chapter 17

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Ok so um I just wanna apologize because I haven't updated for like, 3 weeks and I know I should be updating every day, but lately with this stupid corona shit and being on lockdown and stuff like that I've just not been in the mood ya know? but i mean there's not really an excuse, i know. n e wayz, imma stop talking and let y'all enjoy the story <3


The couple walked down the school corridor and saw Reva and Alejandro talking by the lockers, like Reva said they'd be.

"Hey lovebirds," Ebun smirked.

"Hey lovebirds number 2," Alejandro replied with a grin, stopping his conversation with Reva and turned to face Ebun and Mattia.

"Hey guys..." Reva said quietly.

Ebun was about to say something smart and snappy like she usually would but then she saw the look on Reva's face.

"Reva?" she asked, concerned.

Reva looked up at Ebun.


"You okay?"

Mattia and Alejandro also looked at Reva and noticed something was off.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" Mattia queried.

Reva smiled.

"Oh uh, yeah I'm fine."

Ebun however, had known Reva all her life, so it was pretty obvious to her that that smile was fake, and something was up.

"Ok cool. Reva can I talk to you for a sec?" she asked, however, it wasn't really a question, she said it as more of a statement.

"Um, yeah, sure." Reva said, moments later being pulled over to the other side of the corridor.

"Ok, spit it out. What's going on?" Ebun questioned.

"I uhh..."

The bell rang.

"We'll catch you guys later, aight?" Mattia called over.

"Yeah sure whatever." Ebun said, not even paying attention to her boyfriend.

"O...kayy, bye then!" Alejandro said, walking off with Mattia.

"Yeah bye- Reva you better tell me the fucking truth because I know something's up with you."

Reva sighed.

"It's just-Ale...."

Ebun's face softened.

"What's he done now?"

"He- He said that Katie is gonna be a much better girlfriend than me, since what we are is only fake."

Ebun frowned.

"That son of a-"

"No no Ebun, it's not like that, I'm just being stupid. My feelings are getting in the way of my head and I'm overthinking things and I'm so goddamn dumb and ugly and there's no way Ale even likes me in the slightest and-"

"Shut the fuck up. Look at me."

Reva looked Ebun in the eye.

"Fuck what anyone has ever said to you. You should know that you are so fucking beautiful, you have the best personality of anyone I've ever met. I would literally choose you over Mattia because sisters before misters, am I right?"

Reva smiled at that.

"Don't you ever, let anyone tell you you're ugly, or a bad person, or anything negative, because I know for a fact, from being your best friend for 10 years, that you are the best human being to ever exist on this planet, you got that?"

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