chapter 11

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After about 10 minutes of changing and packing clothes (they always had emergency clothes prepared for them in Ebun's house) both Reva and Alejandro were ready to leave. Alejandro's mom had texted him, saying that the dinner was going to start at 9 so they should come and help her prepare. However, neither of them spoke about the event that had happened earlier on.

"I'm uh-ready to go.." Reva quietly told Alejandro, avoiding eye contact and had a small but noticeable blush displayed upon her face.

"Alright..." he replied, knowing that the two of them were thinking the same thoughts at the moment.

Ebun was feeling lazy as fuck today but couldn't chill at Mattia's because he had a shit ton of stuff to do with his parents, so she decided to just stay in bed all day: her parents weren't going to be coming back until Monday anyway, and it was only Saturday.

"You two have fun," she smirked as she relaxed on her bed.

Reva rolled her eyes, knowing the hidden meaning behind Ebun's words.

"Yeah, thanks," she said sarcastically.

"I'll call an Uber to drop us off at mine," Alejandro said, not noticing the silent conversation between Ebun and Reva.

"Okay," Reva smiled at him.

"Bye guys!" Ebun grinned.

"Bye!" Alejandro and Reva said in unison(however Reva said it with less energy) as they left Ebun's room. As they made their way downstairs, Alejandro called an Uber and the two of them waited outside for it to arrive, simultaneously letting in the cleaners that Mattia had been speaking to earlier.

"So..." Alejandro started.

"Soo....." Reva thought her shoes were very interesting to look at right now.

"I don't-"

"Maybe we-"

The two of them spoke at the same time and chuckled when they cut each other off.

"Let's just.......pretend none of this ever happened," he offered, a small smile on his face.

"Okay," Reva grinned sheepishly.

2 minutes later, the Uber arrived and the two of them got into the car. They both sat at the back because......well there was no denying it, was there? They just wanted to be close to each other.

Thankfully, Alejandro's place wasn't too far from Ebun's house; they usually had Mattia drive them everywhere anyway.

In less than 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of a reasonably large house, with a small field surrounding it.

"Here you go, guys."


The two of them got out of the car, bags in hand, and the first thing that happened was a small woman running up to Alejandro and giving him a great big hug.

"Ay, dios mio, mi hijo!"

"Woah mamá, sí, sé que no me has visto en mucho tiempo, ¡pero solo ha pasado un día!"

"Si si, pero te extrañe!"

"Yo también te extrañé, mamá." Alejandro smiled.

'Damn," Reva thought. 'It was really fucking hot whenever Alejandro spoke Spanish. Apart from the fact that she had no idea what the fuck they just said, she wanted Alejandro to speak Spanish to her every day. But of course, when pigs fly she'll make that move.

"And Reva, how nice it is to see you!"

"You too Mrs Rosario."

"Reva, I tell you this every time I see you! Call me Rosa," she smiled as they walked into the house.

Alejandro and Reva were tackled with hugs from the entire family, all little cousins and aunties and uncles included: many of them had travelled all the way from Costa Rica, so they most definitely had missed Alejandro. They even missed Reva, she was always a nice addition to the family. After the whole reunion part of this was finished, Rosa pulled Alejandro to the side for a quick word.

"So where's your girlfriend?"

Alejandro smiled.

"Reva is my girlfriend."

Leaving his mother with her jaw dropped to the floor, Alejandro then shouted,

"Now let's get this party started!"

He was replied with a chorus of whoops and cheers from the family.

"I always wanted you two to date!" Rosa exclaimed, smiling widely.


i didn't proof read this so sorry for any errors :)

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