chapter 27

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Alejandro sat sulkily in his chair, slouched down in the uncomfortable seat that the school provided them with. He bit his lip in frustration as the sound of his History teacher droning on about the background of America or some shit began to get annoying. He checked his phone for the 7th time that lesson, hoping to get a response from Reva, but no luck. She hadn't said anything, or even read his messages.

I hope she's alright.....

Alejandro turned his head to look behind him, making eye contact with Mattia, and smiling at the image of Ebun sleeping on his shoulder.

"Heard anything from Reva yet?" he whispered.


However before Mattia could say anything, he was immediately cut off by the teacher, Miss Miller.

"Mattia and Alejandro, mind sharing your conversation with the class?"

Alejandro turned back around to face the front and looked at his History teacher.

"No.." they both mumbled.

"I thought so. Anyway, as I was saying, before I was rudely," she fixed a stern glare onto both Alejandro and Mattia. "interrupted, the- wait a minute."

Alejandro's face grew into one of confusion as the teacher walked over to where Mattia was.

Ebun. Fuck, she's sleeping.

The entire class was silent as they watched the teacher approach Ebun. Mattia was already trying to shake her awake but he couldn't without making it too obvious. Miss Miller stopped at Ebun's desk and scoffed at the sight of her snoring. She then pushed her arm, making her fall off of Mattia's shoulder and bang her head onto the table.

The entire class gasped.

"What the fuck!" Ebun exclaimed, groaning as she rubbed her head.

"Baby are you okay?" Mattia took Ebun's face in his hands and caressed her cheeks, placing a soft kiss upon her forehead.

"I think I got a fucking concussion..."

"Ebun, I will not tolerate sleeping in my lessons. And neither will I tolerate profanity, so watch your language." 

It was an understatement to say Mattia was mad.

He was fucking pissed.

"Miss Miller." he seethed, getting up from his chair in anger.

Ebun grabbed his hand.

"Baby wait-"

"I mean this in the nicest way possible." he shook off Ebun's hand from his and approached his teacher with a glare.

"Are you fucking insane?"

"Mattia! I do not appreciate this approach-"

"Oh fuck what you appreciate! You really think you can hurt my girlfriend and get away with it? I think the fuck not."

Mattia was about to do something crazy, punch her, slap her, something along those lines. But we wouldn't know. Because Alejandro grabbed Mattia's arm and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Think about what you're doing. Calm the fuck down and think. Don't do anyhting stupid, for Ebun's sake. Get out of this shit hole so you can relax."

Alejandro's stern tone must have knocked some sense into Mattia's brain, because he took a deep breath, and then stepped away from Miss Miller.

"This type of behaviour is not up to my expectations! I will be reporting you to the principal-"

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