chapter 29

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hi guys....lets pretend the last time i updated wasn't the beginning of september yeah? yeah ❤️ now lets get on with the story, shall we?



"Rise and shine, butterfly."

Reva opened her eyes to the soft voice beside her, turning her head to see Alejandro softly smiling at her.

"Good morning," he said, taking Reva's hand in his own.

"Morning Ale," she replied, turning around to face him. She blushed at the intimate contact but didn't say anything.

"Ready for school?"

Reva rolled her eyes.

"Of course not, school is so shitty."

"Yeah, but at least we get to see Mattia and Ebun, right? And Kairi too."

"True." Reva sighed, closing her eyes once again.

The two of them lay in a comfortable silence, thinking about each other and what the future held for them, until their thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of a knock at Reva's bedroom door. They immediately let go of the other's hand before Reva could let the person in.

"Come in!"

The door then opened.

"Good morning guys, time to get ready for school."

Reva's mom leaned against the door frame, smiling at the sight of her daughter and Alejandro in the bed.

"Good morning," Alejandro said politely.

"Good morning mom, we'll get ready in a sec. 5 more minutes?"

Her mom chuckled.

"Okay honey, but make sure i don't have to come back in here in 20 minutes time and you two are still in bed."

"Yes ma'am."

"We know, mom."

"Good. I'll see you two later, alright? If you need me I'll be in the kitchen."

Reva's mom left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Alejandro turned to face Reva once again.

"You ready?"


They both got out of the bed, Reva blushing as she saw Alejandro's bare chest.

"You wanna shower first or should I?" Alejandro asked.

However, Reva was too focused on Alejandro's abs to realise she had been asked a question. But she did notice Alejandro began to walk closer, and closer, and closer. She slowly lifted her head to see his tall figure standing over her.

"You like what you see?" he smirked.

Reva's mind immediately went to Valentine's Day, where he had asked the same thing. This time, she stopped herself from giving him the stupid answer of "yes" and instead, saying something a bit more snarky.

"Nope. You're just really ugly, I couldn't help but stare at how ugly you are." she grinned.

Alejandro rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Oh really? Then why are you drooling?"


"What?!" Reva exclaimed. "I'm not-" she quickly reached up her hand to touch her lips, and was quick to realise that her saliva had somehow escaped her mouth. She quickly wiped her mouth in embarrassment, turning away from Alejandro and avoiding eye contact.

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