Ebun's. She'll love the surprise.

Reva smiled and was grateful that she had such a kind friend and Ebun had such a loving boyfriend. Because it was Valentines Day, Mattia had prepared a surprise for Ebun, including many different assortments of presents and some quality couple time. Ebun had originally said that she didn't really want to do anything today, and she just felt like staying in bed, but Mattia had other plans. He lied to her that his parents needed him so that he could set up the surprise for her. Ebun was going to have the shock of her life.


I love the things you do for Ebun, Mattia. Thank you.


It's no biggie. Now have fun, I'm at the door.


Thanks, you too.


Hey bro, I hope you got the stuff for Reva.

Reva frowned. Huh?


Uhhh, Mattia? What do you mean...


Oh shit uh ignore that sorry wrong person bye




Mattia answer me right now, what do you mean!?

Reva groaned at the lack of answer and thought a bit about what his text had meant. 'The stuff for me.....' she thought. Who would be getting stuff for her? She wasn't dating anyone.......oh wait. Alejandr-

"Weva! Hi!"

Reva turned her head to see a small girl running up to her. Realising who she was, the matter that she had been contemplating only a second ago disappeared from her mind as she giggled  and hugged the small girl that ran into her arms.

"Hey Maria! I haven't seen you in ages!"

Maria was Alejandro's niece, daughter of his brother, Alex(A/N i lowkey forgot ale's brother's name so oop-and obviously Alex is going to be much older) and the last time Reva had seen her was the last time they had a family dinner, which was about a year ago.

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