chapter 10

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Alejandro ran into another room where he could quickly get out of his clothes to take a shower -if you want to know why Reva or Alejandro didn't just sleep in this room, ask him, maybe he knows the reason why ;). Since there was already a bathroom in that room, once he was out of his clothes he entered the bathroom and proceeded to have a quick shower. Meanwhile,  Reva ran into Ebun's room(Ebun was still asleep so she didn't make too much noise) that was thankfully just next to the guest room. But her bag wasn't there.

"What the hell....where did I leave my stuff?" she pondered out loud, but then rubbing her head soon after due to the headache she still had.

Mattia was still in the guest room, sitting on the bed and scrolling through Instagram on his phone. Hearing Reva's queries, he decided to help.

"Check the kitchen, I think I saw your bag there or something. Better hope nobody saw it or messed it up," he shouted.

"I doubt it, but thanks!" she called back.

Hoping her bag wasn't fucked up, she decided to go downstairs to see if it was there: that was where her spare clothes were after all. Being cautious of the mess that covered the entire living room, Reva slipped on her fluffy slippers and went downstairs. And thankfully, she found it in the kitchen. No random shit was covering it due to the coat that lay on top of it that would have protected it from any drunk teenagers.

'How the hell.....I must have brought it downstairs somehow last night,' she thought to herself.

Grabbing her bag, she made her way back upstairs. While she was in the corridor, she took a quick glance at her phone so she could check the time.

"Shit, I need to hurry."

She ran down the corridor, and went into another one of the spare rooms so she can change and have her shower(and unfortunately, nobody told her that this was the room that Alejandro was having his shower in). Since there was no lock on the door, she decided to change in the bathroom, just in case.

Alejandro had just finished his shower, thankfully he didn't take too long. He grabbed one of the spare towels that hung behind the door and wrapped it around his waist(he may be by himself but you never know who could walk into the room) and was about to to open the door when he realised that he didn't actually have any clothes to change into: he was stupid enough not to bring clothes for the day after the party.


He decided that he'll ask Mattia for a hoodie or some shit, and then he can get changed when he came home. Alejandro heard the door to the spare room the bathroom was in open, and so he assumed it was Mattia.

"Hey Mattia can you get me-"

As he began his sentence he opened the door and proceeded to jog forward, but instead, he crashed into Reva. The two of them crashed to the floor, the clothes in Reva's hand falling to the floor. Unfortunately for Alejandro, those clothes weren't the only thing that fell.

"Ow....fuck...shit, sorry Ale,"

Reva rubbed her arm: she had hit it pretty hard on the floor. Proceeding to check if Alejandro was alright, she lifted her head to see a very......naked.....Alejandro. She scrambled to her feet and kept her head straight forward, her eyes not once looking down to the body on the floor in front of her(or did they...?).


Her face couldn't get any redder.

Alejandro quickly grabbed the towel that now lay next to him, instead of around him, and threw i over his body, covering anything that...didn't need to be seen.

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