chapter 25

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It was the end of the day and the group decided to go to Alejandro's house to fully plan out what was going to happen.

"Get in losers, we're going shopping!"

Ebun, Reva and Alejandro, who had just finished taking their things from their lockers and were leaving the school gates, looked up in shock as they heard a loud beep. To their surprise, they saw Mattia in Alejandro's car. (A/N lowkey don't remember if i mentioned that ale had a car, so if i didn' you know) The windows was rolled down with his arm hanging out of it, and the vehicle was sat in the middle of the road.

"I- What the fuck?!" Alejandro exclaimed, not really angry but a little annoyed.

"Did I fucking stutter? I said get in!"

Reva laughed and began to walk forward but was roughly pulled back by Alejandro, his hand maintaining a firm grip on her arm.

"Not until you tell me why the fuck you're in my car! How did you even get my keys? Don't you have your own car?"

"Ale, how I got them doesn't matter, what does matter is all of you guys getting the hell in this goddamn car before someone gets pissed!" Mattia gestured to the line of angry cars behind him, all continuously beeping their horns.

"Dude what-"

"Ale! You're hurting me!"

Alejandro looked down to see a teary-eyed Reva looking up at him in fear. He soon realised that he was still holding onto her arm. Tight.

"Oh shit-" Alejandro quickly removed his hand from Reva, an apologetic look on his face. "Reva I'm so-"

"Save it." she muttered, briskly walking towards the car and getting inside, sitting at the back.

Alejandro attempted to get in next to her when he was firmly pulled back.

He looked over at Ebun who stood beside him, .

"I didn't mean-"

"You've done enough." she spat, walking to the car and opening the door. She got into the car and sat next to Reva, closing the door.

"Welllllll, if you had just gotten in the car-"

"Don't you start." Alejandro scowled, going over to the car and yanking open the passenger seat door, sitting down and slamming the door behind him.

Reva's POV

"You okay?" Ebun whispered to her best friend.

"Yeah. Just a little.....shaken up." she said, putting on her seatbelt and quickly wiping at her eyes. "I'll be fine."

The entire car ride was silent, with no one wanting to talk to each other. Obviously they were all going to make up at one point but it wasn't going to be right now.

20 minutes later

"Alright....we're here...." Mattia said awkwardly, the tension still remaining with the four of them.

No one said anything until Reva decided to speak up.

"Guys. Can we not?"

Everyone understood what she meant.

"Yeah," Alejandro stated. "We don't wanna cause any problems."

"Yeah, like you can talk." Ebun sneered.

"Guys." Reva raised her voice. "I said can we not."

After a few moments, Ebun and Alejandro responded with a small "yeah" while Mattia just nodded. Not like he was involved anyway.

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