chapter 21

706 16 22

^bruh did i even spell that right

oh well enjoy the story




Reva jolted as her eyes blinked open. She dragged a hand down her face and groaned: her entire body hurt and she had a pounding headache. Looking above her, she saw the blue celiling of her bedroom.

She was home.

"Are you ok?"

She may have been awake but she wasn't awake enough to realise who was speaking.

"Uh.....could have been better...." she muttered, closing her eyes again.

"Yeah sorry, that's uh- that's a stupid question."

The two of them stayed silent for a few moments, the mystery person holding Reva gently in their arms. She wanted to stay like that forever until she realised this person could literally be anyone.

Maybe even Chase.

Slowly untangling her body from the person's hold, she opened her eyes once again and turned around to see someone she didn't expect to see in a while.


Alejandro did a small smile (A/N debby ryan type beat) and shrugged his shoulders. Although his face looked quite busted up, as if he had been in a fight of some sort.


Reva rolled her eyes, a slight grin present on her face. As much as she didn't want to believe it, she missed him.

A lot.

"So uh...." Reva started avoiding eye contact. "You wanna tell me what happened?"

Alejandro sighed.



Alejandro stormed down the road leading away from Ebun's house. Mattia was so goddamn stubborn. Why couldn't he understand that he was allowed to hang out with other people?

Controlling asshole.

Ebun wasn't any better.

Continuing down the road, he widened his eyes at what he had just thought, and slightly decreased his speed.

What was he thinking?

Best friends of 5 years, and he was here calling them assholes?

Alejandro sighed.

He needed a drink.

Pulling out his phone, he saw an Instagram post from Chase Hudson's spam.

Pulling out his phone, he saw an Instagram post from Chase Hudson's spam

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